Article: Q66491
Product(s): See article
Version(s): 1.00 1.01 1.02 2.00 2.01 3.00 4.00 4.00b 4.50
Operating System(s): MS-DOS
Keyword(s): ENDUSER | policy B_MQuickB BM0350 BM0351 BM0352 appnote | mspl13_basic
Last Modified: 13-NOV-1990
Below are the three form letters that Microsoft sends in response to
unsolicited letters from customers who have QuickBASIC for MS-DOS or
for Macintosh:
Appnote Number Description
-------------- -----------
BM0350 QuickBASIC Suggestion Reply Letter
BM0351 QuickBASIC Question Reply Letter
BM0352 QuickBASIC Problem/Docerr Reply Letter
These form letters are sent out from Microsoft Product Support
Services (PSS) as application notes.
This information applies to Microsoft QuickBASIC versions 1.00, 1.01,
1.02, 2.00, 2.01, 3.00, 4.00, 4.00b, 4.50 for MS-DOS, and to Microsoft
QuickBASIC version 1.00 for Apple Macintosh.
Note: Page 1 of 2 is shown below for each reply letter. Page 2 of 2,
the "Product Assistance Checklist," is the same for each reply letter,
and is shown in a separate article found by querying for the following
product and assistance and checklist
BM0350: QuickBASIC Suggestion Reply Letter
Dear MS-DOS and Macintosh QuickBASIC Customer:
Thank you for your letter and suggestion concerning QuickBASIC.
Although we are unable to respond to your technical questions by
letter, we do forward your letters to our QuickBASIC development team.
This procedure provides developers with customer feedback, which will
in turn make Microsoft's products even better. Now that we can no
longer respond to letters (unless solicited by Microsoft), we are
providing the following new service:
Microsoft now offers a new two-tiered support program for QuickBASIC.
All QuickBASIC customers will be given two specific phone numbers to
call. First, our regular toll line is designed to answer questions
about set up and installation procedures, problem reports, and
documentation errors concerning our current version of QuickBASIC,
version 4.50 for MS-DOS and version 1.00 for the Apple Macintosh. You
can call (206) 646-5101, Monday through Friday (except holidays), 8 AM
to 5 PM Pacific Standard Time.
Second, customers who have questions should refer to our 900-number
support line, which is designed to offer support on programming, code
debugging, and problem solving issues for all versions of QuickBASIC
earlier than 4.50, and other issues not supported on our QuickBASIC
toll line. We are offering this 900-number service to provide a higher
quality of service, extended hours, and a shorter waiting time. To
access "OnCall(TM) for BASIC," call (900) 896-9999. The cost is $2 per
minute, and the service is available Monday through Friday from 6 AM
to 6 PM Pacific Standard Time. To obtain the best possible service, we
recommend you be at your computer and have your QuickBASIC reference
manuals and disks handy when you call. Also, please refer to the
enclosed product assistance checklist.
There are many supplemental sources of information relating to the
BASIC languages, including reference guides and books published by
Microsoft Press, or you can contact our "OnCall for BASIC" service at
(900) 896-9999. Support is also available electronically through
Microsoft OnLine and CompuServe. One of the features of these services
is to provide access to the Microsoft Knowledge Base. The Microsoft
Knowledge Base contains the latest technical information about
Microsoft language products. For more information about Microsoft
OnLine, which is designed for software developers, call (800)
443-4672. For more information about CompuServe, which is the largest
general online information service for personal computer users, call
(800) 848-8199.
Blain Barton
BASIC Languages Team Manager
Product Support Services
BM0351: QuickBASIC Question Reply Letter
Dear MS-DOS and Macintosh QuickBASIC Customer:
Thank you for your letter concerning QuickBASIC. Although we are
unable to respond to your technical questions by letter, we do forward
your letters to our QuickBASIC development team. This procedure
provides developers with customer feedback, which will in turn make
Microsoft's products even better. Now that we can no longer respond to
letters (unless solicited by Microsoft), we are providing the
following new service:
Microsoft now offers a new two-tiered support program for QuickBASIC.
