; ; DE425 EISA Configuration File ; ; 23-FEB-1994 RWM Pre Field Test - for review/comments. ; 24-FEB-1994 PHK add AutoSense option ; 09-MAR-1994 PHK add AUI Thickwire - Thinwire option ; 13-MAR-1994 PHK fix LOC bitlist of IOPORT(9) ; 12-JUN-1994 PHK modify CSR13 image ; 25-SEP-1994 PHK add Preempt Time choice ; ; ; Board Identification Block ; BOARD ID = "DEC4250" NAME = "Digital EtherWORKS Turbo EISA (DE425)" MFR = "Digital Equipment Corporation" CATEGORY = "NET" SLOT = EISA LENGTH = 185 AMPERAGE = 2000 ; in milliamps SKIRT = NO READID = YES BUSMASTER = 150 ; in microseconds IOCHECK = INVALID DISABLE = UNSUPPORTED COMMENTS = "The DE425 EtherWORKS Turbo EISA board is a Digital Equipment Corporation Ethernet controller. It provides AUI Thickwire, Thinwire, Twisted Pair, and Twisted Pair - Full Duplex, networking connections." ; ; Initialization Block ; ; I/O Ports ; IOPORT(1) = 0ZC88h ; PLX 9020 Configuration Register 0 INITVAL = 11x00xxx ; 32_bit slave/master, ; Unlatched Interrupt IOPORT(2) = 0ZC89h ; PLX 9020 Configuration Register 1 INITVAL = 1110000x ; Assert DecChip 21040 HW Reset IOPORT(3) = 0ZC89h ; PLX 9020 Configuration Register 1 INITVAL = 1110000x ; Deassert DecChip 21040 HW Reset IOPORT(4) = 0ZC8Ah ; PLX 9020 Configuration Register 2 INITVAL = xxxxxx00 ; IOPORT(5) = 0ZC8Fh ; PLX 9020 Configuration Register 3 INITVAL = 0x000x00 ; Burst Read/Write Transfer Enable IOPORT(6) = 0Z00Ch ; DecChip 21040 Configuration Register CFCS SIZE = DWORD INITVAL = 00000000000000000000000000000x0x ;I/O support, Master operation IOPORT(7) = 0Z01Ch ; DecChip 21040 Configuration Register CFLT SIZE = DWORD INITVAL = 0000000000000000xxxxxxxx00000000 ; Latency Timer IOPORT(8) = 0Z08Ch ; DecChip 21040 CSR 0 image SIZE = DWORD INITVAL = 0000000000000000xxxxxxxx000000x0 IOPORT(9) = 0Z098h ; DecChip 21040 CSR 13 image SIZE = DWORD INITVAL = xxxx000000000000000000000000xx0x ; ; Jumper Settings ; JUMPER(1) = 7 NAME = "AUI Shunt Jumper" JTYPE = TRIPOLE VERTICAL = NO REVERSE = YES INITVAL = LOC(1-7) xxxxxxxB FACTORY = LOC(1-7) 0000000B COMMENTS = "This shunt jumper is used to enable either the AUI Thickwire or ThinWire connector. Only one of the two AUI connectors can be selected. Insure the shunt jumper (J4) on the DE425 board is in the proper position.\n\n \t Top Position = AUI Thickwire - 15 pin connector\n \tBottom Position = ThinWire - BNC connector (Default)\n" ; ; Function Statement Blocks ; FUNCTION = "Preempt Time" COMMENTS = "Select 55 blocks for DE435-AA, 23 blocks otherwise" CHOICE = "23 blocks" FREE INIT = IOPORT(1) LOC(5) 0 ; 23 blocks CHOICE = "55 blocks" FREE INIT = IOPORT(1) LOC(5) 1 ; 55 blocks FUNCTION = "Interrupt Mode" COMMENTS = "The DE425 can use IRQ9, IRQ10, IRQ11 or IRQ5. The ECU will select the first available IRQ. View or Edit resources to see or change the IRQ selected. The default Interrupt mode is Edge-Triggered. See HELP for more information regarding Interrupt Modes." HELP = "Edge-Triggered mode is the default and is supported in all EISA systems.\n\n Level-Triggered (no sharing) mode is supported in all EISA systems.