Article: Q78807
Product(s): Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit
Version(s): WINDOWS:3.1
Operating System(s):
Keyword(s): kbfile kbsample kb16bitonly kbDDE kbGrpDSUser
Last Modified: 04-DEC-1999
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) 3.1
DDEMeta.exe is a sample file that contains the source code to an application
that demonstrates how to read a Windows metafile and pass the information using
dynamic data exchange (DDE).
The following files are available for download from the Microsoft Download
For additional information about how to download Microsoft Support files, click
the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q119591 How to Obtain Microsoft Support Files from Online Services
Microsoft used the most current virus detection software available on the date of
posting to scan this file for viruses. Once posted, the file is housed on secure
servers that prevent any unauthorized changes to the file.
DDEMETA is a server application that uses the Dynamic Data Exchange Management
Library (DDEML).
To use DDEMETA, perform the following five steps:
1. Start DDEMETA.
2. Choose DDE Init from the Sample menu to register DDEMETA with the DDEML.
3. Start a DDE client application to initiate a conversation with DDEMETA. In
the client, use the application name "DDEMETA" and the topic "Test".
4. After the conversation is established, the client application can request any
"item" of type CF_METAFILEPICT from the server.
5. When DDEMETA receives the request, it will read the TEST.WMF file from the
disk and pass it to the client application.
To test DDEMETA, request a CF_TEXT item. Note that the "item" reference is never
checked; therefore, any item name works.
Note: This program will not read "placeable" metafiles. For more information on
"placeable" metafiles, query on the following words in the Microsoft Knowledge
Additional query words:
Keywords : kbfile kbsample kb16bitonly kbDDE kbGrpDSUser
Technology : kbAudDeveloper kbWin3xSearch kbSDKSearch kbWinSDKSearch kbWinSDK310
Version : WINDOWS:3.1