Q74213: MS-DOS Shell: Select Across Directories Option

Article: Q74213
Product(s): Microsoft Disk Operating System
Version(s): MS-DOS:5.x,6.0
Operating System(s): 
Last Modified: 17-DEC-2000

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft MS-DOS operating system versions 5.0, 5.0a, 6.0 


If you have Select Across Directories selected under Options, and you use MS-DOS
Shell to copy, move, or delete a file, more than one file may be copied, moved,
or deleted.


If you have Select Across Directories enabled, each time the directory is
changed and another file is highlighted, the previous file retains its
highlighted or selected status. Therefore, when you issue the COPY, all files
that have been highlighted are copied. The MOVE command functions in the same

The DELETE command also functions in much the same way; however, you are prompted
before each file is deleted.

The CHANGE ATTRIBUTE command prompts you to choose between changing attributes
for the last file highlighted or all highlighted files.

The RENAME command prompts you for a new filename for each highlighted file.

Select Across Directories does not support selecting files across disks.

To avoid the above problem, disable the Select Across Directories option, then
choose Deselect All from the File menu.

For More information on selecting/deselecting files in the MS-DOS Shell query on
the following words:

  Dos 5.0 and shell and ctrl and spacebar

Additional query words: 5.00 5.00a 6.00 autoexec.bat autoexec multiple

Keywords          :  
Technology        : kbMSDOSSearch kbMSDOS600 kbMSDOS500 kbMSDOS500a
Version           : MS-DOS:5.x,6.0
