Article: Q86745
Product(s): Microsoft Home Multimedia Titles
Version(s): 1992 edition
Operating System(s):
Last Modified: 05-DEC-1999
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Bookshelf for Windows 1992 edition
The Bookshelf for Windows demonstration that ships with the Multimedia Works
product is a scaled-down version of the Bookshelf product. It contains the same
basic problems that the originally shipped version of Bookshelf for Windows had.
This will be evident under Windows 3.1, where the SETUP.EXE program may fail
with the "Error writing to System Setup file" error message. To manually set up
the demonstration, do the following:
1. Copy all the files in the D:\BOOKSHLF\VIEWER directory (where D is the CD-ROM
drive) to a newly created C:\VIEWER directory on the hard drive. Do the
following from the MS-DOS command prompt:
a. Type:
"md c:\viewer" (without the quotation marks)
b. Type
"copy d:\bookshlf\viewer\*.* c:\viewer" (without the quotation marks)
where d is the CD-ROM drive.
2. Add the C:\VIEWER directory to the MS-DOS Path command. This is required by
VIEWER.EXE to locate its DLLs.
3. Optionally, install the fonts using the Control Panel fonts utility.
Note: The fonts for the demonstration are VGA resolution only.
Additional query words: 1.00 demo viewer 1992
Keywords :
Technology : kbHomeMMsearch kbBookshelfSearch kbBookShelf1992
Version : :1992 edition