; ; Altos M1 486/20 CPU Board Configuration File ; BOARD ID = "ACR1381" NAME = "M1 486/20 CPU Board" MFR = "Acer/Altos Computer Systems" CATEGORY = "CPU" SLOT = OTH,"M1_CPU" AMPERAGE = 2300 READID = YES IOCHECK = INVALID DISABLE = UNSUPPORTED COMMENTS = "This board contains a 20MHz 80486 CPU and System BIOS ROM." IOPORT(1) = 022h ;DRAM Controller index register SIZE = BYTE INITVAL = xxxxxxxx IOPORT(2) = 023h ;DRAM Controller data register SIZE = BYTE INITVAL = xxxxxxxx JUMPER(1) = 2 NAME = "JP1" JTYPE = INLINE VERTICAL = NO REVERSE = YES LABEL = LOC(1 2 3) "1" "2" "3" INITVAL = LOC(1^2 2^3) 00 FACTORY = LOC(1^2 2^3) 00 COMMENTS = "This jumper identifies the type of CPU chip installed." HELP = "No jumper means a 80486 CPU is installed, a jumper across pins 1 and 2 means a 80487 CPU, and a jumper installed across pins 2 and 3 means a 80486SX CPU is installed." FUNCTION = "CPU Type" TYPE = "CPU,80486,20" COMMENTS = "The CPU on this board is a 20MHz 80486 with 8KB of internal cache." CHOICE = "20MHz 80486" FUNCTION = "CPU System Memory" TYPE = "MEM,BIOS" CHOICE = "ROM BIOS" FREE MEMORY = 64k ADDRESS = 0F0000h WRITABLE = NO MEMTYPE = SYS CACHE = YES SHARE = NO INIT = PORTADR(22h) 00100001 ;21h - ID register INIT = PORTADR(23h) 00000001 ;Allow access to B1 INIT = PORTADR(22h) 00001001 ;09h INIT = PORTADR(23h) 00000rrr ;64K BIOS size FUNCTION = "Math Coprocessor" TYPE = "NPX,80487" COMMENTS = "The Floating Point Unit is internal to the 80486 CPU and functionally equivalent to the 80387 Numeric Coprocessor." CHOICE = "internal 80487 FPU" FREE IRQ = 13 SHARE = YES TRIGGER = EDGE