Article: Q86334
Product(s): Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit
Version(s): WINDOWS:3.1
Operating System(s):
Keyword(s): kb16bitonly
Last Modified: 06-NOV-1999
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) 3.1
The text below provides additions and corrections to the documentation of the
Microsoft Windows Program Manager group (.GRP) file format. This format is
documented in Chapter 5 of the "Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit:
Programmer's Reference, Volume 4: Resources" manual and in the associated online
help files (WIN31WH.HLP and WIN31QH.HLP) provided with the Microsoft Windows
Software Development Kit (SDK) version 3.1.
- In the "Organization of a Group File" section, page 61, the third paragraph
is incorrect; it says:
The item data entries are followed by entries that contain the color data for
the application icons.
Group files do not contain color data. The application icons use system colors
only, and do not require any color data to be saved in the group file.
- The GROUPHEADER structure is incorrectly documented on page 62. The
wBitsPerPixel and wPlanes fields are only one byte long. The correct
GROUPHEADER structure is as follows:
struct tagGROUPHEADER {
char cIdentifier[4];
WORD wCheckSum;
WORD cbGroup;
WORD nCmdShow;
RECT rcNormal;
POINT ptMin;
WORD pName;
WORD wLogPixelsX;
WORD wLogPixelsY;
BYTE bBitsPerPixel;
BYTE bPlanes;
WORD wReserved; // Should be 0x0000
WORD cItems;
WORD rgiItems[cItems];
- The cbGroup field in the GROUPHEADER structure (described on page 62)
specifies the size of the group file not including the tag data. This is in
accord with Windows 3.0 group files, which do not contain any tag data. In
Windows 3.1 group files, cbGroup can be used as an offset to the tag data.
- The description of the rgiItems field in the GROUPHEADER structure on page 63
is missing two words. The description should be:
Specifies an array of offsets to ITEMDATA structures.
- Page 64 says that the pHeader field in the ITEMDATA structure points to the
resource header for the icon, but fails to specify the structure of the
resource header. Its structure is as follows:
struct {
int xHotSpot; // Should be 0
int yHotSpot; // Should be 0
int cx; // Icon width
int cy; // Icon height
int cbWidth; // Bytes per row accounting
// for WORD alignment
BYTE bPlanes; // Count of planes
BYTE bBitsPixel; // Bits per pixel
- The last TAGDATA structure (described on page 64-65) in the group file will
have 0xFFFF as the value for its wID. This simply signals the end of file.
Additional query words: 3.10 docerr no32bit
Keywords : kb16bitonly
Technology : kbAudDeveloper kbWin3xSearch kbSDKSearch kbWinSDKSearch kbWinSDK310
Version : WINDOWS:3.1