BOARD ID="CPQFD08" NAME="COMPAQ 135Mb, 150/250Mb Tape Adapter" MFR="COMPAQ" CATEGORY="MSD" SLOT=ISA8 LENGTH=152 VERSION=1.27 REV=0 SWITCH(1)=8 NAME="SW1" STYPE=DIP REVERSE=YES FACTORY=LOC(1-8) 10101010 COMMENTS=" \n OFF = OPEN = 0, ON = CLOSED = 1 \n \n Switch Positions: \n 1,2 - 10 = IRQ5 (standard) \n 01 = IRQ3 \n 3,4,5,6 - 1010 = Channel 3 (default) \n 0101 = Channel 1 \n 7,8 - 10 = 300 hex (default) \n 01 = 200 hex \n All possible switch settings not listed above are reserved. \n If you choose different settings from the defaults you must \n use the configuration utility provided with your tape backup \n software to record your changes." FUNCTION="Tape Drive Controller" TYPE="TAPCTL" CHOICE="Enabled" LINK IRQ=5|3 INIT=SWITCH(1) LOC(1 2) 10|01 LINK DMA=3|1 INIT=SWITCH(1) LOC(3 4 5 6) 1010|0101 LINK PORT=300h-301h | 200h-201h INIT=SWITCH(1) LOC(7 8) 10|01