BOARD ID="CPQ1009" NAME="Compaq Portable 486/66" MFR="Compaq" CATEGORY="SYS" SLOT=EMB(0) READID=YES SIZING=0 VERSION=1.2AH REV=0 SYSTEM NONVOLATILE=4096 AMPERAGE=12000 SLOT(1)=EISA(1) SLOT(2)=EISA(2) SLOT(3)=OTHER(3),"CPQ_EOS" LABEL="Enhanced" MEMORY=640K ADDRESS=0K CACHE=YES STEP=128K MEMORY=256K ADDRESS=640K CACHE=NO MEMORY=1023M ADDRESS=896K CACHE=YES STEP=128K SWITCH(1)=6 NAME="SW1" STYPE=DIP REVERSE=YES VERTICAL=NO FACTORY=LOC(1-6)000000 INITVAL=LOC(1-6)000000 COMMENTS="Switch Positions: \n1 - OFF=Integrated video enabled, \n ON =Integrated video disabled. \n2 - OFF=Unlock EISA Configuration, \n ON =Lock EISA Configuration. \n3 - OFF=Floppy write enabled, \n ON =Floppy write disabled. \n4 - OFF=Floppy boot control dependent on configuration selection, \n ON =Floppy boot enabled (configuration selection override). \n5 - OFF=User password override disabled, \n ON =User password override enabled. \n6 - OFF=Retain EISA configuration, \n ON =Erase EISA configuration on boot." INCLUDE="CPQSYS01.OVL" BEGINOVL ;os INCLUDE="CPQOS.CMN" ;sid FUNCTION="System Identification Number" CHOICE="None" CHOICE="" ;proc FUNCTION="System Processor" TYPE ="" CHOICE= "" FREE IRQ=13 SHARE="SYSIRQA" FUNCTION="" SHOW=NO CHOICE="" FUNCTION="387 Numeric Coprocessor" TYPE="NPX" CHOICE="" FUNCTION="" SHOW=NO CHOICE="" FUNCTION="" SHOW=NO CHOICE="" ;floppy GROUP="Integrated Diskette Controller" INCLUDE="CPQFPYx.CMN" FUNCTION="" SHOW=NO CHOICE="" ENDGROUP ;fdisk GROUP="Integrated Fixed Disk Controller" INCLUDE="CPQDKIF.CMN" FUNCTION="Drive Type - Unit 1" COMMENTS="\nCAUTION: The attached disk drive type was automatically determined. This selection may be changed, but selecting the wrong drive type will cause improper operation of the fixed disk.\n\n" TYPE="MSD,UNIT0,DSKDRV" INCLUDE="CPQDKTYP.CMN" FUNCTION="" SHOW=NO CHOICE="" INCLUDE="CPQSOFT.CMN" ENDGROUP ;memory FUNCTION="System Rom" SHOW=NO CHOICE="" FREE MEMORY=128K ADDRESS=896K CACHE=YES MEMTYPE=OTH WRITABLE=NO GROUP="Compaq Memory" TYPE="MEM;Compaq" FUNCTION="Base Memory" CHOICE="640 Kbytes, Compaq compatible" TOTALMEM=1M-32M STEP=128K FREE MEMORY=640K ADDRESS=0K CACHE=YES MEMORY=256K ADDRESS=16000K CACHE=YES MEMTYPE=OTH MEMORY=128K ADDRESS=16256K CACHE=YES MEMTYPE=OTH WRITABLE=NO MEMORY=0M-14976K STEP=128K ADDRESS=1M CACHE=YES MEMORY=0M-48M STEP=128K ADDRESS=16M CACHE=YES CHOICE="512 Kbytes, Compaq compatible" TOTALMEM=1M-32M STEP=128K HELP="The Configuration Utility may run out of memory when reconfiguring the system if the base memory is set to 512K, especially in complicated configurations. If it does, you will be notified of what actions to take." FREE MEMORY=512K ADDRESS=0K CACHE=YES MEMORY=384K ADDRESS=15872K CACHE=YES MEMTYPE=OTH MEMORY=128K ADDRESS=16256K CACHE=YES MEMTYPE=OTH