Q68663: Passing BASIC Numeric Arrays from BASIC to C and Back to BASIC

Article: Q68663
Product(s): See article
Version(s): 4.00 4.00b 4.50
Operating System(s): MS-DOS
Keyword(s): ENDUSER | SR# S910114-113 B_BasicCom | mspl13_basic
Last Modified: 29-JAN-1991

The following example demonstrates how to pass numeric arrays from
compiled BASIC to Microsoft C then back to BASIC using BASIC's "by
reference" calling convention.

This information applies to Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00, 4.00b, and 4.50
for MS-DOS, to Microsoft BASIC Compiler 6.00 and 6.00b for MS-DOS and
MS OS/2, and to Microsoft Professional Development System 7.00 and
7.10 for MS-DOS and MS OS/2.

For more information about passing other types of parameters between
BASIC and C, and a list of which BASIC and C versions are compatible
with each other, query in the Software/Data Library for the following


The example below differs from the other BAS2C array-passing examples
in that the example below lets you pass array data from BASIC to C
then back to BASIC. The other BAS2C examples pass array data from
BASIC to C but not back to BASIC.

Code Example

Compile and link the sample programs below as follows:

   BC /O ByRefB.BAS ;
   CL /c /W3 /AM ByRefC.C
   LINK /NOE ByRefB ByRefC ;


' Declare the BASIC and C routines to use the same calling
' convention. In this case we want the BASIC "BY REFERENCE"
' calling convention.

DECLARE SUB BTest (Array1%(), Array2!(), Array3#(), Array4&())
DECLARE SUB CTest (Array1%(), Array2!(), Array3#(), Array4&())
DIM A%(10), B!(10) ' Define some STATIC data in "DGROUP"
DIM C#(10), D&(10) ' And, some DYNAMIC data
FOR i% = 0 TO 10   ' Initialize the arrays
    A%(i%) = i%
    B!(i%) = .5 * i%
    C#(i%) = 1.5 * i%
    D&(i%) = i% * i%
CTest A%(), B!(), C#(), D&()
PRINT A%(10), B!(10), C#(10), D&(10)
SUB BTest (Array1%(), Array2!(), Array3#(), Array4&())
    FOR i% = 0 TO 10
        PRINT Array1%(i%), Array2!(i%), Array3#(i%), Array4&(i%)
    NEXT i%


#include <stdio.h>

 ** Use "typedef" to reduce complexity/readability of code.
 ** BASIC's BY REFERENCE is a near handle to a far pointer for the
 ** actual data of numeric arrays.
typedef int    far * near * HInt ;
typedef long   far * near * HLng ;
typedef float  far * near * HSng ;
typedef double far * near * HDbl ;

 ** Define the BASIC routine as a "standard BASIC" call so the
 ** parameters will be the same.
extern void pascal BTest ( HInt, HSng, HDbl, HLng ) ;

 ** Define our C routine as a "standard BASIC" routine so we look
 ** like BASIC. This simplifies the parameter passing since we
 ** all look the same on the stack.
void pascal CTest (HInt IntArray, HSng SngArray,
                   HDbl DblArray, HLng LngArray)
        int j, i;
        printf ("\nOriginal Array Values\n") ;
        BTest ( IntArray, SngArray, DblArray, LngArray ) ;
        for (i = 0, j = 10; i < 6; i++, j--)
                (*IntArray)[i] = (*IntArray)[j] ;
                (*LngArray)[i] = (*LngArray)[j] ;
                (*SngArray)[i] = (*SngArray)[j] ;
                (*DblArray)[i] = (*DblArray)[j] ;
     printf ("\nModified Array Values\n") ;
        BTest ( IntArray, SngArray, DblArray, LngArray ) ;
        printf ("\nModified Last Array Elements\n") ;
        (*IntArray) [10] = (int)    3 ;
        (*SngArray) [10] = (float)  4.45 ;
        (*DblArray) [10] = (double) 30.303 ;
        (*LngArray) [10] = (long)   445 ;

Program Output

 Original Array Values

  0             0             0             0
  1             .5            1.5           1
  2             1             3             4
  3             1.5           4.5           9
  4             2             6             16
  5             2.5           7.5           25
  6             3             9             36
  7             3.5           10.5          49
  8             4             12            64
  9             4.5           13.5          81
  10            5             15            100

 Modified Array Values

  10            5             15            100
  9             4.5           13.5          81
  8             4             12            64
  7             3.5           10.5          49
  6             3             9             36
  5             2.5           7.5           25
  6             3             9             36
  7             3.5           10.5          49
  8             4             12            64
  9             4.5           13.5          81
  10            5             15            100

 Modified Last Array Elements

  3             4.45          30.303        445