; ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» ; º Tulip ds486dx2-50 system board configuration file. º ; º ID: TCI0301 º ; º Version: 1.00 Revision 0.00 º ; º Date: June 3, 1993 By: FHE º ; ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ ; BOARD ID = "TCI0301" NAME = "Tulip ds486dx2/e-50 MHz system board" MFR = "Tulip Computers International" CATEGORY = "SYS" SLOT = EMB(0) READID = YES COMMENTS = " Tulip ds486dx2/e-50 system board configuration file.\n Version 1.00 Date: Jun 3th 1993" HELP = " This configuration file is for Tulips ds486dx2/e-50. It has several\n functions which can be changed." SYSTEM NONVOLATILE = 7168 AMPERAGE = 23000 SLOT(1) = EISA LENGTH = 341 SLOT(2) = EISA LENGTH = 341 SLOT(3) = EISA LENGTH = 341 SLOT(4) = EISA LENGTH = 341 SLOT(5) = EISA LENGTH = 341 SLOT(6) = EISA LENGTH = 341 SLOT(7) = EISA BUSMASTER = NO INCLUDE = "!ADP7770.CFG" , 8 INCLUDE = "TCISETUP.OVL" CMOS(1) = 14h INITVAL = rrrrrrxr CMOS(2) = 15h CMOS(3) = 16h CMOS(4) = 17h CMOS(5) = 18h CMOS(6) = 34h INITVAL = rrxrrrrr CMOS(7) = 45h INITVAL = xxx0xxx0 CMOS(8) = 46h INITVAL = 0xxxxxxx CMOS(9) = 47h INITVAL = xxxxrrxx CMOS(10) = 48h CMOS(11) = 49h CMOS(12) = 4Ah INITVAL = 00000000 CMOS(13) = 4Bh INITVAL = 00000000 CMOS(14) = 4Ch INITVAL = 00rrrrxx CMOS(15) = 50h CMOS(16) = 51h CMOS(17) = 52h CMOS(18) = 53h INITVAL = xxxxxxxx CMOS(19) = 44h INITVAL = 0xxx00xx CMOS(20) = 4DH INITVAL = rxxxxxxx CMOS(21) = 58h INITVAL = 10001001 CMOS(22) = 59H INITVAL = 10110100 CMOS(23) = 5AH INITVAL = 00000000 CMOS(24) = 57H INITVAL = 00000000 IOPORT(1) = 0461h INITVAL = rrr0xxxr SWITCH(1) = 8 NAME = "SW1" STYPE = DIP COMMENTS = " Dipswitches 1, 2, 3 and 4 must be set according to the selected memory\n configuration (total onboard memory). Dipswitch 5 must be set to on\n when using rechargeable batteries. Dipswitches 6, 7 and 8 must\n always be set to the factory setting for proper functioning of\n the system board." VERTICAL = NO REVERSE = YES LABEL = LOC (1-8) "MOD0" "MOD1" "MOD2" "MOD3" "BATTERY" "ID2" "ID3" "AEN1" INITVAL = LOC (1-8) xxxxx110 FACTORY = LOC (1-8) 11110110 GROUP = "EISA System Information" TYPE = "ISA" FUNCTION = "Slot Mapping Information" SHOW = NO CHOICE = "Slot Mapping Tables" SUBTYPE = "MAP" FREEFORM 30, 61h, 62h, 63h, 64h, 65h, 66h, 67h, 68h, 0E0h, 0E0h, 0E0h, 0E0h, 0E0h, 0E0h, 0E0h, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ENDGROUP FUNCTION = "DMA Controllers" SHOW = NO CHOICE = "Normal" FREE DMA = 4 PORT = 0000h - 000Fh PORT = 0080h - 008Fh PORT = 00C0h - 00DFh PORT = 0400h - 040Fh PORT = 0480h - 048Fh PORT = 04C0h - 04CFh PORT = 04D4h - 04D7h PORT = 04E0h - 04FFh FUNCTION = "Interrupt Controllers" SHOW = NO CHOICE = "Normal" FREE IRQ = 2 PORT = 0020h - 0021h PORT = 00A0h - 00A1h PORT = 04D0h - 04D1h PORT = 0C10h - 0C11h FUNCTION = "Timer" SHOW = NO CHOICE = "Normal" FREE IRQ = 0 PORT = 0040h - 0043h PORT = 0048h - 004Bh FUNCTION = "Keyboard" SHOW = NO CHOICE = "Normal" FREE IRQ = 1 PORT = 0060h PORT = 0062h PORT = 0064h PORT = 0066h FUNCTION = "Status Latch" SHOW = NO CHOICE = "Normal" FREE PORT = 0061h PORT = 0461h - 0462h PORT = 0464h - 0465h FUNCTION = "Real Time Clock, CMOS-RAM & EISA EEPROM" SHOW = NO CHOICE = "Normal" FREE IRQ = 8 PORT = 0070h - 0071h PORT = 0800h - 081Fh PORT = 0C00h - 0C03h FUNCTION = "Coprocessor" SHOW = NO CHOICE = "Normal" FREE IRQ = 13 PORT = 00F0h INIT = CMOS(1) LOC(1) 1 FUNCTION = "TCI Extensions" SHOW = NO CHOICE = "Normal" FREE PORT = 0820h - 08FFh PORT = 0CA0h - 0CAFh PORT = 0069h PORT = 0092h PORT = 0C80h - 0C83h PORT = 0C90h - 0C93h FUNCTION = "System Bios" SHOW = NO CHOICE = "Normal" FREE MEMORY = 64k ADDRESS = 0F0000h CACHE = YES WRITABLE = NO FUNCTION = "Caching memory above 1MB" SHOW = NO TYPE = "MSD" HELP = " The caching of memory above 1MB can be enabled or disabled." CHOICE = "Enabled" FREE INIT = CMOS(18) LOC (6) 1 FUNCTION = "16MB memory limit" TYPE = "MSD" HELP = " The onboard memory can be limited to 16MB for applications\n which can not handle more memory." CHOICE = "Disabled" FREE INIT = CMOS(18) LOC (7) 0 CHOICE = "Enabled" FREE INIT = CMOS(18) LOC (7) 1 FUNCTION = "Shadow video BIOS" TYPE = "MSD" HELP = " The shadowing of the BIOS of a video add-in card can be enabled\n or it can be disabled." CHOICE = "Enabled" FREE INIT = CMOS(9) LOC (4) 1 CHOICE = "Disabled" FREE INIT = CMOS(9) LOC (4) 0 FUNCTION = "CPU speed" TYPE = "MSD" HELP = " The CPU speed at powerup can be set to normal or slow speed." CHOICE = "Normal" FREE INIT = CMOS(8) LOC (0) 1 CHOICE = "Slow" FREE INIT = CMOS(8) LOC (0) 0 FUNCTION = "Keyboard NumLock" TYPE = "MSD" HELP = " Keyboard NumLock at powerup can be set to on or off." CHOICE = "On" FREE INIT = CMOS(19) LOC (0) 0 CHOICE = "Off" FREE INIT = CMOS(19) LOC (0) 1 FUNCTION = "Speaker volume" TYPE = "MSD" HELP = " The speaker volume at powerup can be set to four different levels." CHOICE = "Low" FREE INIT = CMOS(7) LOC (6 5) 00 CHOICE = "Medium low" FREE INIT = CMOS(7) LOC (6 5) 01 CHOICE = "Medium high" FREE INIT = CMOS(7) LOC (6 5) 10 CHOICE = "High" FREE INIT = CMOS(7) LOC (6 5) 11 FUNCTION = "Embedded Floppy Disk Controller" TYPE = "MSD" HELP = " The embedded Floppy Disk Controller can be enabled or disabled.