\n\n Level-Triggered (sharing) mode is supported in most systems and allows the sharing of a single IRQ level by one or more devices that support shared Level-Triggered interrupts." CHOICE = "Edge-Triggered" FREE INIT = IOPORT(2) LOC(0) 1 ; EISA REG1: Assert DecChip 21040 HW Reset INIT = IOPORT(3) LOC(0) 0 ; EISA REG1: Deassert DecChip 21040 HW Reset INIT = IOPORT(5) LOC(6 2) 11 ; EISA REG3: R/W Burst Transfer Enable INIT = IOPORT(6) LOC(2 0) 11 ; PCI CFCS: Master, I/O access INIT = IOPORT(7) LOC(15-8) 11111111 ; PCI CFLT: Latency = 255 LINK IRQ = 9 | 10 | 11 | 5 ; IRQ 1,2,3,0 for PLX 9020 TRIGGER = EDGE SHARE = NO INIT = IOPORT(1) LOC(2-0) 011 | 101 | 111 | 001 ; EISA REG0 CHOICE = "Level-Triggered (no sharing)" FREE INIT = IOPORT(2) LOC(0) 1 ; EISA REG1: Assert DecChip 21040 HW Reset INIT = IOPORT(3) LOC(0) 0 ; EISA REG1: Deassert DecChip 21040 HW Reset INIT = IOPORT(5) LOC(6 2) 11 ; EISA REG3: R/W Burst Transfer Enable INIT = IOPORT(6) LOC(2 0) 11 ; PCI CFCS: Master, I/O access INIT = IOPORT(7) LOC(15-8) 11111111 ; PCI CFLT: Latency = 255 LINK IRQ = 9 | 10 | 11 | 5 ; IRQ 1,2,3,0 for PLX 9020 TRIGGER = LEVEL SHARE = NO INIT = IOPORT(1) LOC(2-0) 010 | 100 | 110 | 000 ; EISA REG0 CHOICE = "Level-Triggered (sharing)" FREE INIT = IOPORT(2) LOC(0) 1 ; EISA REG1: Assert DecChip 21040 HW Reset INIT = IOPORT(3) LOC(0) 0 ; EISA REG1: Deassert DecChip 21040 HW Reset INIT = IOPORT(5) LOC(6 2) 11 ; EISA REG3: R/W Burst Transfer Enable INIT = IOPORT(6) LOC(2 0) 11 ; PCI CFCS: Master, I/O access INIT = IOPORT(7) LOC(15-8) 11111111 ; PCI CFLT: Latency = 255 LINK IRQ = 9 | 10 | 11 | 5 ; IRQ 1,2,3,0 for PLX 9020 TRIGGER = LEVEL SHARE = YES INIT = IOPORT(1) LOC(2-0) 010 | 100 | 110 | 000 ; EISA REG0 FUNCTION = "Boot ROM" ; TYPE = "NET" COMMENTS = "The Boot ROM is optional. The default is No Boot ROM or Disabled. If you have a Boot ROM installed, selecting a ROM size will enable the Boot ROM function. Refer to the ROM option kit for the proper ROM size setting.\n\n Use the view/edit resource function to view or edit the Boot ROM address selected by the ECU." CHOICE = "No Boot ROM or Disabled" FREE INIT = IOPORT(4) LOC(7-2) 000000 ; EISA REG2 CHOICE = " 8K Boot ROM" COMBINE MEMORY = 8K ADDRESS = 768K-888K STEP=8K MEMTYPE = SYS SIZE = BYTE WRITABLE = NO CACHE = NO SHARE = NO INIT = IOPORT(4) LOC(7-2) 010000 - 011111 ; EISA REG2 CHOICE = "16K Boot ROM" COMBINE MEMORY = 16K ADDRESS = 768K-880K STEP=16K MEMTYPE = SYS SIZE = BYTE WRITABLE = NO CACHE = NO SHARE = NO INIT = IOPORT(4) LOC(7-2) 100000 | 100010 | 100100 | 100110 | 101000 | 101010 | 101100 | 101110 CHOICE = "32K Boot ROM" COMBINE MEMORY = 32K ADDRESS = 768K-864K STEP=32K MEMTYPE = SYS SIZE = BYTE WRITABLE = NO CACHE = NO SHARE = NO INIT = IOPORT(4) LOC(7-2) 110000 | 110100 | 111000 | 111100 FUNCTION = "DMA Mode" TYPE = "NET" SUBFUNCTION = "Burst Length/No Burst" COMMENTS = "Indicates the maximum number of longwords to be transfered in a single DMA transaction (or burst). 