Article: Q65124
Product(s): Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit
Version(s): WINDOWS:3.0,3.1
Operating System(s):
Keyword(s): kbfile kbIntlDev
Last Modified: 09-DEC-1999
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) versions 3.0, 3.1
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articles can be found in the Microsoft Knowledge Base article:
Q65260 The Windows Developer's Notes
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Microsoft(R) Windows(TM) version provides an environment that allows you to give
your applications country and language independence.
This document is a collection of information related to international support in
Windows. For more information about functions mentioned in this document, see
the documentation included with the Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) and
Device Development Kit (DDK).
To reach worldwide audiences with your products, you need to create
applications that can be marketed in more than one country and that
can be modified for new markets.
An international application must have the following characteristics:
- Country and language independence
- Easy localization
All applications, regardless of the language used in the interface,
should be able to handle data from different countries and in
different languages. For example, a database developed primarily for
the English-speaking market should be able to handle French and German
input. The application also should handle the appropriate currency
symbols and date and time formats. Furthermore, it should be able to
execute complex operations, such as sorting, using the language
selected by the user.
Ease of localization is the second goal to strive for when writing
international applications. Localization can be defined as the process
of adapting an application for a market other than the one for which
it was originally designed. This adaptation involves translation of
the product, addition of new features when required, and modification
of the product to meet local needs. Applications should be developed
so that localization is a fast and painless task.
This document explains how to internationalize your Windows-based
Windows 3.0 provides resources to help your applications achieve
country and language independence. These resources consist of
international information stored in the WIN.INI file and in language-
sensitive Windows functions. By using these resources and following
the guidelines described in this section, your application will
produce the correct international behavior.
The [Intl] section of the WIN.INI file contains the current Windows
country settings. These settings can be modified by the user through
the Control Panel, or by the application through the
WriteProfileString() function. Applications have access to the current
country settings through the GetProfileInt() and GetProfileString()
functions. Applications should read the required country settings at
start-up, and should monitor the WM_WININICHANGE message to update its
country settings accordingly, in case they are changed.
The following is a list of the country settings stored in WIN.INI:
Setting Description
------- -----------
iCountry Country code. This value is based on the telephone
country code. The only exception is Canada, for which a
2 is used instead of 1 (1 is used by the United
States). Use this setting if your application has to
control a country-dependent feature not supported by
Windows 3.00.
sCountry String defining the selected country name.
sLanguage The national language selected by the user. Changing
the language using the Control Panel's International
dialog box will change the installed language-dependent
module. The language values are as follows:
Value Language
----- --------
dan Danish
dut Dutch
eng International English
fcf French Canadian
fin Finnish
frn French
ger German
ice Icelandic
itn Italian
nor Norwegian
por Portuguese
spa Spanish
swe Swedish
usa U.S. English
sList List separator. This character is used to separate
elements in a list. The list separator must be
different from the decimal separator to avoid conflicts
with lists of numbers.
iMeasure Measurement system selected by the user, where
0 = metric, 1 = English. Use this setting to control
measurement-dependent features of your application.
iTime Time format. This setting defines the time format: 12
hours or 24 hours, where 0 = 12-hour clock, 1 = 24-hour
sTime Time separator. This character is displayed between
hours and minutes, and between minutes and seconds.
s1159 In some countries, the time is displayed followed by a
trailing string (AM, for example). This setting
contains the trailing string used for times between
00:00 and 11:59.
s2359 Trailing string (PM, for example) for times between
12:00 and 23:59, when in 12-hour clock format, or
trailing string (GMT, for example) for any time in
24-hour clock format.
iTLZero When displaying time, this value specifies whether or
not the hours should have a leading zero. The
convention is 0 = no leading zero (9:15, for example),
1 = leading zero (09:15, for example).
iDate This is the Windows 2.x style for defining the date
format. It has been kept for compatibility reasons. We
recommend using sShortDate instead. The values for this
setting are:
0 = Month-Day-Year
1 = Day-Month-Year
2 = Year-Month-Day
sDate Date separator. Kept for compatibility with
Windows 2.x. Try using sShortDate instead.
sShortDate This is a new Windows 3.00 format. This string defines
a "date picture" of the short date format. More
information about the short date format can be stored
using this method. sShortDate accepts only the values
M, MM, d, dd, yy and yyyy. See sLongDate for
information about these values and pictures.