\n þ Disabled: The onboard floppy controller is disabled. You need a\n \t separate floppy controller if you want to use floppy\n \t drives.\n þ Enabled: The onboard floppy controller is enabled. This allows you\n \t to connect the floppy drive unit to this controller.\n \t Choose type B data transfer to have better bus\n \t performance." CHOICE = "Enabled - Type B" FREE DMA = 2 TIMING = typeB IRQ = 6 PORT = 3F2h PORT = 3F4h-3F5h PORT = 3F7h SHARE = YES INIT = CMOS(9) LOC (0) 1 CHOICE = "Enabled - Default" FREE DMA = 2 IRQ = 6 PORT = 3F2h PORT = 3F4h-3F5h PORT = 3F7h SHARE = YES INIT = CMOS(9) LOC (0) 1 CHOICE = "Disabled" DISABLE = YES FREE INIT = CMOS(9) LOC (0) 0 FUNCTION = "Floppy Read Only" TYPE = "MSD" HELP = " The operation mode of the embedded floppy disk controller can be\n set to read-only or it can be set to read-write. Setting the mode\n to read-only has the same effect as making a floppy write-protect." CHOICE = "Read Write" FREE INIT = CMOS(7) LOC (3) 0 CHOICE = "Read Only" FREE INIT = CMOS(7) LOC (3) 1 FUNCTION = "Floppy Drive swapping" TYPE = "MSD" HELP = " With this function drive a: and drive b: can be swapped." CHOICE = "No swapping" FREE INIT = CMOS(8) LOC (4) 0 CHOICE = "Drives swapped" FREE INIT = CMOS(8) LOC (4) 1 FUNCTION = "Intelligent keydisk support" TYPE = "MSD" HELP = " By enabling the intelligent keydisk support, the CPU speed will\n be set to low during a floppy access." CHOICE = "Disabled" FREE INIT = CMOS(8) LOC (5) 0 CHOICE = "Enabled" FREE INIT = CMOS(8) LOC (5) 1 FUNCTION = "Force floppy present" TYPE = "MSD" HELP = " With this function, drive a: can be set to network drive f:\n in case no floppy disk drive is present in the system." CHOICE = "No" FREE INIT = CMOS(19) LOC (1) 0 CHOICE = "Yes" FREE INIT = CMOS(19) LOC (1) 1 FUNCTION = "Embedded Hard Disk Controllers" TYPE = "MSD" HELP = " The Primary and Secondary Embedded Hard Disk Controller can either\n be enabled or disabled. Either interfaces can be set to support DMA\n (ATA standard). One of eight different combinations can be selected.\n þ Primary disabled, secondary disabled.\n þ Primary enabled, secondary disabled.\n þ Primary enabled with DMA, secondary disabled.\n þ Primary disabled, secondary enabled.\n þ Primary disabled, secondary enabled with DMA.\n þ Primary enabled, secondary enabled.\n þ Primary enabled, secondary enabled with DMA.