Article: Q85608
Product(s): Microsoft Mail For PC Networks
Version(s): MS-DOS:3.0
Operating System(s):
Last Modified: 05-NOV-1999
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Mail Gateway to Fax, version 3.0
This article lists common problems you may encounter while installing the
Microsoft Mail Gateway to Fax.
1. Installing the fax board.
The fax board must be installed as indicated in the Microsoft Mail Gateway to
Fax "Administrator's Guide." The most common problem encountered with the fax
board is the board conflicting with another piece of hardware in the gateway
machine. To avoid this problem, check the I/O addresses of the existing
hardware in the gateway computer, and make sure the fax board does not
conflict with any of these addresses.
2. Configuring the fax board software.
The fax board software must be configured as indicated in the Microsoft Mail
Gateway to Fax "Administrator's Guide." For example, the Intel SatisFAXtion
software must be installed on the postoffice, and certain files must be
copied to the gateway machine. If this is not done, the gateway will not work
3. Incorrect file types.
The only allowable file types are black and white DCX and PCX files, and ASCII
text files.
4. Microsoft Mail version 2.1a PROFILE.GLB file format.
Because the version 2.1a profile file does not have its own editor, editing
the PROFILE.GLB file can cause problems. Do not delete semicolons or comments
from the file. The Printer path and Logo file parameters should be terminated
with a backslash (\). If you encounter major problems, copy the original
PROFILE.GLB from the install disks and modify it again.
5. Microsoft Mail version 3.0 PROFILE.GLB file format.
In version 3.0 of the gateway, the Printer path and Logo file parameters do
not need to be terminated with a backslash (\). You can edit the file using
the PROFILE.EXE program; therefore, it should be relatively easy to modify.
6. Printer path.
Entering the wrong parameters in the profile file can cause problems. Printer
path is one of the more confusing parameters--it looks for a file called
PPB.EXE, which should be in the mail executables directory. The path entered
in this field should point to that file.
7. Logo file.
This path should point to the logo file being used. This field cannot be left
8. Unable to spool incoming faxes to printer.
Before the fax gateway can spool items to the printer, the DISPLAY.EXE program
must be run to create a printer driver. DISPLAY.EXE must be run from the same
directory the fax gateway is run from.
Additional query words: 3.00 pcmail satisfaxion
Keywords :
Technology : kbMailSearch kbMailGateSearch kbZNotKeyword3 kbMailGateFax300
Version : MS-DOS:3.0