Article: Q41532
Product(s): See article
Version(s): 4.00 4.00b 4.50
Operating System(s): MS-DOS
Keyword(s): ENDUSER | B_BasicCom SR# S890210-64 | mspl13_basic
Last Modified: 29-JAN-1991
Any allocation of variable-length strings (or data in the default data
segment, DGROUP) that is done at run time reduces the values returned
by both the FRE("") and FRE(-1) functions by an equal amount.
This behavior occurs because the area that is unused by the default
data segment (64K maximum) can potentially be consumed by the far heap
and vice versa. In other words, the following is true:
1. Run-time allocation of data in the default data segment (64K
maximum) always reduces the space free for the far heap by an
equal amount.
2. Allocation of far heap (which is always done at run time with
non-variable-length-string arrays only) reduces the memory
available for the default data segment if all other memory has
already been consumed.
This information applies to Microsoft QuickBASIC versions 4.00, 4.00b,
and 4.50, and to Microsoft BASIC Compiler versions 6.00 and 6.00b for
MS-DOS and MS OS/2.
This information also applies to Microsoft BASIC Professional
Development System (PDS) versions 7.00 and 7.10 for MS-DOS and MS OS/2
when using near strings. The meaning of the information returned by
the FRE function when using far strings in BASIC PDS 7.00/7.10 is
slightly different, and is documented in the "Microsoft BASIC 7.0:
Language Reference" manual on pages 140-141. Note that the QBX.EXE
environment of BASIC PDS 7.00/7.10 always uses and requires far
strings. You can print the value of the STACK function to find
available DGROUP space when using far strings.
Unused memory can be consumed at run time by either the default data
segment (DGROUP) (64K maximum), or by the far heap (640K maximum minus
DOS, minus code, minus previously allocated data), as shown in the
three examples below. The boundary between the default data segment
and the far heap is dynamically variable at run time.
Example 1
In the following program, an array in the far heap consumes all except
2K or less of available memory, leaving less than 2K free for the
default data segment:
' Compile this with QB or BC with the /AH option
' for supporting huge (larger than 64K) arrays:
x = FRE(-1)
PRINT FRE("") ' Default data space free starts around 48K.
DIM y(1023, x / (4 * 1024)) ' Dynamically allocate all but < 2K.
PRINT FRE("") ' Default data space free ends at less than 2K.
FRE("") reports the size, in bytes, of the memory available for the
storage of variable-length (dynamic) strings at run time. FRE(-1)
reports the size, in bytes, of the memory available for the largest
dynamic non-variable-length-string array that can be dimensioned.
Example 2
The following is another example showing that any variable-length
string allocated at run time reduces both FRE("") and FRE(-1) by an
equal amount:
far = FRE(-1)
near = FRE("")
a$ = STRING$(1000, 34) ' Initializes a 1000-byte string.
PRINT "far heap difference=",far - FRE(-1)
PRINT "default data difference=",near - FRE("")
PRINT : PRINT "Now allocate some more default data space..."
far = FRE(-1)
near = FRE("")
DIM b$(250) ' Dynamically allocates variable-length string array.
PRINT "far heap difference=",far - FRE(-1)
PRINT "default data difference=",near - FRE("")
Example 3
The following code produces a $STATIC array of variable-length
strings, which allocates memory for the string descriptors in the
default data segment at compile time (NOT at run time):
DIM a$(200)
PRINT FRE(-1) ' Unchanged free far heap.
PRINT FRE("") ' Unchanged free default data space.
Each array element has a string descriptor that takes 4 bytes (2 bytes
for length plus 2 bytes for string pointer). In a $STATIC array, these
descriptors are allocated at compile time.
(Note: Assigning variable-length string array elements to string
values is done only at run time for both $STATIC and $DYNAMIC arrays,
which consumes default data space at run time. The FRE function
displays the changing free memory values at run time.)
If a $DYNAMIC metacommand is placed before this block of code, the
array of string descriptors is allocated at run time, which reduces
the space available in the data segment and the far heap at run time.
The values returned by FRE(-1) and FRE("") are reduced by an equal
amount. Results from running the above code with and without a
$DYNAMIC declaration are listed below for both the QuickBASIC
environment and compiled EXEs:
----------------------- --------------------------
Prior: Heap = 245070 Prior: Heap = 244246
Prior: String space = 47694 Prior: String space = 46870
After: Heap = 244258 After: Heap = 244246
After: String space = 46882 After: String space = 46870
Compiled EXE with $DYNAMIC Compiled EXE Without $DYNAMIC
-------------------------- -----------------------------
Prior: Heap = 444120 Prior: Heap = 443368
Prior: String space = 59144 Prior: String space = 58360
After: Heap = 443308 After: Heap = 443368
After: String space = 58332 After: String space = 58360