BOARD ; 11/08/89 egh New 01/09 gha cosmetic ID="ISADB00" NAME="Rabbit Software RB14 X.25 Adapter" MFR="Rabbit Software" CATEGORY="COM" SLOT=ISA16 LENGTH=337 COMMENTS=" Your adapter must be equipped with PAL and strapping options to support use of Extended Memory." HELP=" Use the V)iew D)etail by Slot mode to see Configuration Options. Use E)dit Change F)unction to select Options." JUMPER(1)=4 NAME="H9" JTYPE=PAIRED REVERSE=YES LABEL=LOC(1-4) "5" "6" "7" "8" COMMENTS="Memory Setting" JUMPER(2)=11 NAME="J5" JTYPE=PAIRED REVERSE=YES LABEL=LOC(1-11) "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "10" "11" "12" "14" "15" COMMENTS="IRQ Setting" SOFTWARE(1) =" The hardware resource selections noted below must be configured into the UNIX/XENIX device driver:" FUNCTION="RB14 X.25 Config Options" TYPE="COM" HELP=" Use E)dit Change R)esource to Select Options." CHOICE="Adapter Options" LINK IRQ=2|3|4|5|6|7|10|11|12|14|15 INIT=JUMPER(2) LOC(1-11) 10000000000|01000000000|00100000000|00010000000| 00001000000|00000100000|00000010000|00000001000| 00000000100|00000000010|00000000001 INIT=SOFTWARE(1) "\tIRQ 2"|"\tIRQ 3"|"\tIRQ 4"|"\tIRQ 5"| "\tIRQ 6"|"\tIRQ 7"|"\tIRQ 10"|"\tIRQ 11"| "\tIRQ 12"|"\tIRQ 14"|"\tIRQ 15" COMBINE MEMORY=512K ADDRESS= 0200000h|0300000h|0400000h| 0500000h|0600000h|0700000h|0800000h| 0900000h|0A00000h|0B00000h|0C00000h| 0D00000h|0E00000h|0F00000h INIT=JUMPER(1) LOC(1-4) 1101|1100|1011| 1010|1001|1000|0111| 0110|0101|0100|0011| 0010|0001|0000 INIT=SOFTWARE(1) "\tMemory 200000"|"\tMemory 300000"|"\tMemory 400000"| "\tMemory 500000"|"\tMemory 600000"|"\tMemory 700000"|"\tMemory 800000"| "\tMemory 900000"|"\tMemory A00000"|"\tMemory B00000"|"\tMemory C00000"| "\tMemory D00000"|"\tMemory E00000"|"\tMemory F00000"