sLongDate This setting is like sShortDate, but it also can
contain strings mixed with days of the week, dates,
months, and years. The definition of this date picture
is as follows:
Value Item Format
----- ---- ------
M Month 1-12
MM Month 01-12
MMM Month Jan-Dec
MMMM Month January-December
d Day 1-31
dd Day 01-31
ddd Day Mon-Sun
dddd Day Monday-Sunday
yy Year 00-99
yyyy Year 1900-2040
Date Picture Meaning
------------ -------
d MMMM, yyyy 9 January, 1989
dddd, MMMM d, yyyy Friday, February 7, 1989
M/d/yy 3/18/89
dd-MM-yyyy 18-03-1989
d 'of' MMMM, yyyy 9 of January, 1989
sCurrency This string defines the currency symbol of a given
country. Be very careful with this setting. Do not make
global replacements of currency amounts in your
application if the currency symbol is changed through
the Control Panel. Once the user has entered an amount
using certain currency, that currency should stay the
same. Also, be careful with this setting when sharing
files among users or applications.
iCurrency This setting defines the currency format. The
convention is:
0 = Currency symbol prefix, no separation ($1, for
1 = Currency symbol suffix, no separation (1$)
2 = Currency symbol prefix, one character separation
($ 1)
3 = Currency symbol suffix, one character separation
(1 $)
iCurrDigits This value defines the number of digits used for the
fractional part of a currency amount.
iNegCurr This value defines the negative currency format. The
definition follows the convention:
0 = ($1)
1 = -$1
2 = $-1
3 = $1-
4 = (1$)
5 = -1$
6 = 1-$
7 = 1$-
In these examples, the dollar symbol represents any
currency symbol defined by sCurrency.
sThousand This is the symbol used to separate thousands in
numbers with more than three digits.
sDecimal Character used to separate the integer part from the
fractional part of a number.
iDigits Value defining the number of decimal digits that should
be used in a number.
iLzero This setting defines whether a decimal value less than
1.0 (and greater than -1.0) should contain a leading
0 = No leading zero (for example, .7)
1 = Leading zero (0.7)
Windows 3.00 introduces the concept of national language. Language, in
conjunction with country, allows Windows to describe more precisely
the characteristics of a given geographical location. The following is
a list Windows functions that behave differently, depending on the
language selected:
Comparing and Sorting Strings
The Windows 3.00 functions lstrcmp and lstrcmpi allow applications to
compare and/or sort strings based on the natural language selected by
the user. These functions take into account different alphabetical
orderings, diacritical marks, and special cases that require character
compression or expansion.
It is very important to notice that these functions do not act the
same way as do the C functions strcmp and strcmpi. The comparison done
by lstrcmp and lstrcmpi is based on a primary value and a secondary
value (see the following table). Each character has a primary and a
secondary value. For example, in the following matrix, the letter "d"
has a primary value of 4 and a secondary value of 2.
Values Secondary Values
------ ----------------
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1 A A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 a a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7
2 B b
3 C C2 c c2
4 D d
5 E E2 E3 E4 E5 e e2 e3 e4 e5
6 F f
NOTE: This table uses these character values because some accented
characters cannot easily be represented for electronic
transmission. The printed application note contains the actual
accented characters and may be easier to read and comprehend.
Capital letters precede the lowercase letters. The following is a
list of the accent codes:
A2 - A with a grave accent
A3 - A with an acute accent
A4 - A with a circumflex
A5 - A with a tilde
A6 - A with an umlaut
A7 - A with a circle
C2 - C with a cedilla
E2 - E with a grave accent
E3 - E with an acute accent
E4 - E with a circumflex
E5 - E with an umlaut
Examples of Primary and Secondary Sorting Values
When performing the comparison of two strings, the primary value takes
precedence over the secondary value. That is, the secondary value is
ignored unless a comparison based on the primary value shows the
strings as equivalent.
The following examples show the effect of primary and secondary values
on string comparisons:
Comparison Reason
---------- ------
A = A Primary values equal
A < a Primary values equal, secondary values unequal (A < a)
Ab < ab Primary values equal, secondary values unequal (A < a)
ab < Ac Primary values unequal (b < c)
Note, however, that lstrcmpi ignores the effect of case in determining
secondary value. That is, when lstrcmpi is called to compare "AB" and
"ab", the two strings will be equivalent. However, lstrcmpi does not
ignore diacritical marks, so "Ab" precedes "(a6)b", regardless of
whether the comparison is performed by lstrcmp or lstrcmpi. ("a6" is
an "a" with an umlaut.)
When comparing strings of different lengths, length takes precedence
over secondary values. That is, the shorter string will always precede
the longer string as long as the primary values in the shorter string
equal the primary values of the equivalent characters in the longer
string. For example, "ab" precedes "ABC", but "ABC" precedes "AD".
Depending on the language module installed, some characters will be
treated differently. For example, if the German language module is
installed, the beta character expands to "ss". If the Spanish language
module is installed, the characters "ch" will be treated as a single
character that sorts between "c" and "d".
