BOARD ;10/31 kjt New ID="ISAB602" NAME="Graphmaster Plus EGA Video Adapter" MFR="Computer Peripherals, Inc." CATEGORY="VID" SLOT=ISA8 LENGTH=114 COMMENTS=" \nSoftware program utilities are included to change the operations mode \nof the Graphmaster board." HELP=" Use the V)iew D)etail by Slot mode to see Configuration Options. Use E)dit Change F)unction to select Options." SWITCH(1)=8 STYPE=DIP NAME="SW1" VERTICAL=YES FACTORY=LOC(8-1) 00110110 INITVAL=LOC(8 7) 00 COMMENTS=" \nSwitches are used for determining the type of monitor that is to be \nattached. They can also be set or changed from outside the CPU. Switches \n7 and 8 are reserved and should be set to the off position." JUMPER(1)=3 JTYPE=INLINE NAME="P1" REVERSE=YES FACTORY=LOC(1^2 2^3) 10 JUMPER(2)=4 JTYPE=tripole NAME="P3" LABEL=LOC(4-1) "a" "b" "c" "d" FACTORY=LOC(4-1) 1100 COMMENTS=" \nJumper 2 is used for the Automode option that allows the system to \ncontrol switching from EGA mode to CGA mode. Jumper 1 can be used to \nselect a port address of 2XX if needed." FUNCTION="Video Config Options" TYPE="VID" HELP=" Use E)dit Change F)unction to Select Options." CHOICE="EGA Color Emulation" LINK MEMORY=64K ADDRESS=0A0000h MEMTYPE=OTH LINK MEMORY=32K ADDRESS=0B8000h MEMTYPE=OTH LINK MEMORY=16K ADDRESS=0C0000h MEMTYPE=OTH WRITABLE=NO FREE PORT=03C0h-03CFh PORT=03D0h-03DFh CHOICE="CGA Emulation" LINK MEMORY=16K ADDRESS=0B8000h MEMTYPE=OTH LINK MEMORY=16K ADDRESS=0C0000h MEMTYPE=OTH WRITABLE=NO LINK PORT=03D0h-03DFh CHOICE="HGC Full Emulation" LINK MEMORY=16K ADDRESS=0B0000h MEMTYPE=OTH LINK MEMORY=16K ADDRESS=0B8000h MEMTYPE=OTH LINK MEMORY=16K ADDRESS=0C0000h MEMTYPE=OTH WRITABLE=NO LINK PORT=03B0h-03BBh CHOICE="MDA Emulation" LINK MEMORY=16K ADDRESS=0B0000h MEMTYPE=OTH LINK MEMORY=16K ADDRESS=0C0000h MEMTYPE=OTH WRITABLE=NO LINK PORT=03B0h-03BBh