------------------------- MS-DOS v6.22 Help: VSAFE ------------------------- <Notes> <Examples> <Index> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VSAFE Continuously monitors your computer for viruses and displays a warning when it finds one. VSAFE is a memory-resident program that uses 22K of memory. Do not use the VSAFE command when Windows is running. Syntax VSAFE [/option[+ | -] ...] [/NE] [/NX] [/Ax | /Cx] [/N] [/D] [/U] Switches option Specifies how VSAFE monitors for viruses. Use a plus or minus sign (+ or -) after the number to turn an option on or off. The following list describes the options you can choose. 1 Warns of formatting that could completely erase the hard disk. The default setting is "on." 2 Warns of an attempt by a program to stay in memory. The default setting is "off." 3 Prevents programs from writing to disk. The default setting is "off." 4 Checks executable files that MS-DOS opens. The default setting is "on." 5 Checks all disks for boot sector viruses. The default setting is "on." 6 Warns of attempts to write to the boot sector or partition table of the hard disk. The default setting is "on." 7 Warns of attempts to write to the boot sector of a floppy disk. The default setting is "off." 8 Warns of attempts to modify executable files. The default setting is "off." /NE Prevents VSafe from loading into expanded memory. /NX Prevents VSafe from loading into extended memory. /Ax Sets the hot key as ALT plus the key specified by x. /Cx Sets the hot key as CTRL plus the key specified by x. /N Allows VSAFE to monitor for possible viruses on network drives. /D Turns off checksumming. /U Removes VSAFE from memory. *** <Syntax> <Examples> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VSAFE--Note Using VSAFE with Microsoft Windows Before installing Windows, turn off VSAFE. If VSAFE is running, you may not be able complete the Windows installation. If you use VSAFE with Windows, run the MWAVTSR.EXE memory-resident program by adding the following command to your WIN.INI file: load=mwavtsr.exe MWAVTSR.EXE enables VSAFE messages to be displayed in Windows. *** <Syntax> <Notes> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VSAFE--Example To specify that VSAFE not check for formatting that could erase all data on the hard disk, that VSAFE warn of attempts to write to the boot sector of a floppy disk, and that ALT+T be assigned as the hot key to display the VSAFE screen, type the following command: vsafe /1- /7+ /At *** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Top of page>
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