Article: Q57502
Product(s): See article
Version(s): 7.00 7.10
Operating System(s): MS-DOS
Keyword(s): ENDUSER | SR# S891211-4 docerr | mspl13_basic
Last Modified: 8-JAN-1991
Page 524 of the "Microsoft BASIC 7.0: Language Reference" for
Microsoft BASIC Professional Development System (PDS) Versions 7.00
and 7.10 shows an incorrect example of how to load a font by its order
in the font file. This documentation incorrectly states the following:
Note that to load fonts according to their order in the font
file, l% would take the form:
l% = LoadFont%("n1,n3,n6")
The code above should read as follows (where l% means L%, not to be
confused with 1%):
l% = LoadFont%("n1/n3/n6")
When loading multiple fonts, each font given in the fontspec$ argument
of LoadFont%(fontspec$) should be separated by forward slashes (the
"/" character), not by commas.
If the code in this documentation error is used, only the first font
is loaded (l% contains the number "1", indicating that only one font
is loaded).
Code Example
The following code example demonstrates the documentation problem. To
use this code example, you must start QBX.EXE with /L FONTBEFR.QLB to
access the font routines.
'* Load a the Times Roman font.
PRINT "Registering Times Roman font."
FontNum% = RegisterFonts("D:\BC7\FONTS\TMSRB.FON")
PRINT "Number of fonts in the file: "; FontNum%
PRINT "Loading fonts 4,5,6 from the Times Roman file."
var1% = LoadFont%("N4,N5,N6")
PRINT "Number of fonts successfully loaded"; var1%
PRINT "value of FontErr", FontErr
a$ = "Hello world"
var1% = OutGText%(100, 100, a$)