Article: Q76364
Product(s): Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit
Version(s): WINDOWS:3.1
Operating System(s):
Keyword(s): kbOSWin310 _IK kbSDKWin16
Last Modified: 04-JUL-1999
3.00 3.10
kbprg kbbuglist
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) 3.1
In version 3.4 of the PostScript printer driver, when the DC_PAPERSIZE index is
specified in the DeviceCapabilities function, the width of the paper is returned
for both the x and y coordinates in each POINT structure. This function should
return the height and width of each supported paper size.
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a bug in Windows versions 3.0 and 3.1, and in
version 3.4 of the PostScript driver.
Additional query words: 3.00 3.10 buglist3.00 buglist3.10
Keywords : kbOSWin310 _IK kbSDKWin16
Technology : kbAudDeveloper kbWin3xSearch kbSDKSearch kbWinSDKSearch kbWinSDK310
Version : WINDOWS:3.1
Issue type : kbbug
Solution Type : kbpending