WRITABLE=NO MEMORY=0M-14848K STEP=128K ADDRESS=1M CACHE=YES MEMORY=0M-48M STEP=128K ADDRESS=16M CACHE=YES CHOICE="640 Kbytes, Linear" TOTALMEM=1M-32M STEP=128K HELP="This choice contiguously maps memory so that Compaq Built-In Memory is not available at FA0000, but is instead added into extended memory. The previously reserved memory area at FE0000 is now available for use by additional memory. If your applications do not support this memory configuration, reconfigure your system as 640K Compaq Compatible." FREE MEMORY=640K ADDRESS=0K CACHE=YES MEMORY=0K ADDRESS=0K MEMORY=128K ADDRESS=4194176K CACHE=YES MEMTYPE=OTH WRITABLE=NO MEMORY=0M-15M STEP=128K ADDRESS=1M CACHE=YES MEMORY=0M-48M STEP=128K ADDRESS=16M CACHE=YES FUNCTION="Total Memory" CHOICE="" ENDGROUP ;security INCLUDE="CPQSEC3.CMN" GROUP="Power-on Features" FUNCTION="Diskette boot control" HELP="This feature enables and disables system start-up from the diskette drive. Disabling diskette boot prevents the drive from being used to start the computer. The diskette drive, however, remains active for all other transactions such as reading or writing to a diskette." CHOICE="Enable Floppy Boot" CHOICE="Disable Floppy Boot" FUNCTION="Fixed disk drive timeout" CHOICE="Disabled" SUBTYPE="CMOS=2A1F00" CHOICE=" 1 minute spin down" SUBTYPE="CMOS=2A1F01" CHOICE=" 3 minute spin down" SUBTYPE="CMOS=2A1F03" CHOICE=" 5 minute spin down" SUBTYPE="CMOS=2A1F05" CHOICE="10 minute spin down" SUBTYPE="CMOS=2A1F0A" CHOICE="15 minute spin down" SUBTYPE="CMOS=2A1F0F" ENDGROUP ;integrated i/f GROUP="Integrated Interfaces" INCLUDE="CPQSER1M.CMN" INCLUDE="CPQPAR1M.CMN" INCLUDE="CPQPNTR.CMN" ENDGROUP ;integrated vga INCLUDE="CPQVGAI2.CMN" ;adv features INCLUDE="CPQFEAT4.CMN" ENDOVL FUNCTION="Screen saver timeout" COMMENTS="It is recommended that the screen saver be used at all times. This prevents possible image retention on the display. If image retention is seen, it can be cleared by leaving the computer off for the amount of time equal to the time it was on." CHOICE="10 minutes" SUBTYPE="CMOS=2C1F0A" CHOICE=" 5 minutes" SUBTYPE="CMOS=2C1F05" CHOICE="15 minutes" SUBTYPE="CMOS=2C1F0F" CHOICE="Disabled" SUBTYPE="CMOS=2C1F00" ;disable port C67h function IOPORT(110)=0C94h INITVAL=000000xx IOPORT(111)=0C9Ah INITVAL=rrrxrrrr IOPORT(112)=0C6Dh INITVAL=rrrxxxrr FUNCTION="" SHOW=NO CHOICE="" FREE INIT=IOPORT(110)LOC(1 0)11 INIT=IOPORT(111)LOC(4)0 INIT=IOPORT(112)LOC(4-2)101 FUNCTION="Processor Control" SHOW=NO CHOICE="" FREE MEMORY=1K ADDRESS=80C00000h MEMTYPE=VIR SIZE=DWORD CACHE=NO FREE IRQ=13 SHARE="SYSIRQA" FUNCTION="" TYPE="ISA" SHOW=NO CHOICE="" SUBTYPE="MAP" FREEFORM=30,61h,62h,0E0h,0E0h,0E0h,0E0h,0E0h,0E0h,0E0h,0E0h,0E0h,0E0h,0E0h, 0E0h,0E0h,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0