\n þ Primary enabled with DMA, secondary enabled with DMA." CHOICE = "Primary disabled, secondary disabled" DISABLE = YES FREE INIT = CMOS(9) LOC (5) 0 INIT = CMOS(19) LOC (6-4) 000 CHOICE = "Primary enabled, secondary disabled" FREE IRQ = 14 PORT = 1F0h-1F7h PORT = 3F6h PORT = 3F7h SHARE = YES INIT = CMOS(9) LOC (5) 1 INIT = CMOS(19) LOC (6-4) 000 CHOICE = "Prim. enabled (DMA), secondary disabled" FREE IRQ = 14 DMA = 6 PORT = 1F0h-1F7h PORT = 3F6h PORT = 3F7h SHARE = YES INIT = CMOS(9) LOC (5) 1 INIT = CMOS(19) LOC (6-4) 010 CHOICE = "Primary disabled, secondary enabled" FREE IRQ = 15 PORT = 170h-177h PORT = 376h-377h INIT = CMOS(9) LOC (5) 0 INIT = CMOS(19) LOC (6-4) 001 CHOICE = "Primary disabled, sec. enabled (DMA)" FREE IRQ = 15 DMA = 7 PORT = 170h-177h PORT = 376h-377h INIT = CMOS(9) LOC (5) 0 INIT = CMOS(19) LOC (6-4) 101 CHOICE = "Primary enabled, secondary enabled" FREE IRQ = 14 IRQ = 15 PORT = 1F0h-1F7h PORT = 3F6h PORT = 3F7h SHARE = YES PORT = 170h-177h PORT = 376h-377h INIT = CMOS(9) LOC (5) 1 INIT = CMOS(19) LOC (6-4) 001 CHOICE = "Primary enabled, secondary enabled (DMA)" FREE IRQ = 14 IRQ = 15 DMA = 7 PORT = 1F0h-1F7h PORT = 3F6h PORT = 3F7h SHARE = YES PORT = 170h-177h PORT = 376h-377h INIT = CMOS(9) LOC (5) 1 INIT = CMOS(19) LOC (6-4) 101 CHOICE = "Prim. enabled (DMA), sec. enabled (DMA)" FREE IRQ = 14 IRQ = 15 DMA = 6 DMA = 7 PORT = 1F0h-1F7h PORT = 3F6h PORT = 3F7h SHARE = YES PORT = 170h-177h PORT = 376h-377h INIT = CMOS(9) LOC (5) 1 INIT = CMOS(19) LOC (6-4) 111 FUNCTION = "BIOS Boot device" TYPE = "MSD" HELP = " With this function, the boot device can be selected." CHOICE = "Floppy" FREE INIT = CMOS(8) LOC (6) 0 CHOICE = "Harddisk" FREE INIT = CMOS(8) LOC (6) 1 FUNCTION = "Boot from network" TYPE = "MSD" HELP = " With this function, it is possible to boot from a network." CHOICE = "Disabled" FREE INIT = CMOS(14) LOC (1) 0 CHOICE = "Enabled" FREE INIT = CMOS(14) LOC (1) 1 FUNCTION = "Boot without keyboard" TYPE = "MSD" HELP = " With this function, it is possible to boot without a keyboard\n connected to the system." CHOICE = "Disabled" FREE INIT = CMOS(14) LOC (0) 0 CHOICE = "Enabled" FREE INIT = CMOS(14) LOC (0) 1 GROUP = "Motherboard memory" TYPE = "MEM" FUNCTION = "Memory Modules" HELP = " The total amount of onboard memory can be set to different values,\n depending on the kind and number of SIMM-modules used (set by\n dipswitches 1 to 4). There are eight different settings.