Q43308: Differences among QuickBASIC Versions 2.00, 3.00, 4.00, 4.50

Article: Q43308
Product(s): See article
Version(s): 2.00 2.01 3.00 4.00 4.00b 4.50
Operating System(s): MS-DOS
Keyword(s): ENDUSER | | mspl13_basic
Last Modified: 18-OCT-1989

This article describes differences among Microsoft QuickBASIC Versions
2.00, 3.00, 4.00, and 4.50. (2.01 can be grouped with 2.00, and 4.00b
can be grouped with 4.00 in the comparisons below.)

                                         QuickBASIC Version
Development Environment         2.00       3.00       4.00       4.50
-----------------------         ----       ----       ----       ----

Assembly-language listings      No         No         Yes        Yes
during separate compilation
(compiler /A option)

Error listings during           No         Yes        Yes        Yes
separate compilation

Microsoft CodeView support      No         No         Yes        Yes

Hercules graphics card support  No         No         Yes        Yes

Immediate mode execution        No         No         Yes        Yes

Insert/overtype modes           No         Yes        Yes        Yes

Instant Watches for variables   No         No         No         Yes
and expressions

Multiple modules in memory      No         No         Yes        Yes

Multifile/multiwindow editing   No         No         Yes        Yes

On-line QuickBASIC Advisor      No         No         No         Yes

On-line help                    No         No         Yes        Yes

ProKey, SideKick, and           No         Yes        Yes        Yes
SuperKey compatibility

Selectable right mouse button   No         No         No         Yes

Set default search paths        No         No         No         Yes

Syntax checking on entry        No         No         Yes        Yes

WordStar-style keyboard         No         No         Yes        Yes

                                         QuickBASIC Version
                                2.00       3.00       4.00       4.50
Language Features               ----       ----       ----       ----

BINARY file Input/Output        No         No         Yes        Yes

Block IF/THEN/ELSE              Yes        Yes        Yes        Yes

DEF FN                          Yes        Yes        Yes        Yes

Definable lower array-bounds    No         No         Yes        Yes

Fixed-length strings            No         No         Yes        Yes

FUNCTION procedures             No         No         Yes        Yes

Long (32-bit) integers          No         No         Yes        Yes

Recursive procedures            No         No         Yes        Yes

User-defined variable types     No         No         Yes        Yes

                                         QuickBASIC Versions
                                2.00       3.00       4.00       4.50
Math Support                    ----       ----       ----       ----

IEEE format, math coprocessor   No         Yes        Yes        Yes

8087/80287 support              No         Yes        Yes        Yes

8087/80287 emulation            No         Yes        Yes        Yes

                                         QuickBASIC Versions
                                2.00       3.00       4.00       4.50
Memory Model and Linking        ----       ----       ----       ----

Build quick libraries from      No         No         Yes        Yes

Compatibility with other        MASM only  MASM only  Yes        Yes

Huge arrays                     No         No         Yes        Yes

Quick library support or        User       User       Quick      Quick
user library support            Library    Library    Library    Library


In QuickBASIC 4.50, you can access on-line help for QuickBASIC's
keywords, commands, and menus, and on-line help for general topics and
your own variables. Examples shown on the help screens can be copied
and pasted directly into your own program, reducing development time.

In the 4.50 editor, you can set the function of the right mouse button
with the Right Mouse command from the Options menu. Use the function
that best suits your needs.

For faster debugging, QuickBASIC 4.50 offers an Instant Watch command
for immediately identifying the value of a variable or the condition
(true or false) of an expression.

Version 4.50 also lets you set default search paths to specific types
of files. This lets you organize your files by type and keep them in
separate directories. QuickBASIC searches the correct directory after
you set the new default search path. You can set default paths for
executable, include, library, and help files.