Article: Q30812
Product(s): See article
Version(s): 5.10 | 5.10
Operating System(s): MS-DOS | OS/2
Keyword(s): ENDUSER | | mspl13_masm
Last Modified: 26-MAY-1988
The following information is from the Microsoft Macro Assembler
Version 5.10 OS2.DOC file.
OS/2 Call Summary
Signal management constant - INCL_DOSSIGNALS
@DosSetSigHandler - Establishes a signal handler
Parameters - RoutineAddress:D, PrevAddress:PD, PrevAction:PW, Action:W,
@DosFlagProcess - Sets an external event flag on another process
Parameters - ProcessID:W, Action:W, FlagNum:W, FlagArg:W
@DosHoldSignal - Temporarily enables or disables signal processing
Parameters - ActionCode:W
@DosSendSignal - Sends a CTRL-C or CTRL-BREAK signal
Parameters - ProcessID:W, SigNumber:W