AIX Tip of the Week: September 1999 Announcement Summary
Audience: AIX Administrators, Managers
Date: September 14, 1999
IBM announced new RS/6000 hardware and software this week. The primary
hardware announcement involved the S80, a new copper chip based server,
that triples performance over the S7A, with only twice the CPU's. The
software announcement involved AIX 4.3.3 with significant web and
workload balancing enhancements. For details, see the RS/6000 web
page at www.rs6000.ibm.com. A
following is a summary of the announcements:
RS/6000 S80
RS/6000 B50
SP Power3 SMP Node
RS/6000 T/70
Model Conversions
AIX 4.3.3
Bonus Pack