Q92525: Using the Setup Toolkit Function StampResource()

Article: Q92525
Product(s): Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit
Version(s): WINDOWS:3.1
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): kb16bitonly
Last Modified: 12-NOV-1999

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) 3.1 


The StampResource() subroutine from the Setup toolkit can be used by a Setup
script to overwrite a resource in an .EXE or .DLL with the specified data. The
subroutine is useful for customizing a file's resources for the current

The syntax of a StampResource() call is:

    StampResource szSection$, szKey$, szDst$, wResType%, wResId%,
                                                       szData$, cbData%

The wResType% argument specifies the resource identification type. The possible
values are as follows:

  CURSOR        1
  BITMAP        2
  ICON          3
  MENU          4
  DIALOG        5
  STRING        6
  FONTDIR       7
  FONT          8
  RCDATA        10
  GROUP_ICON    14
  VERSION       16

These values are the values of the appropriate RT_ constants defined in

StampResource() finds the resource identified by wResType% and wResId% in the
file, and checks the size of the resource. If cbData% is less than or equal to
the size of the original resource, StampResource() overwrites the first cbData%
bytes of it; otherwise, it fails. Therefore, the script author must make sure
that cbData% is less than or equal to the size of the original resource, and
that the original resource is large enough to hold the expected data.


The StampResource() subroutine can be used to overwrite a string resource in a
file with a user's name, company, or serial number when the file is installed.

To overwrite a string resource, it is important to understand how string
resources are stored.

A string table consists of one or more separate resources (or segments), each
containing exactly 16 strings. The maximum length of each string is 255 bytes.
One or more strings in a segment can be null or empty. The first byte in the
string specifies the number of characters in the string. For null or empty
strings, the first byte contains the value zero. The Windows Resource Compiler
(RC) allocates 16 strings per segment and uses the identifier value to determine
which segment is to contain the string. Strings with the same upper-12 bits in
their identifiers are placed in the same segment.

With StampResource(), the wResId% is used to identify the segment; it should be
the upper-12 bits of the identifiers in the section plus 1. There is no way to
specify a specific string ID to overwrite. StampResource() starts writing data
at the beginning of the specified segment and continues until cbData% bytes have
been written. Therefore, with each call to StampResource(), one should assume
that any of the previous strings in the segment will be overwritten. Because of
this, make sure the strings that you "stamp" never share a segment with
"read-only" strings. To do this, make the upper-12 bits of your stamp-string
string identifiers different from those of your read-only-string string

To write the new strings for the segment, fill in szData$ with the strings in the
order of their identifiers. For simplicity's sake, it's recommended that the
string IDs be consecutive (in the .RC file), starting with one whose lower-4
bits are 0 (zero). The string with 0000 in the lower-4 bits of its identifier
should go first. For each string, put its length followed by the string itself
in szData$. The length of szData$ should not be longer than the total length of
the original strings in the segment.

For example, an application could set up three strings, which would be stamped
with the user's name, the serial number, and the user's company name at
installation time. The application's .RC file could be arranged as follows:

  0x4500 "user name ------ Pad if necessary so you have room to use to"
  0x4501 "serial number -- overwrite (total length of the new strings"
  0x4502 "company name --- written must be less than the originals).  "
  0x0001 "read-only string1"
  0x0004 "read-only string2"
  0x1007 "read-only string3"
  0x1008 "read-only string4"

To stamp these strings with information collected from the user at set-up time,
call StampResource() from the Setup script with &H451 for wResId%. &H
means the number following is in hexadecimal. &H451 is the upper-12 bits of
the stamp-string string IDs plus 1.

     szUser$="Jane Doe"
     szCo$="ACME Corp"
     StampResource "Files","gen",DEST$,6,&H451,szDat$,LEN(szDat$)

Additional query words: 3.10 no32bit

Keywords          : kb16bitonly 
Technology        : kbAudDeveloper kbWin3xSearch kbSDKSearch kbWinSDKSearch kbWinSDK310
Version           : WINDOWS:3.1
