Q90511: What Is a Clean Boot for Windows for Workgroups?

Article: Q90511
Product(s): Microsoft Windows 3.x Retail Product
Version(s): WINDOWS:
Operating System(s): 
Last Modified: 17-SEP-1999

3.10 3.11


kbusage kbdisplay kbtshoot

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 


A "clean boot" (starting your computer after all unnecessary commands have been
removed from your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files) is used as a basic
troubleshooting step to test possible conflicts between Windows for Workgroups
and various terminate-and-stay-resident (TSR) programs and device drivers. There
are different types of clean boots; the correct one to use depends on whether or
not Windows for Workgroups has been installed.

For more information on clean booting, see Chapter 6 of the "Getting Started with
Microsoft Windows for Workgroups" version 3.1 manual and Chapter 11 of the
version 3.1 "Microsoft Windows for Workgroups Users Guide."

NOTE: This article explains how to clean boot your system up to the point when
you start Windows. To start Windows without loading any third-party programs,
you must clear the StartUp group, clear the LOAD= and RUN= entries in the
WIN.INI file, and ensure the SHELL= entry in the SYSTEM.INI file is loading
PROGMAN.EXE. Also, make sure the SYSTEM.INI file does not include third-party
virtual device drivers (VxDs) or other third-party Windows components.


Before Clean Booting

Create a bootable floppy disk that contains the MS-DOS system files and any other
files that are required to make the system operational, such as disk-
compression utilities (for example, Stacker), disk partitioning drivers (for
example, Disk Manager), and other third-party device drivers.

To Clean Boot Before Running Windows Setup

If there is no disk compression software, disk partitioning software, or other
third-party drivers necessary to start the computer, the machine can be started
from a floppy disk that contains only the MS-DOS system files, without a

If there is disk partitioning, disk compression, or other third-party software
required to boot the computer, the startup files on the disk created above
should appear as follows:

  CONFIG.SYS                              AUTOEXEC.BAT
  ----------                              ------------

  FILES=45                                PROMPT $P$G
  <Third-party disk partitioner>
  <Third-party disk compression driver>
  <Other required third-party driver>

Windows for Workgroups 3.1 Clean Boot

AFTER Windows for Workgroups version 3.1 is installed, a clean boot should appear
as follows:

  CONFIG.SYS                                AUTOEXEC.BAT
  ----------                                 ------------

  FILES=45                                  <WFWG 3.1 dir>NET START
  BUFFERS=20                                PROMPT $P$G
  DEVICE=C:\<WFWG 3.1 dir>\HIMEM.SYS        PATH C:\Windows;C:\DOS;C:\ 
  <Third-party disk partitioner>            SET TEMP=C:\<valid path>
  <Third-party disk compression driver>
  <Other required third-party drivers>
  DEVICE=<valid path>\PROTMAN.DOS /I:<valid PATH to PROTOCOL.INI>
  DEVICE=<valid path>WORKGRP.SYS
  SHELL=C:\<valid path>\COMMAND.COM  /E:1024 /P

Windows for Workgroups 3.11 Clean Boot

AFTER Windows for Workgroups version 3.11 is installed, a clean boot should
appear as follows:

  CONFIG.SYS                                AUTOEXEC.BAT
  ----------                                ------------

  FILES=45                                  <WFWG 3.11 dir>NET START
  BUFFERS=20                                PROMPT $P$G
  DEVICE=C:\<WFWG 3.11 dir>\HIMEM.SYS       PATH=C:\Windows;C:\DOS;C:\ 
  <Third-party disk partitioner>            SET TEMP=C:\<valid path>
  <Third-party disk compression driver>
  <Other required third-party drivers>
  SHELL=C:\<valid path>\COMMAND.COM  /E:1024 /P


The following are examples of drivers that SHOULD NOT be removed; they are used
when the computer is turned on to make the hard drive accessible. This is not a
complete list, but it does include most of the commonly used drivers:

Hard Disk Drivers:      SQY55.SYS, SSTBIO.SYS, SSTDRIVE.SYS,
                       AH1544.SYS, ILIM386.SYS, ASPI4DOS.SYS,
                       SCSIHA.SYS, SCSIDSK.EXE, SKYDRVI.SYS,
                       ATDOSXL.SYS, NONSTD.SYS.

Disk Partitioners:      DMDRVR.BIN, SSTOR.SYS, HARDRIVE.SYS,
                       EDVR.SYS, FIXT_DRV.SYS, LDRIVE.SYS,

Disk Compression Utilities: STACKER.COM, SSWAP.COM, SSTOR.EXE,

If the purpose of a device driver or program is unknown, DO NOT remove it. Most
device drivers and programs will display a message describing their purpose when
they are initialized.

A clean boot DOES NOT include:


- EMM386.EXE



- Third-party memory managers

- RAM disk devices


- MODE for printer redirection

- Multiple path statements

- MS-DOS-level mouse drivers

- Third-party disk caches

- Various third-party TSRs


- Virus checkers

- Drivers for scanners/fax

- Drivers for CD ROM/network

- Tape backup spoolers/redirectors/buffers

- Data acquisition units

- Keyboard accelerators/buffers

For information on clean booting Windows 3.0, query on the following words in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base:

  clean and boot and windows and 3.0

Additional query words: 1.0 1.00 3.10 3.11 LAN Manager LANman clean- boot PRINT.COM RAMDRIVE.SYS JOIN.EXE PRINT.EXE MODE.COM GRAPHICS.COM SUBST.EXE cleanboot tshoot

Keywords          :  
Technology        : kbAudDeveloper kbWFWSearch
Version           : WINDOWS:
