QUAKE Commands and Cheats
Here's a list of all commands you can use by pressing the [~] (tilde)
key on your keyboard. This is called to 'CONSOLE (MENU)' wow :)
Note1: most things are not cheats, but maybe you can use them.
Note2: # means that you have to fill in a number at that spot!
ALIAS - Set an alias besides playername ????
AMBIENT_FADE ### - Set the ambient fade ????
BEGIN - Networkgame function
BF - Screen lights up, dunnow!
BGMBUFFER #### - Set the buffersize (networkplay?)
BIND - Give a key a special function in the game
CENTERVIEW - Center your viewport
CHANGELEVEL [E#M#] - Change to level E#M#
CLEAR - Clearscreen in the console screen
CMD - ????
COLOR - Select color (teamplay/networkgame)
COM1 - Setup Comport 1 for Modemplay
COM2 - Setup Comport 2 for Modemplay
CONNECT - Connect your 'client' to Quake Server
DEMOS - Start a demo
DISCONNECT - Disconnect from server in networkplay
ECHO - Works the same as the dos command ECHO
EDICTCOUNT - Info on something ????
ENTITIES - Info on which opponents in game
EXEC - Execute a script (script -> make them yourself??)
FLY - Flymode
FOV ### - Change your viewdistance or something like that.
FRAGLIMIT - Change some sort of limit, I dont know!
GAMMA .# - Change the view due to Gamma Rays, COOL!
GIVE # - Give Weapon:
Axe 1
Shotgun 2
Double Barrelled Shotgun 3
Nailgun 4
Perforator 5
Grenade Launcher 6
Rocket Launcher 7
Thunderbolt 8
GOD - Godmode
HELP - Helpscreen
HOSTNAME [name] - Give your Server a Name. Default: UNNAMED
IMPULSE - Impulse??
KICK [name] - Kick user from the network game
KILL - Suicide!
KILLSERVER - Kills the current Quake Server
LISTEN # - Change PC into Listen Server (non-dedicated)
LOAD - Load a Saved game
MAP E#M# - Same as CHANGELEVEL command
MENU_KEYS - Keys Menu pops up
MENU_LOAD - Load Menu pops up
MENU_MAIN - Main Menu pops up
MENU_NET - Network Menu pops up
MENU_OPTIONS - Options Menu pops up
MENU_SAVE - Save Menu pops up
NAME [name] - Change username from "player" into [name]
NET_STATS - Network Stats
NOCLIP - Walk through the walls
NOISETRACK - Said: 'Couldn't open'
NOTARGET - Opponents don't see you anymore as a target.
PAUSE - Pause
PING - Client Ping Times
PLAYDEMO - Plays (demoname)
PLAY - Play
POINTFILE - Load Pointfile
PRESPAWN - Didn't work on my console, network only!
PROFILE - Guess some debug info
QUIT - Quit the game
RECONNECT - Reconnect to Server, didn't work at my PC
RECORD - Record your own demo for quake
RESTART - Restart the level
REGISTERED # - With values 0 and 1
SAVE - Save current game
SAY - Say something to other players
SAY_TEAM - Say something to your/other teamplayers
SBINFO - Info on your Soundblaster device
SCREENSHOT - Save screenshot
SENSIVITY ## - Mouse Sensitivity ????
SHOWPAUSE # - If set to 1, 'GAME PAUSED' will be shown at pause
SIZEDOWN - Make the screensize smaller
SIZEUP - Make the screensize bigger
SKILL #.######## - Change your skill (??)
SLIST - Quake Server List (Network game)
SND_SHOW # - If set to 1, debug info on Sound displayed
SND_NOEXTRAUPDATE - If set to 1, extra debug info shown I guess
SOUNDINFO - Info about Sound System(device)
SOUNDLIST - List of Sounds/Music
SPAWN - Network option, set if objects return in the game
STARTDEMOS - Start a demofile
STATUS - Shows info about current game. players status
STOP - Stop demo recording (used together with RECORD)
STUFFCMDS - Executes several commands at the same time
SV_AIM #.## - Sensitivity aiming (1.00 = you hit always!)
SV_FRICTION # - Sensitivity friction
SV_GRAVITY ### - Sensitivity gravity, set gravity
SV_IDEALPITCHSCALE #.# - Sensitivity Pitchscale
SV_MAXSPEED ### - Sensitivity Speed
SV_NOSTEP # - Sensivitity Steps
SV_STOPSPEED ### - Sensitivity Stopspeed
TELL - ????
TEST2 - Test?
TIMEDEMO [demoname] - Get info on Demo
TOGGLEMENU - Quits Console Menu
UNBIND - Unbind, remove command from a key
VERSION - Shows info about compile time/date of quake
VID_DESCRIBEMODES - Shows which videomodes Quake supports
VID_DESCRIBECURRENTMODE - Says in which mode quake is running
VID_MODE ## - Change to mode [1-10]
0: 320x200
***** MODE X-STYLE MODES *****
1: 320x200
2: 360x200
3: 320x240
4: 360x240
5: 320x350
6: 360x350
7: 320x400
8: 360x400
9: 320x480
10: 360x480
VID_NUMMODES - Says how much videomodes are available
VID_TESTMODE ## - Tests video mode [##]
VID_WAIT ## - 0: no waiting
1: wait for vertical sync active
2: wait for display enable active
VIEWMODEL - Said: 'No viewthing on map' (debug info?)
VIEWFRAME - Said: 'No viewthing on map' (debug info?)
VIEWPREV - Said: 'No viewthing on map' (debug info?)
WAIT - Wait ????