Article: Q81987
Product(s): Microsoft Windows 95.x Retail Product
Version(s): WINDOWS:3.1,3.11
Operating System(s):
Last Modified: 09-OCT-1999
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Windows versions 3.1, 3.11
When you install Microsoft Windows 3.1 over a network, you may receive the
following error message if you boot the workstation from a floppy drive:
Setup cannot find or cannot update your system files on drive A. If you
started your system from a floppy disk, be sure to remove write-protection
from your system startup (boot) disk. Then insert the disk into drive A and
choose Retry. To copy system files to your Windows directory, choose Cancel.
You may receive this error message even if you started the workstation with the
original system (boot) disk.
The Windows 3.1 Setup program cannot reliably detect if the original system disk
is in drive A (that is, Windows 3.1 Setup assumes the system disk is NOT in
drive A).
To continue installing Windows 3.1, insert the system disk that the machine is
usually booted from and choose Retry.
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Windows version 3.1. We are
researching this problem and will post new information here as it becomes
Additional query words: 3.10 3.11
Keywords :
Technology : kbWin3xSearch kbZNotKeyword3 kbWin310 kbWin311
Version : WINDOWS:3.1,3.11