Q34470: MASM 5.10 MACRO.DOC: File Control

Article: Q34470
Product(s): See article
Version(s): 5.10   | 5.10
Operating System(s): MS-DOS | OS/2
Keyword(s): ENDUSER | | mspl13_masm
Last Modified: 12-JAN-1989

The following information was taken from the MASM 5.10 MACRO.DOC


@MakeFil (3Ch, 5Ah, 5Bh)

Creates a file

Syntax:         @MakeFil &path [,[attrib] [,[segment] [,#kind]]]

Arguments:      path        = ASCIIZ string of file
                attrib      = File atrribute (0 is default if none
                segment     = Segment of address string (DS if not
                kind        = If none given, a file is always
                              created even if one already exists. Under
                              DOS 3+ "tmp" can be given to create a
                              unique file or "new" to create file only
                              if one doesn't already exist.
Return:         If carrry clear, file handle in AX
Registers used: Always AX, DX, and CX; DS if segment changed

@OpenFil (3Dh)

Opens a file for input or output

Syntax:         @OpenFil &path, #access [,segment]

Arguments:      path        = ASCIIZ string of file
                access      = File access code
                segment     = Segment of address string (DS if not
Return:         If carrry set, error code in AX
Registers used: Always AX and DX; DS if segment changed

@ClosFil (3Eh)

Closes an open file handle

Syntax:         @ClosFil handle

Arguments:      handle      = Previously opened file handle
Return:         If carrry set, error code in AX
Registers used: AX and BX

@DelFil (41h)

Deletes a specified file

Syntax:         @DelFil &path [,segment]

Arguments:      path        = Offset of ASCIIZ filespec
                segment     = Segment of path (DS if none given)
Return:         If carrry set, error code in AX
Registers used: AX and DX; DS if segment changed

@MoveFil (56h)

Moves or renames a file by changing its path specification.

Syntax:         @MoveFil &old, &new [,[segold] [,segnew]]

Arguments:      old         = Offset of file spec to be renamed
                new         = Offset of new file spec
                segold      = Segment of old name (DS if none given)
                segnew      = Segment of new name (ES if none given)
Return:         If carry set, error code in AX
Registers used: AX, DX, and DI; DS and ES if corresponding
segments changed

@GetFirst (4Eh) and @GetNext (4Fh)

Parses file specifications (optionally including wild cards)
into file names

Syntax:         @GetFirst &path [,[attribute] [,segment]]

Arguments:      path        = Offset of ASCIIZ filespec (can
                              have wild cards)
                attribute   = File attribute to search for (0 for
                              normal if none given)
                segment     = Segment of path (DS if none given)
Return:         If carrry set, error code in AX
Registers used: @GetFirst   = AX, CX, and DX; DS if segment
                @GetNext    = AX only

@GetDTA (1Ah) and @SetDTA (2Fh)

Gets or sets the Disk Transfer Address (DTA)

Syntax:         @GetDTA
                @SetDTA &buffer [,segment]

Arguments:      buffer      = Offset of new DTA buffer
                segment     = Segment of new DTA buffer (DS if none
Return:         @GetDTA     = ES:BX points to DTA
                @SetDTA     = None
Registers used: AX for both; DS and DX for @SetDTA; ES and
BX for @GetDTA

@GetFilSz (42h)

Gets the file size by moving the file pointer to end of the
file. Note that the file pointer is reset to zero. Thus this macro
should not be called during operations that move the pointer.

Syntax:         @GetFilSz handle

Arguments:      handle      = Previously opened file handle
Return:         If carrry clear, file length in DX:AX
Registers used: AX, BX, CX, and DX

@MovePrtAbs and @MovePtrRel (42h)

Moves the file pointer in an open file. The pointer can be
moved to an absolute position, or relative to its current position.

Syntax:         @MovePrtAbs handle [,distance]
                @MovePrtRel handle [,distance]

Arguments:      handle      = Previously opened file handle
                distance    = Distance to move pointer - must be a
                              16-bit constant or a 16- or 32-bit variable;
                              or leave blank and set distance in CX:DX
                              before macro call
Return:         If carrry clear, file pointer position in DX:AX
Registers used: AX, BX, CX, and DX