Article: Q66829
Product(s): Microsoft Home Games
Operating System(s):
Last Modified: 30-JUL-2001
Page 71 of the "Microsoft Flight Simulator Aircraft & Scenery Designer
User's Guide" shows a 747 panel with BRG indicators for both the NAV1 and NAV2
displays. This picture is incorrect. There is no way to change the NAV1 radio
panel from OBS to BRG.
The BRG indicator on the NAV2 display shows the bearing that you should fly to
head directly toward the VOR tracked by the NAV2 radio. This changes
automatically as you fly away from the VOR at an angle.
The OBS indicator on the NAV1 display indicates which VOR radial you are
tracking. You can select a different value by pressing V to activate the gauge
then the PLUS SIGN (+) or MINUS SIGN (-) key to change the value.
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