Q89267: Using the APPEND Command in FoxBASE+

Article: Q89267
Product(s): Microsoft Fox Miscellaneous Products
Version(s): MS-DOS:2.1
Operating System(s): 
Last Modified: 23-OCT-1999

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft FoxBASE+ for MS-DOS, version 2.1 


The following information applies to the APPEND command in FoxBASE+:

- The APPEND BLANK command locks only the file header.

- The APPEND FROM command does not support the dBASE III PLUS IMPORT/EXPORT
  command. However, the APPEND FROM and COPY TO commands support reading and
  creating ASCII text files with TYPE DELIMITED or TYPE SDF. FoxBASE+ does not
  directly support importing and exporting DIF, SYLK, or other file types.

- To load a DATE field type from an ASCII field with the APPEND FROM command,
  the date must be stored as YYYYMMDD.

- The APPEND FROM command cannot import a memo field.

- The APPEND FROM SDF command loads fixed-length records that are separated by
  spaces in a columnar form. Records are delimited by a carriage return and a
  linefeed pair.

- The APPEND FROM DELIMITED command uses quotation marks to delimit character
  fields in an ASCII text file, unless the SET DELIMITER TO command specifies a
  different delimiter. Commas separate the fields, unless the TYPE BLANK
  command specifies that fields are separated by blanks.

Additional query words:

Keywords          :  
Technology        : kbAudDeveloper kbFoxproSearch kbFoxBASE210DOS kbFoxBASESearch
Version           : MS-DOS:2.1