Case Conversions
The case conversion functions AnsiLower(), AnsiLowerBuff(),
AnsiUpper() and AnsiUpperBuff() depend on the language module
installed. Different languages treat case conversions differently. Do
not use the C case-conversion functions; they do not take into
consideration characters with values more than 128.
Character Classification Functions
The functions IsCharAlpha(), IsCharAlphaNumeric(), IsCharLower(), and
IsCharUpper() are also language dependent. Use these functions to
attain language independence.
Handling Character Sets: ANSI Versus OEM
One of the main problems developers face when writing international
Windows-based applications is handling characters sets. It is very
important to understand ANSI and OEM.
ANSI is the character set used internally by Windows and its
applications. Windows does not recognize any character set other than
OEM is defined by Windows as the character set used by MS-DOS. The term
"OEM" does not refer to a specific character set; instead, it refers
to any of the different character sets (code pages) that can be
installed and used by MS-DOS.
Because Windows runs on top of MS-DOS, there must be a layer between
Windows and MS-DOS that performs translations between ANSI and OEM. When
Windows is first installed, the Windows Setup program looks at the
MS-DOS-installed character set, and then installs the correct ANSI-OEM
translation tables and Windows OEM fonts.
Windows-based applications should use the Windows functions AnsiToOem()
and OemToAnsi() when transferring information to and from MS-DOS. Also,
applications should use the correct character set when creating
filenames. For more information about handling filenames, see the
following section.
There is no one-to-one mapping between ANSI and OEM. Applying
AnsiToOem() and then OemToAnsi() to a given string will not always
result in the original string.
Keep in mind that both ANSI and OEM are 8-bit character sets. Always
use "unsigned char" instead of "signed char". Bugs that result from
using "signed char" are very hard to track.
Handling Filenames
One of the problems dealing with the ANSI and OEM character sets is
the handling of filenames. Different applications do file handling
differently, depending on factors such as speed, size, and programming
style. This section describes the most common methods.
The easiest way to deal with filenames in Windows is to use ANSI for
all filenames, and use the functions _lcreat(), _lopen(), and
OpenFile() to deal with MS-DOS and the OEM character set.
Another way to deal with filenames is to use OpenFile() to obtain a
fully qualified pathname, the szPathName field, from the OFSTRUCT
data structure. Be very careful here. The szPathName field contains
characters from the OEM character set. The szPathName field must first
be converted to ANSI before it is used as a parameter for OpenFile(),
other Windows functions, or in a dialog box.
The following example shows this conversion:
if (OpenFile("myfile.txt", &of, OF_EXISTS) == -1)
OemToAnsi(of.szPathName, szAnsiPath);
OpenFile(szAnsiPath, &of, OF_CREATE);
Note that the value of of.szPathName must be converted from OEM to
The third, and perhaps most complicated, method of handling files is to
directly call MS-DOS [using the DOS3Call() function or an INT 21H
instruction]. You must ensure that your application always passes OEM
characters to MS-DOS.
Another problem occurs when applications try to create filenames in
ANSI that have no equivalent characters in OEM. For example, the
character E4 (E-circumflex) does not exist in code page 437 (437 is
the standard U.S. extended ASCII character set). If the application
tries to save the file (E4).TXT, Windows will convert (E4).TXT into
E.TXT [by using the AnsiToOem() function], and then it will pass the
file to MS-DOS. The end result is a confused user that doesn't understand
what happened to his/her file. You can solve this problem by using the
ES_OEMCONVERT and CBS_OEMCONVERT control styles. These styles (the
first for edit controls and the second for combo boxes) will read the
user's input and convert the typed character to a valid character (one
that exists in the OEM character set). This way, the user will see on
the screen the real filename that will be stored at the MS-DOS level.
Handling the Keyboard
The most important keyboard issue for international applications is
the use of the VK_OEM keys as user input. The problem here is that the
locations of the VK_OEM keys change, depending on the keyboard layout
chosen by the user. The VkKeyScan() function is helpful in these
VkKeyScan() is used to translate an ANSI character into a virtual-key
code plus a shift state. This function also could be used when one
application has to send text to another application by simulating
keyboard input.
Some other useful functions are the following:
- ToAscii(). This function is the opposite of VkKeyScan(). It
converts a virtual-key code plus a shift state to an ANSI
- GetKeyNameText(). This function retrieves a string that contains
the name of a key (for example, the SHIFT key or the ENTER key).
The string will be in the language related to the keyboard. For the
French keyboard layout, the name of the keys will be in French.
- GetKbCodePage(). It is important to note that there is no real
relationship between the keyboard and the code page installed. This
function will return the code page (OEM character set) that was
running at the MS-DOS level when Windows was installed.
To enter characters that are not on your keyboard, use the ALT key and
the numeric keypad. For ANSI characters, hold down the ALT key and
then, on the numeric keypad, type 0 (zero) and the three-digit code of
the character you want. For OEM characters, do the same thing without
typing the 0 prefix.
