Article: Q47206
Product(s): Microsoft Home Games
Operating System(s):
Last Modified: 30-JUL-2001
There are two ways to experience soaring in the sailplane, ridge soaring and
thermal soaring.
To experience ridge soaring in Flight Simulator, select the mode Sailplane: Ridge
Soaring from the Mode Library. This flight mode releases you into the air
currents that are rising along the coast of Marin Country, northwest of the
Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.
To experience thermal soaring in Flight Simulator, select the mode Sailplane:
Thermal Soaring from the Mode Library. You will be released in an area with an
abundance of thermal activity; by flying over the dark colored areas of the
ground, you will likely fly into a thermal. When you do, the nose of the
sailplane pitches up slightly, and then the VSI and altimeter indicate that you
are climbing.
Additional query words: 4.00 flight simulator flightsim fltsim soar
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