Article: Q90496
Product(s): Microsoft Windows 3.x Retail Product
Version(s): WINDOWS:3.1
Operating System(s):
Last Modified: 22-SEP-1999
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Windows for Workgroups version 3.1
This article describes the startup process that is performed when you start
Windows for Workgroups in 386 enhanced mode.
Because of the integrated network functionality present in Windows for
Workgroups, the boot process below is different from that of 386 enhanced mode
in Windows 3.1.
1. The user starts WIN.COM by typing "win" (without the quotation marks) at the
MS-DOS command prompt.
2. WIN.COM invokes the MS-DOS EXEC function to load the Windows 386 enhanced
mode system loader (WIN386.EXE).
3. WIN386.EXE loads the following:
- The Virtual Machine Manager (VMM)
- All virtual device drivers (VxDs) specified in the SYSTEM.INI file
4. The network support VxD (VNETSUP.386) initializes the Windows for Workgroups
VxDs. The NetBEUI protocol (VNB.386) and the NETBIOS interface (VNETBIOS.386)
are bound together. The VNB.386 and VREDIR.386 are bound to the WORKGRP.SYS
device driver.
5. The network redirector VxD (VREDIR.386) starts the redirector workstation
service. (This is like typing net start workstation at the MS-DOS command
6. WIN386.EXE loads the 386 enhanced mode kernel (KRNL386.EXE).
7. KRNL386.EXE loads the following files:
- The Windows drivers (identified as *.DRV in the SYSTEM.INI file)
- User (USER.EXE)
- Supporting files (for example, fonts)
- The Windows for Workgroups network driver (WFWNET.DRV)
8. The network server VxD (VSERVER.386) starts the server service.
9. The persistent network shares as configured by the Windows for Workgroups
workstation are shared on the network.
10. WFWNET.DRV loads the Network DDE background application (NETDDE.EXE) and the
ClipBook Server background application (CLIPSRV.EXE).
11. WFWNET.DRV prompts the user to log onto the network if the user has not done
so already. If the user logs onto the network successfully, the WFWNET.DRV
then restores the persistent network connections (for example, printer
connections and file connections made during the last Windows for Workgroups
12. KRNL386.EXE launches the Windows shell as identified by the shell= entry in
the [boot] section of the SYSTEM.INI file. By default this is the Windows
Program Manager.
Windows for Workgroups version 3.1 "Resource Kit," page 2-20
Additional query words: 3.10
Keywords :
Technology : kbAudDeveloper kbWFWSearch kbWFW310
Version : WINDOWS:3.1