SETUP.INF, and Private Initialization Files
The WIN.INI, SYSTEM.INI, and SETUP.INF files are ANSI files. Normally,
applications do not touch SYSTEM.INI or SETUP.INF. For WIN.INI and
private initialization files, applications should use the functions
GetPrivateProfileInt(), GetPrivateProfileString(), GetProfileInt(),
GetProfileString(), WritePrivateProfileString(), and
WriteProfileString(). Make sure ANSI is always used with these
The section names and setting names in WIN.INI and private
initialization files should be independent of the language of the
application. Normally, all of these names should be in English. For
example, in WIN.INI, the section name [Desktop] and the setting name
Wallpaper should always remain in English so that applications in
different languages can access the same information.
Creating applications that are easy to localize is not difficult if
you follow a few basic rules.
The most important rule for localization is to never mix functional
code with strings, messages, or any other information that has to be
modified. In a normal Windows-based application, all the menus, strings,
and messages should be placed in the resource script (.RC) file. All the
dialog-box information should be placed in the dialog script (.DLG)
file. If you do this, there will be no need to recompile the
executable file for a new localized version of the product. Just use
the resource compiler (RC). Hard-coded strings (strings mixed with
functional code) are the worst enemy of localization.
Strings that are not meant to be modified (filenames, WIN.INI setting
names, etc.) can be placed in the resource script file. In this case,
the .RC file should contain comments documenting that the names are
permanent. Better yet, mark what has to be translated (explaining
limitations, if any) and what should not be modified. The better the
documentation, the easier the localization.
Place in the .RC files and .DLG files anything that could be a
localization item. It is better to have extra information in these
files than to have too little.
In cases where an .RC or .DLG file cannot be used, place all the
information in a file (such as an include file) that is separate from
any functional code.
Many languages are more verbose than English; therefore, they require
more space to hold strings or to display dialog boxes. There are
cases, as with menus, where the space allocation is done dynamically.
However, in most cases, the application must provide the space. The
following table shows how much additional space should be allocated
for strings of various lengths:
Length of
English Text Space Allocation
(In Characters) (In Addition to Text)
-------------- ---------------------
1-10 200 percent
11-20 100 percent
21-30 80 percent
31-50 60 percent
51-70 40 percent
70+ 30 percent
Avoid creating dense menus where most of the available space (a line,
for example) is already used up in the English version. Dialog boxes
should be designed so that items can be moved freely, allowing the
organization of the contents as the translation demands. Do not crowd
status bars with information. Even abbreviations are often longer in
different languages.
Never make assumptions about syntax or grammar when dealing with
foreign languages. The ordering of words can be different, and the
number of words required is often greater than in English.
All messages should be self contained, not dynamically assembled. For
messages that have variables added to them at run time, do not make
any assumptions about the position of the variable in the message. The
way to handle variables in messages is by using the Windows function
wsprintf(). For example, you could place in the .RC file the string
containing the variable, as follows:
CannotOpen, "The application could not open the file %s"
Use wsprintf() to incorporate the variable into the string, as
LoadString(hInst, CannotOpen, lpFormat, MaxLen);
wsprintf(FinalString, lpFormat, FileName);
Avoid using a single word in more than one message. Words such as
"None" can have different translations (different gender and number)
depending on the context.
Do not create plurals of words by adding "s". Keep two strings, one
for the singular and one for the plural.
Avoid parsing text to obtain information. Parsing normally assumes
specific syntax.
Avoid using slang, abbreviations, and jargon, since they are difficult
to translate.
When handling graphic objects such as bitmaps, cursors, and icons, try
to avoid the use of embedded text. Text is difficult to modify when in
graphical form. If you cannot avoid this, be careful about leaving
enough space for translation, and try to create tools to simplify the
Graphic objects are also language dependent. Always look for graphic
objects that represent international concepts.
Do not hard code the position or size of any element on the screen.
Remember that items will change position and size as they get
translated. If you must define the size or position of certain object,
place this definition in the .RC file.
Be careful when using the CreateWindow() function. This function
contains two parameters: lpClassName and lpWindowName. The lpClassName
parameter should be constant and independent from localization. On the
other hand, lpWindowName is the string that will appear in the caption
bar and therefore should be localized. The string used for
lpWindowName should be taken from the resources.
Microsoft is a registered trademark and Windows is a trademark of
Microsoft Corporation.
Additional query words:
Keywords : kbfile kbIntlDev
Technology : kbAudDeveloper kbWin3xSearch kbSDKSearch kbWinSDKSearch kbWinSDK300 kbWinSDK310
Version : WINDOWS:3.0,3.1