Article: Q37898
Product(s): See article
Version(s): 1.00 1.01 1.02 2.00 2.01 3.00 4.00 4.00b 4.50
Operating System(s): MS-DOS
Keyword(s): ENDUSER | B_QuickBas B_BasicCom B_GWBasicI B_BasicInt | mspl13_basic
Last Modified: 10-JAN-1991
This article summarizes selected textbooks from Microsoft Press and
other sources that are useful references for BASIC programmers. This
information applies to QuickBASIC versions 1.00, 1.01, 1.02, 2.00,
2.01, 3.00, 4.00, 4.00b, and 4.50 for MS-DOS; to Microsoft BASIC
Compiler versions 6.00 and 6.00b for MS-DOS and MS OS/2; and to
Microsoft BASIC Professional Development System (PDS) versions 7.00
and 7.10 for MS-DOS and MS OS/2. Some references also apply to
Microsoft GW-BASIC versions 3.20, 3.22, and 3.23.
The following book applies to general Microsoft BASIC:
"BASIC Computer Adventures"
by David Ahl, published by Microsoft Press (1986)
This book contains 10 sample programs (games) to demonstrate general
concepts of BASIC programming. All of the programs in this book are
written in standard Microsoft BASIC for IBM PC compatibles
(including Microsoft GW-BASIC, IBM BASICA, and COMPAQ BASICA). The
programs also work in Microsoft BASIC for the Apple Macintosh.
The following newsletter applies to GW-BASIC and BASICA:
"The BASIC Teacher"
2814 19th Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
This monthly newsletter discusses learning and teaching BASIC. Each
issue contains tutorials, problems, solutions, and reviews. The
newsletter material is written by the authors of the following
"GW-BASIC Made Easy"
by Bob Albrecht and Don Inman, published by Osborne McGraw-Hill
The following Microsoft Press books apply specifically to QuickBASIC
for IBM Personal Computers and compatibles:
1. "Microsoft QuickBASIC Programmer's Toolbox"
by John Clark Craig, published by Microsoft Press (1988)
Contains more than 250 subprograms and functions that address common
and unusual programming tasks, including the following:
a. ANSI.SYS screen control.
b. Mouse support.
c. Pop-up windows.
d. Graphics.
e. String and bit manipulations.
f. Editing routines.
g. Engineering, mathematical, statistical, and random-number
h. Calendar and time routines.
i. Demonstrations and useful routines written in Microsoft C.
(This book shows how to write and compile C routines and how
to create a Quick library from those routines.)
2. "Microsoft QuickBASIC," 2nd Edition
by Douglas Hergert, published by Microsoft Press (1988)
This is the best resource for programming with QuickBASIC version
4.00 for IBM PC compatibles. It provides a concise survey of the
new features of QuickBASIC version 4.00. Special emphasis is placed
on the editing environment, record structures, user-defined TYPEs,
constants, additional loop and decision structures, and recursion.
There are six programs to help illustrate QuickBASIC commands,
functions, and techniques.
3. "Microsoft QuickBASIC"
by Douglas Hergert, published by Microsoft Press (1987)
This book provides a good introduction to QuickBASIC versions 2.00,
2.01, and 3.00 for IBM PC compatibles. It covers modular
programming, subroutines, include files, and general programming
4. "Microsoft QuickBASIC: Programmer's Quick Reference"
by Kris Jamsa, published by Microsoft Press (1989)
For every Microsoft QuickBASIC statement and function, this quick
reference contains a brief description, complete syntax, details on
parameters, and usually a sample program fragment.
5. "Learn BASIC Now"
by Halvorson and Rygmyr, published by Microsoft Press (1990)
This book includes the QuickBASIC interpreter (QBI.EXE) on disk,
and provides step-by-step instructions for learning BASIC
6. "The Waite Group's Microsoft QuickBASIC Bible"
by Mitchell Waite, published by Microsoft Press (1990)
This is the definitive reference for Microsoft QuickBASIC versions
through 4.50 (940 pages) for both novice and professional
programmers. Since the 4.50 product's language reference is mostly
in the online help, you may want a printed reference such as this.
The following books are from non-Microsoft publishers:
1. "QuickBASIC Made Easy"
by Albrecht, Wiegand, and Brown; published by Osborne McGraw-Hill
This is a programming textbook. A teacher's guide and a series of
workbooks are also available.
2. "Advanced QuickBASIC 4.0"
by Murray Lesser, from Bantam Books (1988)
This book describes building assembly-language libraries for use
with QuickBASIC.
3. "Using QB"
by Inman and Albrecht, from McGraw-Hill
This book is a good tutorial for QuickBASIC version 4.00.
4. "Using QuickBASIC 4.0"
by Feldman and Rugg, from Que
This is both a tutorial and reference and is one of the most
complete books on QuickBASIC version 4.00.