\n þ no additional SIMM's installed Ä 4 MByte\n þ 2 1MBx36 SIMM's Ä 12 MByte\n þ 4 1MBx36 SIMM's Ä 20 MByte\n þ 2 1MBx36 + 2 2MBx36 SIMM's Ä 28 MByte\n þ 4 2MBx36 SIMM's Ä 36 MByte\n þ 2 1MBx36 + 2 4MBx36 SIMM's Ä 44 MByte\n þ 4 4MBx36 SIMM's Ä 68 MByte\n þ 2 1MBx36 + 2 8MBx36 SIMM's Ä 76 MByte\n þ 2 4MBx36 + 2 8MBx36 SIMM's Ä 100 MByte\n þ 4 8MBx36 SIMM's Ä 132 MByte\n þ 2 16MBx36 SIMM's Ä 132 MByte\n þ 4 16MBx36 SIMM's Ä 256 MByte\n þ 2 32MBx36 SIMM's Ä 256 MByte\n " CHOICE = " 4 Mb (No additional SIMM's installed)" FREE MEMORY = 3M ADDRESS = 100000h CACHE = YES INIT = CMOS(4) 00000000 INIT = CMOS(5) 00001100 INIT = SWITCH(1) LOC(4-1) 1111 CHOICE = " 12 Mb (2 1MBx36 SIMM's)" FREE MEMORY = 11M ADDRESS = 100000h CACHE = YES INIT = CMOS(4) 00000000 INIT = CMOS(5) 00101100 INIT = SWITCH(1) LOC(4-1) 1110 CHOICE = " 20 Mb (4 1MBx36 SIMM's)" FREE MEMORY = 19M ADDRESS = 100000h CACHE = YES INIT = CMOS(4) 00000000 INIT = CMOS(5) 01001100 INIT = SWITCH(1) LOC(4-1) 1101 CHOICE = " 28 Mb (2 1MBx36 + 2 2MBx36 SIMM's)" FREE MEMORY = 27M ADDRESS = 100000h CACHE = YES INIT = CMOS(4) 00000000 INIT = CMOS(5) 01101100 INIT = SWITCH(1) LOC(4-1) 1100 CHOICE = " 36 Mb (4 2MBx36 SIMM's)" FREE MEMORY = 35M ADDRESS = 100000h CACHE = YES INIT = CMOS(4) 00000000 INIT = CMOS(5) 10001100 INIT = SWITCH(1) LOC(4-1) 1001 CHOICE = " 44 Mb (2 1MBx36 + 2 4MBx36 SIMM's)" FREE MEMORY = 43M ADDRESS = 100000h CACHE = YES INIT = CMOS(4) 00000000 INIT = CMOS(5) 10101100 INIT = SWITCH(1) LOC(4-1) 1011 CHOICE = " 68 Mb (4 4MBx36 SIMM's)" FREE MEMORY = 64M ADDRESS = 100000h CACHE = YES MEMORY = 3M ADDRESS = 65M CACHE = YES INIT = CMOS(4) 00000000 INIT = CMOS(5) 11111100 INIT = SWITCH(1) LOC(4-1) 1000 CHOICE = " 76 Mb (2 1MBx36 + 2 8MBx36 SIMM's)" FREE MEMORY = 64M ADDRESS = 100000h CACHE = YES MEMORY = 11M ADDRESS = 65M CACHE = YES INIT = CMOS(4) 00000000 INIT = CMOS(5) 11111100 INIT = SWITCH(1) LOC(4-1) 1010 CHOICE = "100 Mb (2 4MBx36 + 2 8MBx36 SIMM's)" FREE MEMORY = 64M ADDRESS = 100000h CACHE = YES MEMORY = 35M ADDRESS = 65M CACHE = YES INIT = CMOS(4) 00000000 INIT = CMOS(5) 11111100 INIT = SWITCH(1) LOC(4-1) 0111 CHOICE = "132 Mb (4 8MBx36 SIMM's)" FREE MEMORY = 64M ADDRESS = 100000h CACHE = YES MEMORY = 64M ADDRESS = 65M CACHE = YES MEMORY = 3M ADDRESS = 129M cache = YES INIT = CMOS(4) 00000000 INIT = CMOS(5) 11111100 INIT = SWITCH(1) LOC(4-1) 0110 CHOICE = "132 Mb (2 16MBx36 SIMM's)" FREE MEMORY = 64M ADDRESS = 100000h CACHE = YES MEMORY = 64M ADDRESS = 65M CACHE = YES MEMORY = 3M ADDRESS = 129M CACHE = YES INIT = CMOS(4) 00000000 INIT = CMOS(5) 11111100 INIT = SWITCH(1) LOC(4-1) 0101 CHOICE = "256 Mb (4 16MBx36 SIMM's)" FREE MEMORY = 64M ADDRESS = 100000h CACHE = YES MEMORY = 64M ADDRESS = 65M CACHE = YES MEMORY = 64M ADDRESS = 129M CACHE = YES MEMORY = 63M ADDRESS = 192M CACHE = YES INIT = CMOS(4) 00000000 INIT = CMOS(5) 11111100 INIT = SWITCH(1) LOC(4-1) 0100 CHOICE = "256 Mb (2 32MBx36 SIMM's)" FREE MEMORY = 64M ADDRESS = 100000h CACHE = YES MEMORY = 64M ADDRESS = 65M CACHE = YES MEMORY = 64M ADDRESS = 129M CACHE = YES MEMORY = 63M ADDRESS = 192M CACHE = YES INIT = CMOS(4) 00000000 INIT = CMOS(5) 11111100 INIT = SWITCH(1) LOC(4-1) 0010 FUNCTION = "Standard" HELP = " This option is only useful if less than 640 Kbyte of memory must\n be enabled." CHOICE = "640 kB" FREE MEMORY = 640k ADDRESS = 000000h CACHE = YES INIT = CMOS(10) 10000000 INIT = CMOS(11) 00000010 INIT = CMOS(2) 10000000 INIT = CMOS(3) 00000010 CHOICE = "512 kB" FREE MEMORY = 512k ADDRESS = 000000h CACHE = YES INIT = CMOS(10) 00000000 INIT = CMOS(11) 00000010 INIT = CMOS(2) 00000000 INIT = CMOS(3) 00000010 CHOICE = "256 kB" FREE MEMORY = 256k ADDRESS = 000000h CACHE = YES INIT = CMOS(10) 00000000 INIT = CMOS(11) 00000001 INIT = CMOS(2) 00000000 INIT = CMOS(3) 00000001 ENDGROUP FUNCTION = "System Serial Port #1" TYPE = "COM,ASY" HELP = " The First Serial Port on the systemboard (9P) can be set to COM1\n or COM2 or it can be disabled." CHOICE = "Assigned to COM1" SUBTYPE = "COM1" FREE IRQ = 4 PORT = 3F8h-3FFh INIT = CMOS(15) 11111110 INIT = CMOS(18) LOC (1-0) 11 INIT = CMOS(8) LOC (1) 0 CHOICE = "Assigned to COM2" SUBTYPE = "COM2" FREE IRQ = 3 PORT = 2F8h-2FFh INIT = CMOS(15) 10111110 INIT = CMOS(18) LOC (1-0) 10 INIT = CMOS(8) LOC (1) 0 CHOICE = "Disabled" DISABLE = YES FREE INIT = CMOS(8) LOC (1) 1 FUNCTION = "System Serial port #1 locking" TYPE = "MSD" HELP = " With this function, it is possible to lock serial port 1 during\n keyboard lock." CHOICE = "Enabled" FREE INIT = CMOS(9) LOC (7) 1 CHOICE = "Disabled" FREE INIT = CMOS(9) LOC (7) 0 FUNCTION = "System Serial Port #2" TYPE = "COM,ASY" HELP = " The Second Serial Port on the systemboard (9P) can be set to COM1\n or COM2 or it can be disabled." CHOICE = "Assigned to COM2" SUBTYPE = "COM2" FREE IRQ = 3 PORT = 2F8h-2FFh INIT = CMOS(16) 10111110 INIT = CMOS(18) LOC (3-2) 11 INIT = CMOS(8) LOC (2) 0 CHOICE = "Assigned to COM1" SUBTYPE = "COM1" FREE IRQ = 4 PORT = 3F8h-3FFh INIT = CMOS(16) 11111110 INIT = CMOS(18) LOC (3-2) 10 INIT = CMOS(8) LOC (2) 0 CHOICE = "Disabled" DISABLE = YES FREE INIT = CMOS(8) LOC (2) 1 FUNCTION = "System Serial port #2 locking" TYPE = "MSD" HELP = " With this function, it is possible to lock serial port 2 during\n keyboard lock." CHOICE = "Enabled" FREE INIT = CMOS(9) LOC (6) 1 CHOICE = "Disabled" FREE INIT = CMOS(9) LOC (6) 0 FUNCTION = "Detection mode serial ports" TYPE = "MSD" HELP = " When the BIOS performs a scan for serial ports, it can look\n for 2 devices (normal) or 4 devices (extended)." CHOICE = "Normal" FREE