Q35664: Create Your Own Non-ASCII Graphics Characters in CGA Graphics

Article: Q35664
Product(s): See article
Version(s): 4.00 4.00b 4.50
Operating System(s): MS-DOS
Keyword(s): ENDUSER | B_BasicCom | mspl13_basic
Last Modified: 16-DEC-1989

The program below demonstrates how to create your own non-ASCII
characters for use in CGA screens 1 and 2. This way you can make
characters such as 1/3, or foreign letters and symbols not found in
the ASCII or extended-ASCII character set.

This information applies to Microsoft QuickBASIC Versions 4.00 4.00b
and 4.50, to Microsoft BASIC Compiler Versions 6.00 and 6.00b for
MS-DOS, and to Microsoft BASIC PDS Version 7.00 for MS-DOS.

In graphics mode, the bit patterns for ASCII character codes 128
through 255 are obtained from a table located in RAM. The address of
this table is located in the Interrupt Vector Table at location
0000:007C (the vector for interrupt 1F). This location can be modified
to install modified character sets. Note, that on a standard IBM PC or
compatible, ASCII characters 0 through 127 are contained in the ROM
BIOS and cannot be replaced. (The IBM PCjr, which is not supported by
QuickBASIC, handles these characters differently.)

To create your own character set, you would create a table of
characters and replace the current address in the Interrupt Vector
Table with the address of your table. Keep in mind that the segment
and offset are stored "backwards" in the table. The following example

   F000: FF54

would be stored as follows:

   54 FF 00 F0

The information stored in the table should be an 8 x 8 bitmap for each
character desired. For example, the following character would be
represented by the following eight decimal values:

Character         Decimal Value
---------         -------------

11110000              240
10010000              144
10010000              144
11111110              254
10010010              146
10010010              146
10011110              158
00000000                0

The decimal value is the binary value for each line converted to

Code Example:

The three DATA statements hold the binary coding for the characters to
be represented. They are a small triangle, a sigma, and a 1/3. In
binary, the data looks like the following:

Triangle          Sigma             1/3
--------          -----             ---

00000010        11111110          10000100
00000110        00100000          10001000
00001110        00010000          10011110
00011110        00001000          10100010
00111110        00010000          01000110
01111110        00100000          10000010
11111110        11111110          00001110
00000000        00000000          00000000

DATA 2,6,14,30,62,126,254,0
DATA 254,64,32,16,32,64,254,0
DATA 132,136,158,162,70,130,14,0

DIM table(100)

location = VARPTR(table(0))
segment = VARSEG(table(0))

  A = PEEK(124)         'Save this information and restore it when done.
  B = PEEK(125)
  C = PEEK(126)
  D = PEEK(127)
  POKE 124, location MOD 256 'This is where the address of the graphics
  POKE 125, location \ 256   'screen characters are stored. The program
  POKE 126, segment MOD 256  'changes this so now it thinks the graphics
  POKE 127, segment \ 256    'characters are stored in the table() array.

FOR I = 1 TO 24
   READ A%                   'Place the created characters into the new
   POKE location + I, A%     'graphics table

FOR I = 128 TO 130           'Print the new characters out.
   PRINT CHR$(I) + " ";

DEF SEG = 0             'Restore to the original graphics character set.
  POKE 124, A
  POKE 125, B
  POKE 126, C
  POKE 127, D