5. "Microsoft QuickBASIC Using Modular Structure"
by Julia Case Bradley, from William C. Brown Publishers (1989)
This is a programming textbook. A study guide is available.
6. "Microsoft IBM QuickBASIC: A Structured Approach"
by Harvey and Paul Deitel, published by Prentice-Hall (1989)
This is a programming textbook.
7. "QuickBASIC: A Structured Programming Approach"
by Fred Scott, published by Scott, Foresman, and Company (1988)
This is a programming textbook.
8. "Structured BASIC Programming" 2nd Edition
by Harry Moriber, Merrill Publishing (1989)
This is a programming textbook. Only the appendix discusses
Microsoft QuickBASIC.
9. "Advanced Structured BASIC"
by Lloyd Onyett, published by DC Heath (1989)
This is a programming textbook. Only the appendix discusses
Microsoft QuickBASIC.
10. "Microsoft QuickBASIC Programmer's Reference"
by Douglas Hergert, published by Howard W. Sams & Company (1990)
A comprehensive treatment of all 200 commands and functions in
QuickBASIC version 4.50.
The books below deal with advanced programming.
The following books do not describe BASIC language programming; they
describe video modes and BIOS and MS-DOS interrupt calls accessible
from QuickBASIC versions 2.00, 2.01, 3.00, 4.00, 4.00b, and 4.50:
1. "Programmer's Guide to PC & PS/2 Video Systems"
by Richard Wilton, published by Microsoft Press (1987)
This book gives excellent, in-depth coverage of IBM PC and PS/2
video systems, including the following:
a. MDA (Monochrome Display Adapter)
b. CGA (Color Graphics Adapter)
c. EGA (Enhanced Graphics Adapter)
d. VGA (Video Graphics Array; the video subsystem integrated into
the IBM PS/2 Models 50, 60, and 80)
e. MCGA (Multi-Color Graphics Array; or Memory Controller Gate
Array; the video subsystem integrated into the IBM PS/2 Model
f. HGA (Hercules Graphics Adapter)
This book also includes many invaluable C and assembler
source-code examples. Whatever graphic output you want, (for
example, text, circles, region fill, alphanumeric character
sets, bit blocks, or animation), you can do it faster and more
effectively with this book.
2. "Advanced MS-DOS Programming," 2nd Edition
by Ray Duncan, published by Microsoft Press (1988)
(The 1st edition, published in 1986, was called "Advanced
MS-DOS" and covers only MS-DOS versions 1.00 through 3.00.)
The 2nd edition discusses MS-DOS versions 1.00 through 4.00
in-depth. This book emphasizes the following subjects:
a. MS-DOS disk file and record operations.
b. MS-DOS disk directories and volume labels.
c. MS-DOS memory management.
d. MS-DOS EXEC functions.
e. MS-DOS programming reference (interrupts and function calls).
f. IBM ROM BIOS functions (up to IBM PS/2 Model 80 ROM BIOS, and
VGA video adapter).
g. Microsoft Mouse driver functions reference (up to Microsoft
Mouse driver version 6.00). This was not included in the first
edition of "Advanced MS-DOS."
h. Lotus/Intel/Microsoft (LIM) Expanded Memory Specification (EMS)
functions reference (up through LIM EMS version 4.00). This was
not included in the first edition of "Advanced MS-DOS."
3. "The New Peter Norton Programmer's Guide to the IBM PC and PS/2:
the Ultimate Reference Guide to the Entire Family of IBM Personal
by Peter Norton and Richard Wilton, published by Microsoft Press
4. "The Peter Norton Programmer's Guide to the IBM PC"
by Peter Norton, published by Microsoft Press (1985)
This book covers the following subjects:
a. Disk-handling information
b. Sound generation
c. BIOS (Basic Input Output System) information
d. ROM BIOS video and disk services
e. MS-DOS interrupts and function calls
f. Installable device drivers
g. Tips on creating interface routines for higher languages
5. "Microsoft Mouse Programmer's Reference"
by Microsoft Press (1989)
This guide describes how to perform Microsoft Mouse function calls
from Microsoft QuickBASIC, interpreted BASIC, QuickC, C, Pascal,
Macro Assembler, and FORTRAN. Two 5.25-inch companion disks include
sample programs.
6. "MS-DOS Extensions: Programmer's Quick Reference"
by Ray Duncan, published by Microsoft Press (1989)
This is a concise reference for Lotus/Intel/Microsoft Expanded
Memory Specification (LIM EMS) version 4.0, LIM Extended Memory
Specification (LIM XMS) version 2.0, Microsoft CD-ROM Extensions
version 2.10, and Microsoft mouse driver function calls.
The following magazine is the first magazine dedicated to programming
in BASIC. It covers programming tips, products, and articles related
to the BASIC programming community.
"The QuickBASIC Journal"
Northeast Publishing
126 Wellington Ave.
Warwick, RI 02886
(401) 274-5492