INIT = CMOS(9) LOC (1) 0 CHOICE = "Extended" FREE INIT = CMOS(9) LOC (1) 1 FUNCTION = "System Parallel Port" TYPE = "PAR" HELP = " The System Parallel (or Printer) Port can be set to address 378h\n (LPT1), 278h (LPT2) or it can be disabled." CHOICE = "Assigned as LPT1 (378h + IRQ7)" SUBTYPE = "LPT1" FREE IRQ = 7 PORT = 378h-37Fh INIT = CMOS(17) 11011110 INIT = CMOS(18) LOC (5-4) 10 INIT = CMOS(8) LOC(3) 0 CHOICE = "Assigned as LPT2 (278h + IRQ5)" SUBTYPE = "LPT2" FREE IRQ = 5 PORT = 278h-27Fh INIT = CMOS(17) 10011110 INIT = CMOS(18) LOC (5-4) 11 INIT = CMOS(8) LOC(3) 0 CHOICE = "Disabled" DISABLE = YES FREE INIT = CMOS(8) LOC(3) 1 FUNCTION = "Novell UPS interface" TYPE = "NET" HELP = " With the Novell compatible UPS interface, an Uninterruptible Power\n Supply can be connected to the system. The interface is compatible\n with the Novell SS-keycard/UPS-monitor board. It uses two bits of\n I/O-port 230h to sense two signals. The polarity of each signal can\n be set separately to active-high (normal) or active-low (inverse).\n The two signals are:\n þ AP - Auxiliary Power active\n þ BL - Battery Low" CHOICE = "Disabled" DISABLE = YES FREE INIT = CMOS(7) LOC(1 2 7) 000 CHOICE = "AP-signal normal, BL-signal normal" FREE PORT = 230h INIT = CMOS(7) LOC(1 2 7) 001 CHOICE = "AP-signal normal, BL-signal inverse" FREE PORT = 230h INIT = CMOS(7) LOC(1 2 7) 011 CHOICE = "AP-signal inverse, BL-signal normal" FREE PORT = 230h INIT = CMOS(7) LOC(1 2 7) 101 CHOICE = "AP-signal inverse, BL-signal inverse" FREE PORT = 230h INIT = CMOS(7) LOC(1 2 7) 111 FUNCTION = "Batteries" TYPE = "OTH" HELP = " It is possible to use normal batteries or rechargeable batteries.\n The kind of batteries used is set by means of dipswitch 5." CHOICE = "Normal batteries" FREE INIT = SWITCH(1) LOC(5) 0 CHOICE = "Rechargeable batteries" FREE INIT = SWITCH(1) LOC(5) 1 FUNCTION = "Software Generated NMI" SHOW = EXP HELP = " This item enables or disables software Non-maskable Interrupt\n (NMI) generation." CHOICE = "Disabled" FREE INIT = IOPORT(1) LOC (1) 0 CHOICE = "Enabled" FREE INIT = IOPORT(1) LOC (1) 1 FUNCTION = "Fail-Safe Timer NMI" SHOW = EXP HELP = " This item enables or disables fail-safe timer Non-maskable Interrupt\n (NMI) generation." CHOICE = "Disabled" FREE INIT = IOPORT(1) LOC (2) 0 CHOICE = "Enabled" FREE INIT = IOPORT(1) LOC (2) 1 FUNCTION = "Bus-Master Timeout NMI" SHOW = EXP HELP = " This item enables or disables bus timeout Non-Maskable Interrupt\n (NMI) generation." CHOICE = "Disabled" FREE INIT = IOPORT(1) LOC (3) 0 CHOICE = "Enabled" FREE INIT = IOPORT(1) LOC (3) 1