16 Longwords is the default. The more Longwords per burst the better the DE425 performance will be. The default should be used whenever possible. Select No Burst only if your system does not support DMA Burst Mode operation." CHOICE = "16 Longwords" FREE INIT = IOPORT(8) LOC(13-8) 010000 ; DecChip 21040 CSR 0 image CHOICE = " 8 Longwords" FREE INIT = IOPORT(8) LOC(13-8) 001000 ; DecChip 21040 CSR 0 image CHOICE = " 4 Longwords" FREE INIT = IOPORT(8) LOC(13-8) 000100 ; DecChip 21040 CSR 0 image CHOICE = " 2 Longwords" FREE INIT = IOPORT(8) LOC(13-8) 000010 ; DecChip 21040 CSR 0 image CHOICE = " No Burst" FREE INIT = IOPORT(8) LOC(13-8) 000001 ; DecChip 21040 CSR 0 image SUBFUNCTION = "Burst Address Alignment" COMMENTS = "Selects the address aligment for DMA burst transfers. This selection must be larger than or equal to the DMA Burst Length selected to maximize performance. The default is 32 longwords." CHOICE = "32 longwords" FREE INIT = IOPORT(8) LOC(15-14) 11 ; DecChip 21040 CSR 0 image CHOICE = "16 longwords" FREE INIT = IOPORT(8) LOC(15-14) 10 ; DecChip 21040 CSR 0 image CHOICE = " 8 longwords" FREE INIT = IOPORT(8) LOC(15-14) 01 ; DecChip 21040 CSR 0 image SUBFUNCTION = "Arbitration" COMMENTS = "Sets the DE425 internal bus arbitration between the Receive and the Transmit data transfer process. The Default is Rcv/Txm.\n\n \t Rcv/Xmt = receive has higher priority.\n \tRound Robin = receive and transmit have\n \t equal priority." CHOICE = "Rcv/Txm" FREE INIT = IOPORT(8) LOC(1) 0 ; DecChip 21040 CSR 0 image CHOICE = "Round Robin" FREE INIT = IOPORT(8) LOC(1) 1 ; DecChip 21040 CSR 0 image FUNCTION = "Network Mode/Cable Type" COMMENTS = "The Network Mode determines the network function and whether the Twisted Pair cable connector, or one of the AUI port connectors (AUI Thickwire or ThinWire), will be active. If the AUI Thickwire or ThinWire cable selection is not software selectable, the selection must be performed MANUALLY by setting the Shunt Jumper. Refer to HELP for more information." HELP= "oAutoSense checks the connector in the following order TP, AUI BNC, AUI 15_pin to find the first active connection.\n o Twisted Pair mode enables the TP connector.\n o Twisted Pair-Full Duplex mode enables TP for Full Duplex (20Mbs) operation.\n o Twisted Pair-Link Disabled mode enables TP with Link Integrity test disabled.\n o AUI-Thinwire and AUI-Thickwire enable repectively the BNC connector or the 15_pin connector if the selection is performed by software. In the opposite case both options enable either the BNC or 15_pin connector depending on the Shunt Jumper position\n" CHOICE = "AutoDetect" FREE INIT = IOPORT(9) LOC(31 30 29 28 3 2 0) 1000011 ; DecChip 21040 CSR 13 image CHOICE = "Twisted Pair" FREE INIT = IOPORT(9) LOC(31 30 29 28 3 2 0) 0000011 ; DecChip 21040 CSR 13 image CHOICE = "Twisted Pair - Full Duplex" FREE INIT = IOPORT(9) LOC(31 30 29 28 3 2 0) 0100011 ; DecChip 21040 CSR 13 image CHOICE = "Twisted Pair - No Link Test" FREE INIT = IOPORT(9) LOC(31 30 29 28 3 2 0) 0001011 ; DecChip 21040 CSR 13 image CHOICE = "AUI Thickwire" FREE INIT = IOPORT(9) LOC(31 30 29 28 3 2 0) 0000111 ; DecChip 21040 CSR 13 image CHOICE = "BNC Thinwire" FREE INIT = IOPORT(9) LOC(31 30 29 28 3 2 0) 0010111 ; DecChip 21040 CSR 13 image ; ; End of EISA Configuration file ;