Q40104: Hardware Compatibility List for QuickC Version 2.00

Article: Q40104
Product(s): See article
Version(s): 2.00
Operating System(s): MS-DOS
Keyword(s): enduser | | mspl13_c
Last Modified: 17-JAN-1989

Below is a list of personal computers and video cards on which
QuickC Version 2.00 was tested. Although not every type of machine and
video card listed was tested, every card was at least tested on an IBM

The following video cards were tested:

   Compaq VGA                  Paradise VGA+
   Genoa EGA                   Paradise VGA Pro
   Hercules MONO               Quadram VGA
   Hercules Color              Sigma EGA
   IBM EGA                     Sigma VGA/H
   IBM VGA                     STB EGA
   IDS-VGA                     Tecmar VGA
   Orchid VGA                  Vega Plus EGA
   Paradise Auto               Vega Plus Vga

The following personal computers were tested:

   Acer 710                    NCR PC-916
   Acer 910                    Olivetti PC 286
   Acer 1100                   Olivetti PC 386
   AST Premium/386             PC's Limited
   AT&T PC 6300                Sharp PC 4521
   AT&T PC 6300 Plus           Sperry PC/IT
   Compaq Deskpro 286          Tandon Targa 20
   Compaq Deskpro 386          Tandon Targa 40 Plus
   Compaq Deskpro 386/20       Tandy 1000
   Compaq Deskpro 386/25       Tandy 1000 EX
   Compaq Portable             Tandy 1000 TX
   Compaq Portable II          Tandy 1200
   Compaq Portable III         Tandy 3000
   Compaq Portable 286         Tandy 4000
   Compaq Portable 386         TI Business Pro (AT Mode)
   DataVue Snap 1+1            Toshiba TI 1200
   DEC Vaxmate                 WYSE PC 286 2108
   Dell System 200             WYSE PC 286 2112
   Dell System 310             WYSE PC 286 2200
   DG One 2T                   WYSE PC 286 2214
   Epson Equity LT             WYSE PC 386 3216
   Hewlett-Packard Vectra PC   Zenith Z-150
   IBM PC                      Zenith Z-151
   IBM PC/XT                   Zenith Z-159
   IBM PC/AT                   Zenith Z-181
   IBM PC Convertible          Zenith Z-183
   IBM PS/2 Model 30           Zenith Z-248
   IBM PS/2 Model 50           Zenith Z-248/12
   IBM PS/2 Model 60           Zenith Z-286
   IBM PS/2 Model 80           Zenith Z-286 SuperSport
   NCR PC-6                    Zenith Z-386
   NCR PC-810                  Zenith Z-286 LP
                               Zenith Turbo Sport