All QuickBASIC customers will be given two specific phone numbers to
call. First, our regular toll line is designed to answer questions
about set up and installation procedures, problem reports, and
documentation errors concerning our current version of QuickBASIC,
version 4.50 for MS-DOS and version 1.00 for the Apple Macintosh. You
can call (206) 646-5101, Monday through Friday (except holidays), 8 AM
to 5 PM Pacific Standard Time.
Second, customers who have questions should refer to our 900-number
support line, which is designed to offer support on programming, code
debugging, and problem solving issues for all versions of QuickBASIC
earlier than 4.50, and other issues not supported on our QuickBASIC
toll line. We are offering this 900-number service to provide a higher
quality of service, extended hours, and a shorter waiting time. To
access "OnCall(TM) for BASIC," call (900) 896-9999. The cost is $2 per
minute, and the service is available Monday through Friday from 6 AM
to 6 PM Pacific Standard Time. To obtain the best possible service, we
recommend you be at your computer and have your QuickBASIC reference
manuals and disks handy when you call. Also, please refer to the
enclosed product assistance checklist.
There are many supplemental sources of information relating to the
BASIC languages, including reference guides and books published by
Microsoft Press, or you can contact our "OnCall for BASIC" service at
(900) 896-9999. Support is also available electronically through
Microsoft OnLine and CompuServe. One of the features of these services
is to provide access to the Microsoft Knowledge Base. The Microsoft
Knowledge Base contains the latest technical information about
Microsoft language products. For more information about Microsoft
OnLine, which is designed for software developers, call (800)
443-4672. For more information about CompuServe, which is the largest
general online information service for personal computer users, call
(800) 848-8199.
Blain Barton
BASIC Languages Team Manager
Product Support Services
BM0352: QuickBASIC Problem/Docerr Reply Letter
Dear MS-DOS and Macintosh QuickBASIC Customer:
Thank you for your letter concerning your QuickBASIC problem and/or
documentation error. Although we are unable to respond to your
technical questions by letter, we do forward your letters to our
QuickBASIC development team. This procedure provides developers with
customer feedback, which will in turn make Microsoft's products even
better. Now that we can no longer respond to letters (unless solicited
by Microsoft), we are providing the following new service:
Microsoft now offers a new two-tiered support program for QuickBASIC.
All QuickBASIC customers will be given two specific phone numbers to
call. First, our regular toll line is designed to answer questions
about set up and installation procedures, problem reports, and
documentation errors concerning our current version of QuickBASIC,
version 4.50 for MS-DOS and version 1.00 for the Apple Macintosh. You
can call (206) 646-5101, Monday through Friday (except holidays), 8 AM
to 5 PM Pacific Standard Time.
Second, customers who have questions should refer to our 900-number
support line, which is designed to offer support on programming, code
debugging, and problem solving issues for all versions of QuickBASIC
earlier than 4.50, and other issues not supported on our QuickBASIC
toll line. We are offering this 900-number service to provide a higher
quality of service, extended hours, and a shorter waiting time. To
access "OnCall(TM) for BASIC," call (900) 896-9999. The cost is $2 per
minute, and the service is available Monday through Friday from 6 AM
to 6 PM Pacific Standard Time. To obtain the best possible service, we
recommend you be at your computer and have your QuickBASIC reference
manuals and disks handy when you call. Also, please refer to the
enclosed product assistance checklist.
There are many supplemental sources of information relating to the
BASIC languages, including reference guides and books published by
Microsoft Press, or you can contact our "OnCall for BASIC" service at
(900) 896-9999. Support is also available electronically through
Microsoft OnLine and CompuServe. One of the features of these services
is to provide access to the Microsoft Knowledge Base. The Microsoft
Knowledge Base contains the latest technical information about
Microsoft language products. For more information about Microsoft
OnLine, which is designed for software developers, call (800)
443-4672. For more information about CompuServe, which is the largest
general online information service for personal computer users, call
(800) 848-8199.
Blain Barton
BASIC Languages Team Manager
Product Support Services