Q42326: Wrong Example in QB Advisor for CALL INTERRUPT

Article: Q42326
Product(s): See article
Version(s): 4.50
Operating System(s): MS-DOS
Keyword(s): ENDUSER | SR# S890220-8 docerr | mspl13_basic
Last Modified: 12-NOV-1990

The code example for CALL INTERRUPT in the QuickBASIC version 4.50 QB
Advisor hypertext online Help system is the wrong example because it
is actually a code example for CALL INT86OLD, and the CALL INTERRUPT
example is missing. In addition, two errors need correcting in this
CALL INT86OLD example. Working examples of CALL INT86OLD (corrected)
and CALL INTERRUPT are shown below.

The following two errors need to be corrected in the CALL INT86OLD
example that comes up on the QuickBASIC 4.50 QB Advisor "Help: Call
Interrupt Statement Programming Example":

1. The following incorrect line

      $INCLUDE: 'QB.BI'    [Gives "Expected: Statement" error in QB.EXE.]

   should be corrected to read as follows:


2. The following incorrect line

      INARY%(DX) = SADD("FOO.TXT" + CHR$(0))  ["Expected: Variable" error.]

   should be changed into the following two lines:

      a$ = "FOO.TXT" + CHR$(0)
      INARY%(DX) = SADD(a$)

The corrected CALL INT86OLD example is shown in Example 1 below.

The CALL INTERRUPT statement is shown in Example 2 below. A code
example for CALL INTERRUPT can also be found on Pages 74-76 of
"Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.5: BASIC Language Reference," which is sold
separately (see the order card in the 4.50 package).

In the QBX.EXE Microsoft Advisor online Help system (for Microsoft
BASIC PDS versions 7.00 and 7.10 for MS-DOS and MS OS/2), the CALL
INTERRUPT code example correctly displays on the "Help: Interrupt,
Interruptx Routines Programming Example" screen (and the example works

Note that the INT86OLD and INT86XOLD routines are not documented in
any printed or online documentation in BASIC PDS 7.00 and 7.10, as
explained in a separate article found by querying with the following

   INT86OLD and help and docerr

Example 1: CALL INT86OLD Example (Corrected)

' Note:  To use CALL INTERRUPT, you must load the Quick library QB.LIB
'        with QuickBASIC. The program also uses the QB.BI header file.

' Include header file for INT86OLD, etc.
REM $INCLUDE: 'QB.BI'  ' Added REM to correct "Expected: Statement" error

DIM INARY%(7), OUTARY%(7)         'Define input and output
                  'arrays for INT86.
' Define register-array indices to
' make program easier to understand.
CONST AX = 0, BX = 1, CX = 2, DX = 3, bp = 4, si = 5, di = 6, FL = 7
INARY%(AX) = &H3C00               'DOS function to create a file.
INARY%(CX) = 0                    'DOS attribute for created file.
a$ = "FOO.TXT" + CHR$(0)   ' Added this line and modified next line to
INARY%(DX) = SADD(a$)      ' correct "Expected: Variable" error.
                  'Pointer to file-name string
                  'with zero byte termination.

                  'Perform the creation.
INARY%(BX) = OUTARY%(AX)          'Move created file handle for write.
INARY%(AX) = &H4000               'DOS function to write to file.
TEXT$ = "hello, world" + CHR$(13) + CHR$(10)
                  'Define text to write to file.
INARY%(CX) = LEN(TEXT$)           'Get length of text string.
INARY%(DX) = SADD(TEXT$)          'Get address of text string.
                  'Perform the write.
INARY%(AX) = &H3E00               'DOS function to close a file.
                  'Perform the close.

Example 2: CALL INTERRUPT Example (not found in QB Advisor 4.50 Help)

'This example uses the Interrupt routine to determine the current
'drive and the amount of free space remaining on the drive.

'Note: To use the Interrupt routine, you must load the Quick library
'QB.QLB using the /L switch when you begin QB. The following include
'file must also be present.


'Define registers.
DIM regs AS RegType

'Get current drive info; set up input and do system call.
regs.ax = &H1900
CALL INTERRUPT(&H21, regs, regs)

'Convert drive info to readable form.
Drive$ = CHR$((regs.ax AND &HFF) + 65) + ":"

'Get disk free space; set up input values and do system call.
regs.ax = &H3600
regs.dx = ASC(UCASE$(Drive$)) - 64
CALL INTERRUPT(&H21, regs, regs)

'Decipher the results.
SectorsInCluster = regs.ax
BytesInSector = regs.cx
IF regs.dx >= 0 THEN
    ClustersInDrive = regs.dx
    ClustersInDrive = regs.dx + 65536
IF regs.bx >= 0 THEN
    ClustersAvailable = regs.bx
    ClustersAvailable = regx.bx + 65536
Freespace = ClustersAvailable * SectorsInCluster * BytesInSector

'Report results.
PRINT "Drive "; Drive$; " has a total of";
PRINT USING "###,###,###"; Freespace;
PRINT " bytes remaining free."