Q57971: Unresolved Externals from GRAPHICS.LIB

Article: Q57971
Product(s): See article
Version(s): 5.10
Operating System(s): MS-DOS
Keyword(s): ENDUSER | s_quickc s_quickasm | mspl13_c
Last Modified: 26-JAN-1990

When linking a program with a version of GRAPHICS.LIB newer than the
one supplied with your compiler, the following unresolved externals
will occur:

   LINK : error L2029: Unresolved externals:

   __aDBdoswp in file(s):
   ___aDBswpchk in file(s):
   ___aDBswpflg in file(s):

   There were 3 errors detected

Code Example

#include <stdio.h>
#include <graph.h>

void main(void)
    _clearscreen ( _GCLEARSCREEN );
    _settextcolor ( 1L );
    _outtext ("Hello");

Following are the steps to re-create the unresolved externals:

1. Compile the program using Microsoft C 5.10 compiler and link the
   object file with GRAPHICS.LIB from either FORTRAN 5.00, QuickC
   2.00, or QuickC 2.01.

2. Compile the program using Microsoft QuickC 2.00 or 2.01 and link
   the object file with GRAPHICS.LIB from FORTRAN 5.00.

To determine which GRAPHICS.LIB came with which package, check the
size of the GRAPHICS.LIB file (shown below):

   C 5.10                       - 59357 bytes   3-07-88   5:10a

   QuickC 2.00                  - 75337 bytes  12-13-88  10:19a

   QuickC w/QuickAssembler 2.01 - 75871 bytes   3-08-89  11:17a

   FORTRAN 5.00                 - 76467 bytes   3-24-89   8:56p

It is recommended that you use the version of GRAPHICS.LIB that comes
with the compiler to avoid any problems.