Q42471: How to Scroll Text in Separately Defined Windows in QuickBASIC

Article: Q42471
Product(s): See article
Version(s): 4.00 4.00b 4.50
Operating System(s): MS-DOS
Keyword(s): ENDUSER | SR# S890220-5 B_BasicCom | mspl13_basic
Last Modified: 13-DEC-1989

This article describes how to use a hardware interrupt to define
scrollable text windows with viewing limits on all four sides. This
information applies to QuickBASIC Versions 4.00, 4.00b, and 4.50, to
Microsoft BASIC Compiler Versions 6.00 and 6.00b, and to Microsoft
BASIC PDS Version 7.00 running under MS-DOS.

In some languages such as PASCAL, text windows are easily defined with
a function called WINDOW. After a window is defined, all text written
to the screen appears only within the defined window, and only text
within the window is scrolled up or down. There are two additional
functions, DELLINE and INSLINE, that scroll the window contents up or
down one line.

Using the VIEW PRINT statements in QuickBASIC, a window can be
defined, but only Rows (top and bottom, ymax and ymin) can be defined.
Column limits (left and right, xmin and xmax) cannot be defined. Any
window defined will always use the entire width of the screen.

Defining Windows with left, right, top, and bottom limits in
QuickBASIC requires just a little more work, but it can be done using
the CALL INTERRUPT routine with Interrupt 10 Hex, functions 06 Hex
(scroll up) and 07 Hex (scroll down).

Interrupt 10 Hex, functions 06 Hex and 07 Hex, can define windows and
scroll text within the defined window, but it does not prevent text
from being written to other coordinates on the screen. Therefore, it
is up to the programmer to write routines that will write text to the
areas defined as Windows. Interrupt 10 Hex, functions 06 Hex and 07
Hex will scroll the text up or down.

Code Example

The following program demonstrates the use of Interrupt 10 Hex,
functions 06 Hex and 07 Hex. Three separate Windows are defined by the

   Window number
   Window color
   Window limits: left, right, top, bottom

Random text is written to each Window, scrolling the text up or down
as required.

' Text Windowing Demonstration program.
' (Interrupt 10H, functions 06H and 07H)
' Define the TYPE needed for INTERRUPT (you could
' use REM $INCLUDE:'QB.BI' as an alternative under QuickBASIC
' 4.00, 4.00b, 4.50 or the BASIC compiler 6.00 or 6.00b. Use
' REM $INCLUDE:'QBX.BI' as an alternative under the BASIC
' PDS 7.00):

TYPE RegType
     ax    AS INTEGER
     bx    AS INTEGER
     cx    AS INTEGER
     dx    AS INTEGER
     bp    AS INTEGER
     si    AS INTEGER
     di    AS INTEGER
     flags AS INTEGER
DECLARE SUB Interrupt (intnum%, inregs AS RegType, _
                       outregs AS RegType)
DECLARE SUB ScrollWindowUp (windowN%, numlines%)
DECLARE SUB ScrollWindowDown (windowN%, numlines%)
DECLARE SUB InitializeWindow (windowN%,Wcolor%,left%,_
DECLARE SUB DrawBorder (windowN%)
DIM SHARED windows(5, 5) AS INTEGER      'allow max of 5 windows
DIM SHARED inregs AS RegType, outregs AS RegType

VIEW PRINT                           'use entire screen 25 X 80
LOCATE 25, 27
COLOR 15, 6
InitializeWindow 1, 5, 10, 35, 3, 21               'Initialize 3
InitializeWindow 2, 2, 45, 70, 3, 11               'separate windows
InitializeWindow 3, 1, 40, 70, 15, 21

  LOCATE 22, 11
  COLOR 15, windows(1, 1)
  FOR I% = 1 TO 26                           'print one full line of
    PRINT CHR$(INT(RND * 200) + 32);         'random characters at
  NEXT I%                                    'bottom of Window #1 and
  ScrollWindowUp 1, 1                        'Scroll Up one line

  LOCATE 12, 46
  COLOR 15, windows(2, 1)
  FOR I = 1 TO 26                            'print one full line of
    PRINT CHR$(INT(RND * 200) + 32);         'random characters at
  NEXT                                       'bottom of Window #2 and
  ScrollWindowUp 2, 1                        'Scroll Up one line

  LOCATE 16, 41
  COLOR 15, windows(3, 1)
  FOR I = 1 TO 31                            'print one full line of
    PRINT CHR$(INT(RND * 200) + 32);         'random characters at
  NEXT I                                     'top of Window #3 and
  ScrollWindowDown 3, 1                      'Scroll Down one line

' SUBprogram: InitializeWindow - Interrupt 10H function 06H or 07H
'             Stores the Window information for the Window specified
'             in the ARRAY windows, then uses
'             CALL INTERRUPT with Interrupt 10H to initialize Window
'                AH = function 06H or 07H (scroll up or scrol down)
'                AL = 00H   if zero, window is blanked
'                BH = color of window
'                CH = top window border
'                CL = left window border
'                DH = bottom window border
'                DL = right window border
SUB InitializeWindow(windowN%, Wcolor%, left%, right%, top%, bottom%)
  windows(windowN%, 1) = Wcolor%
  windows(windowN%, 2) = left%
  windows(windowN%, 3) = top%
  windows(windowN%, 4) = right%
  windows(windowN%, 5) = bottom%
  inregs.ax = &H600
  inregs.bx = Wcolor% * 4096
  inregs.cx = top% * 256 + left%
  inregs.dx = bottom% * 256 + right%
  CALL Interrupt(&H10, inregs, outregs)
  DrawBorder windowN%

' SUBprogram: ScrollWindowDown - Interrupt 10H function 07H
'             AH = function 07H
'             AL = number of lines to scroll
'             BH = window color
'             CH = top window border
'             CL = left window border
'             DH = bottom window border
'             DL = right window border
SUB ScrollWindowDown (windowN%, numlines%)
  inregs.ax = 1792 + numlines%
  inregs.bx = windows(windowN%, 1) * 4096
  inregs.cx = windows(windowN%, 3) * 256 + windows(windowN%, 2)
  inregs.dx = windows(windowN%, 5) * 256 + windows(windowN%, 4)
  CALL Interrupt(&H10, inregs, outregs)

' SUBprogram: ScrollWindowUp - Interrupt 10H function 06H
'             AH = function 06H
'             AL = number of lines to scroll
'             BH = window color
'             CH = top window border
'             CL = left window border
'             DH = bottom window border
'             DL = right window border
SUB ScrollWindowUp (windowN%, numlines%)
  inregs.ax = 1536 + numlines%
  inregs.bx = windows(windowN%, 1) * 4096
  inregs.cx = windows(windowN%, 3) * 256 + windows(windowN%, 2)
  inregs.dx = windows(windowN%, 5) * 256 + windows(windowN%, 4)
  CALL Interrupt(&H10, inregs, outregs)

' SUBprogram: DrawBorder
'             Draws a solid border around window
'             specified using character #219
SUB DrawBorder (windowN%)
  COLOR 14, 0
  FOR I% = windows(windowN%, 3) TO windows(windowN%, 5) + 2
    LOCATE I%, windows(windowN%, 2)
    PRINT CHR$(219)
    LOCATE I%, windows(windowN%, 4) + 2
    PRINT CHR$(219)
  FOR I% = windows(windowN%, 2) + 1 TO windows(windowN%, 4) + 1
    LOCATE windows(windowN%, 3), I%
    PRINT CHR$(219)
    LOCATE windows(windowN%, 5) + 2, I%
    PRINT CHR$(219)