Q42947: Instant Watch on $INCLUDE File CONST Name May Hang QB.EXE

Article: Q42947
Product(s): See article
Version(s): 4.00 4.00b 4.50
Operating System(s): MS-DOS
Keyword(s): ENDUSER | SR# S890320-95 buglist4.00 buglist4.00b buglist4.50 | mspl13_basic
Last Modified: 26-FEB-1990

The QuickBASIC environment may hang when attempting to add an Instant
Watch on a CONST data name that is in an $INCLUDE file. Microsoft has
confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft QuickBASIC Versions 4.00,
4.00b, and 4.50 and in the QB.EXE that is shipped with Microsoft BASIC
Compiler Versions 6.00 and 6.00b (buglist6.00, buglist6.00b). This
problem was corrected in Microsoft BASIC Professional Development
System (PDS) Version 7.00 (fixlist7.00).

The two files involved are the following:

   REM ---- TEST.BI -------
   CONST TRUE = -1

   REM ---- TEST.BAS ------
   REM $INCLUDE: 'test.bi'

The following steps should cause the machine to hang. The steps must
be followed closely to reproduce the problem:

1. Load and run the TEST.BAS file.

2. Choose the Include File command on the View pull-down menu.

3. Highlight the "TRUE" CONSTant data name.

4. Set an Instant Watch variable (press SHIFT+F9).

The machine is now hung and a reboot is required. If the same
sequence of events is followed as described above with the following
exception, then the machine will not hang:

   In Step 2, choose Include File Lines instead of the Include File

Additional reference word: B_BASICCOM