;------------------------------------------ ; ; Corollary i486 EISA Base Processor ; Author: JCS ; Revision: 1.8 ; Date: 05/31/91 ; Comments: Production release ; ;------------------------------------------ ; BOARD ID = "COR0109" NAME = "Corollary 486/EISA board (CFG Revision 1.8)" MFR = "COROLLARY" CATEGORY = "SYS" SLOT = EMB(0) READID = YES DISABLE = UNSUPPORTED COMMENTS = "Revision 1.8 Corollary i486 EISA minimum system requires base processor, EISA I/O board, and memory board." HELP = "The base two board set must be in two of the three physical slots 13, 14, and 15. The other base slot may be used for an EISA or ISA board. Physical slots 13, 14 and 15 are logically same for EISA (Logical EISA slot 1). The memory board normally is in physical slot 3 but may be in any slot" ;------------------------- ; Slot Mapping Information ;------------------------- ; physical logical busmaster? type (check this) ; slot slot ; f --> systemboard 1 y eisa ; e --> systemboard 1 y eisa ; d --> systemboard 1 y eisa ; c 2 y eisa ; b 3 y eisa ; a 4 y eisa ; 9 5 y eisa ; 8 6 y eisa ; 7 7 n eisa ; SYSTEM NONVOLATILE = 4096 SLOT(1) = OTH(8) LABEL = "1 N/A" SLOT(2) = OTH(9) LABEL = "2 N/A" SLOT(3) = OTH(10) LABEL = "3 CBUS" SLOT(4) = OTH(11) LABEL = "4 CBUS" SLOT(5) = OTH(12) LABEL = "5 CBUS" SLOT(6) = OTH(13) LABEL = "6 CBUS" SLOT(7) = EISA(7) BUSMASTER = NO SLOT(8) = EISA(6) SLOT(9) = EISA(5) SLOT(10) = EISA(4) SLOT(11) = EISA(3) SLOT(12) = EISA(2) SLOT(13) = EISA(1) LABEL = "13,14,15" ;; SLOT(14) = OTH(14) ;; SLOT(15) = OTH(15) GROUP = "EISA System Information" TYPE = "ISA"; FUNCTION = "Slot Mapping Information" SHOW = NO CHOICE = "Physical Slot Labels" SUBTYPE = "MAP" ; FREEFORM = 30, 6Dh, 6Ch, 6Bh, 6Ah, 69h, 68h, 47h, 0E0h, 0E0h, 0E0h, 0E0h, 0E0h, 0E0h, 0E0h, 0E0h, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ENDGROUP ;---------------------- ; System Board Memory ;--------------------- ; Base memory addressing: ; Range EISA CBUS ; 0-640K Y Y ; 640K-1M Y (ROMs etc.) N ; 1M-8M N Y ; 8M-16M Switch selectable ; 16M-64M N N ; 64M-192M N Y ; 192M-4G Y N ; 4G BIOS & RRD N GROUP = "Memory Usage" FUNCTION = "DOS Compatible RAM" TYPE = "MEM" COMMENTS ="This is the 640K Base Memory compatible with DOS" CHOICE = "640K Base Memory" LINK MEMORY = 640K ADDRESS = 0 MEMTYPE = SYS WRITABLE = YES CACHE = YES ; ; Video memory is used by RRD to directly access Video ; Video is not necessary. This area should be locked up by video card's .cfg ; ; FUNCTION = "Video Memory" ; TYPE = "MEM" ; CHOICE = "Direct access memory for video controllers" ; LINK ; MEMORY = 16K ; ADDRESS = 0B0000h ; MEMTYPE = OTH ; WRITABLE = YES ; CACHE = NO FUNCTION = "Diagnostic RAM, ROM, and BIOS" TYPE = "MEM" COMMENTS = "The system has 32K of RAM at 0E0000h, 32K of ROM at 0E8000h for RRD, and 64K of ROM at 0F0000h for BIOS. This memory is not available for any other use." CHOICE = "RRD and BIOS area" LINK MEMORY = 128k ADDRESS = 0E0000h MEMTYPE = OTHER WRITABLE = NO CACHE = NO FUNCTION = "System Memory at 1MB" TYPE = "MEM" CHOICE = "System Memory at 1MB" LINK MEMORY = 7M ADDRESS = 0100000h MEMTYPE = SYS WRITABLE = YES CACHE = YES ; ; NOTE: do not change the function type MEMEISA as this is used to ; search and program the EISA Memory Select register ; do not make the following function the first one as RRD ; checks only from 2nd function. ; NOTE: RRD banks on C-BUS memory being of type VIR. ; This is to prevent MCS from trying to deallocate ; all banks in order to keep system memory contiguous. ; RRD/BIOS appears at 15MB-16MB. So, we use RRD memtype as OTH ; as RRD banks on C-BUS memory to be of the type VIR FUNCTION = "System Selectable Memory at 8MB" TYPE = "MEMEISA8" CHOICE = "Enable C Bus Memory" FREE MEMORY = 1M ADDRESS = 0800000h MEMTYPE = VIR WRITABLE = YES CACHE = YES CHOICE = "Disable C Bus Memory" DISABLE = YES FUNCTION = "System Selectable Memory at 9MB" TYPE = "MEMEISA9" CHOICE = "Enable C Bus Memory" FREE MEMORY = 1M ADDRESS = 0900000h MEMTYPE = VIR WRITABLE = YES CACHE = YES CHOICE = "Disable C Bus Memory" DISABLE = YES FUNCTION = "System Selectable Memory at 10MB" TYPE = "MEMEISAA" CHOICE = "Enable C Bus Memory" FREE MEMORY = 1M ADDRESS = 0A00000h MEMTYPE = VIR WRITABLE = YES CACHE = YES CHOICE = "Disable C Bus Memory" DISABLE = YES FUNCTION = "System Selectable Memory at 11MB" TYPE = "MEMEISAB" CHOICE = "Enable C Bus Memory" FREE MEMORY = 1M ADDRESS = 0B00000h MEMTYPE = VIR WRITABLE = YES CACHE = YES CHOICE = "Disable C Bus Memory" DISABLE = YES FUNCTION = "System Selectable Memory at 12MB" TYPE = "MEMEISAC" CHOICE = "Enable C Bus Memory" FREE MEMORY = 1M ADDRESS = 0C00000h MEMTYPE = VIR WRITABLE = YES CACHE = YES CHOICE = "Disable C Bus Memory" FUNCTION = "System Selectable Memory at 13MB" TYPE = "MEMEISAD" CHOICE = "Enable C Bus Memory" FREE MEMORY = 1M ADDRESS = 0D00000h MEMTYPE = VIR WRITABLE = YES CACHE = YES CHOICE = "Disable C Bus Memory" DISABLE = YES FUNCTION = "System Selectable Memory at 14MB" TYPE = "MEMEISAE" CHOICE = "Enable C Bus Memory" FREE MEMORY = 1M ADDRESS = 0E00000h MEMTYPE = VIR WRITABLE = YES CACHE = YES CHOICE = "Disable C Bus Memory" DISABLE = YES FUNCTION = "System Selectable Memory at 15MB" TYPE = "MEMEISAF" CHOICE = "Disable C Bus Memory" FREE MEMORY = 128K ADDRESS = 0FE0000h MEMTYPE = OTH SHARE = NO CHOICE = "Enable C Bus Memory" FREE MEMORY = 1M ADDRESS = 0F00000h MEMTYPE = VIR WRITABLE = YES CACHE = YES FUNCTION = "System Memory at 16MB" TYPE = "MEM" CHOICE = "System Memory at 16MB" LINK MEMORY = 48M ADDRESS = 01000000h MEMTYPE = SYS WRITABLE = YES CACHE = YES ; ; Now lock up CBUS + CBUS I/O ; FUNCTION = "System Memory at 64MB" TYPE = "MEM" CHOICE = "System Memory at 64MB" LINK MEMORY = 64M ADDRESS = 04000000h MEMTYPE = SYS WRITABLE = YES CACHE = YES FUNCTION = "System Memory at 128MB" TYPE = "MEM" CHOICE = "System Memory at 128MB" LINK MEMORY = 64M ADDRESS = 08000000h MEMTYPE = SYS WRITABLE = YES CACHE = YES FUNCTION = "RRD and BIOS at 4GB" TYPE = "MEM" CHOICE = "RRD and BIOS at 4GB" LINK MEMORY = 128K ADDRESS = 0FFFE0000h MEMTYPE = OTH WRITABLE = NO CACHE = NO ENDGROUP ; ;--------------------- ; I/O Port Definitions ;--------------------- ; GROUP = "Port Functions Group" FUNCTION = "Parallel Port" TYPE = "PAR" COMMENTS="Enable or disable parallel port 1 (LPT1)" CHOICE = "LPT1" HELP="Enable parallel port 1 (LPT1)" LINK IRQ = 7 PORT = 0378h-037Fh INIT = PORTADR(0F2h) r0rrrrrr CHOICE = "Disabled" HELP="Disable parallel port 1 (LPT1)" DISABLE = YES LINK INIT = PORTADR(0F2h) r1rrrrrr FUNCTION = "Serial Port" TYPE = "SER" SUBFUNCTION = "Serial Port as COM1" CHOICE = "COM1 Serial Port" HELP="This is not an optional feature" LINK IRQ = 4 PORT = 03F8h-03FFh SUBFUNCTION = "Serial Port as COM2" CHOICE = "Serial Port as COM2" HELP="Enable or disable COM2 serial port" LINK IRQ = 3 PORT = 02F8h-02FFh INIT = PORTADR(0F2h) rr0rrrrr CHOICE = "Disable COM2 serial port" DISABLE = yes LINK INIT = PORTADR(0F2h) rr1rrrrr ENDGROUP ; ;-------------------------------------------- ; Multiprocessor System Resource Requirements ;-------------------------------------------- ; GROUP = "Multiprocessor System Resources" FUNCTION = "Interprocessor Interrupt" TYPE = "OTH" CHOICE = "Fixed IRQ Use" FREE IRQ = 10 FUNCTION = "Interprocessor Communication" TYPE = "OTH" CHOICE = "Fixed Port Use" FREE PORT = 0f0h-0f3h ENDGROUP ;----------------------------- ; On-Board Peripheral Devices ;----------------------------- ; GROUP = "On-board Peripheral Device Functions" TYPE = "PDF" FUNCTION = "Mouse" CHOICE = "Enabled" LINK IRQ = 12 CHOICE = "Disabled" DISABLE = YES FUNCTION = "Diskette Controller" TYPE = "FPYCTL" CHOICE = "Enabled" LINK DMA = 2 IRQ = 6 PORT = 03F0h-03F7h INIT = PORTADR(0F2h) 0rrrrrrr CHOICE = "Disabled" FREE INIT = PORTADR(0F2h) 1rrrrrrr FUNCTION = "SCSI Controller" TYPE = "SCSI" CHOICE = "Enabled at CA000h" FREE IRQ = 5 ;; PORT = 01F0h-01F8h MEMORY = 8K ADDRESS = 0CA000h MEMTYPE = OTH WRITABLE = YES CACHE = NO INIT = PORTADR(0F2h) rrr011rr CHOICE = "Enabled at DE000h" FREE IRQ = 5 ;; PORT = 01F0h-01F8h MEMORY = 8K ADDRESS = 0DE000h MEMTYPE = OTH WRITABLE = YES CACHE = NO INIT = PORTADR(0F2h) rrr000rr CHOICE = "Enabled at CE000h" FREE IRQ = 5 ;; PORT = 01F0h-01F8h MEMORY = 8K ADDRESS = 0CE000h MEMTYPE = OTH WRITABLE = YES CACHE = NO INIT = PORTADR(0F2h) rrr001rr CHOICE = "Enabled at C8000h" FREE IRQ = 5 ;; PORT = 01F0h-01F8h MEMORY = 8K ADDRESS = 0C8000h MEMTYPE = OTH WRITABLE = YES CACHE = NO INIT = PORTADR(0F2h) rrr010rr CHOICE = "Disabled" FREE INIT = PORTADR(0F2h) rrr1rrrr ENDGROUP ; ;-------------------------------------- ; This function encapsulates all the ; possible resources base uses ;-------------------------------------- ; FUNCTION = "Base Processor" TYPE = "BASE" CHOICE = "Base Processor" FREE IRQ = 0 ;counter/timer out0 IRQ = 1 ;keyboard controller IRQ = 2 ;intc2 cascade IRQ = 8 ;real time clock ;; IRQ = 12 ;abfull interrupt IRQ = 13 ;NPU error DMA = 4 ;cascade drq PORT = 000h-023h ; PORT = 040h-043h ;counter/timer PORT = 060h-06Fh ;keyboard controller, port d PORT = 070h-07Eh STEP =2 ;NMI enable PORT = 071h ;real time clock PORT = 080h-08Fh ;DMA page registers PORT = 0A0h-0A1h ;interrupt controller #2 PORT = 0C0h-0DFh ;16 bit DMA controller PORT = 0C80h-0C83h ;system id bytes