BOARD ID="ISA8300" NAME="IBM Enhanced 5250 Emulator" MFR="IBM" CATEGORY="COM" SLOT=ISA8 LENGTH=336 ;height=102 SWITCH(1)=8 NAME="S1" stype=dip FACTORY=LOC(8-1) 00100001 INITVAL=LOC(8-1) 00xxxxxx COMMENTS=" S1 has 8 switches, but only 1 - 6 are used.\n Note: Board and manual may differ on how switches are labeled.\n Be sure and verify suggested settings." SOFTWARE(1)="Program DP5250.COM or DE5250.COM may need to be run.\n The IBM 5250 Emulation Program will try to automatically determine what memory address LOCation it can use for this board's memory. It will search the memory ranges from 8C00h-DC00h on C00h boundries, with CC00h the preferred address. If the software fails to find a suitable LOCation, the memory address can be specified by using a PARameter for DE5250.COM. The message 'No Room In PC Address Space for 5250 RAM' will be displayed if the software cannot find an available memory LOCation.\n Run DE5250.COM with the following parameter: ^A=x." FUNCTION="5250 Emulation" TYPE="COM,SYN" CHOICE="Emulation enabled" FREE IRQ=5 LINK PORT=2400h-27FFh STEP=16 INIT=SWITCH(1) LOC(6 5 4 3 2 1) 010000|010001|010010|010011|010100|010101|010110| 010111|011000|011001|011010|011011|011100|011101| 011110|011111| 000000|000001|000010|000011|000100|000101|000110| 000111|001000|001001|001010|001011|001100|001101| 001110|001111| 110000|110001|110010|110011|110100|110101|110110| 110111|111000|111001|111010|111011|111100|111101| 111110|111111| 100000|100001|100010|100011|100100|100101|100110| 100111|101000|101001|101010|101011|101100|101101| 101110|101111 LINK MEMORY=8K ADDRESS=0CC000h|08C000h|09C000h|0AC000h|0BC000h|0DC000h MEMTYPE=OTHER INIT=software(1) "x=0Ch"|"x=8h"|"x=9h"|"x=0Ah"|"x=0Bh"|"x=0Dh"