Article: Q94702
Product(s): Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit
Operating System(s):
Last Modified: 07-NOV-1999
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Windows for Pen Computing
This article is designed to give the reader a general introduction to the
functionality of the Windows for Pen Computing pen driver and virtual pen
driver, and helps to explain why the drivers function as they do. This article
is an overview that should be read in conjunction with the article titled
"Understanding Pen Driver Functionality Under Windows"
It is assumed the reader has some understanding of the Intel 386 chip
architecture and is familiar with Windows device drivers.
Pen drivers are hardware-dependent Windows DLLs (dynamic-link libraries) and
virtual drivers that are responsible for detecting, enabling, disabling,
reading, and commanding stylus hardware attached to a Windows for Pen Computing
Why Pen Drivers Are Necessary
At first glance, the pen may seem to be very similar to a mouse; it can report X
and Y information and it has buttons. It would be relatively easy for a
developer to write a mouse driver that turned all pen input into mouse events
for Windows. Unfortunately, there are two problems with using this approach in
Windows for Pen Computing.
First, pens can generate much more information than just X, Y, and button status.
Some pens generate pressure information, some detect changes in pen angle, and
some detect whether the pen has left the sensing area of the tablet. Because
regular Windows provides no mechanism for communicating this additional
information, Windows for Pen Computing standardized a way for this new
information to be fed to the Windows system.
Second, it is natural to think of a pen as a useful device for entering
handwritten data. However, several features of Windows mouse processing are
detrimental to handwriting recognition. For example, Windows collapses
WM_MOUSEMOVE messages making it impossible for a handwriting recognizer to
obtain all of the relevant data from the pen. This implies that Windows for Pen
Computing must store data from the pen itself so that all of it is available to
perform handwriting recognition. Given this and other limitations, a pen driver
must behave differently than a mouse driver-- using a Windows for Pen Computing
interface to record pen input.
Windows for Pen Computing provides the required flexible method for pen drivers
to send all appropriate pen information from the pen to a new DLL, PENWIN.DLL.
This new DLL handles the archiving of pen data, generation of mouse events, ink
drawing, recognizer management, and other hardware- independent aspects of pen
Pen Versus Mouse
There are several differences between a pen driver and a mouse driver. Here are a
Mouse Driver Pen Driver
------------ ----------
A standard driver that has An installable driver that
its own mouse.drv= line in the must be loaded (with all other
[boot] section of the SYSTEM.INI installable drivers) through the
file. drivers= line in the [boot]
section of the SYSTEM.INI file.
Can only provide X, Y, and Can also provide pressure,
button information. proximity, and angle information
plus any other hardware-specific
Calls the MOUSE_EVENT entry Calls the AddPenEvent() and
point in USER.EXE when ProcessPenEvent() entry points
information is ready. in PENWIN.DLL when information
is ready.
Generally a low resolution, Generally a high resolution,
low Hz, relative-coordinate high Hz, absolute-coordinate
device. device.
Installable Drivers
Windows version 3.1 provides an installable driver mechanism for loading DLLs at
Windows boot time. Each DLL generally handles the interface between the Windows
system and a specific hardware device. All installable drivers have a message
handler, DriverProc, that processes messages sent by the Windows system or
various interested programs. For more information on Windows system messages to
installable device drivers, see the Windows 3.1 Device Driver Development Kit
Installable Pen Drivers
The driver that handles pen input in standard mode Windows is an installable
driver. While most of the message handling done by the installable pen driver is
identical to that done by any installable driver, there are a few notes that
will prove useful to the pen driver developer, as well as a few new messages
specific to pen drivers.
This message is sent once when the standard mode driver is loaded. At this time,
pen drivers should consult any .INI files for specific parameters, fill in
global data structures (such as PENINFO) that will be referenced later, allocate
any segments/memory/real-mode callbacks that need to be allocated, and finally
return a 1 (one) if everything went well.
This message is sent when Windows is booting and when standard mode Windows
switches from a full screen MS-DOS session back to Windows. When a pen driver
gets this message, it should manipulate any appropriate I/O ports, reset the
tablet, hook any appropriate interrupts, and enable any appropriate IRQs
(interrupt requests) at the PIC (programmable interrupt controller) so the pen
will start generating information.
When an installable driver gets an Open message, that generally means some other
program wants to get the address of some entry points in the driver. The polite
thing to do in this case is to return a 1.
This is the opposite of the Open message. While the return value probably doesn't
matter, the polite thing to do is to return a 1.
This message occurs when Windows is exiting or when standard mode Windows
switches from graphics mode to a full screen MS-DOS session. When processing the
message, a pen driver should unhook any interrupts that were hooked at enable
time and return all modified I/O ports to their original state.
Other DRV_Messages
The following messages are usually NOPs in the sample drivers because Microsoft
is often not given the complete documentation on a tablet. In a finished OEM
product, a driver must support and implement these messages. These messages are
documented in Appendix B of the "Microsoft Windows for Pen Computing:
Programmer's Reference" supplied with the Windows version 3.1 SDK.
The following three messages may or may not be supported by a pen driver for
Windows for Pen Computing version 1.0. In future versions, these messages will
be required. Take a look in INSTALL.ASM for their defined values, and look in
PLAY.ASM for their functionality.
Message Function
------- --------
DRV_PenPlayStart Places the pen driver into "playback" mode.
DRV_PenPlayBack The driver is given an array of pen packets to play.
DRV_PenPlayStop Restores the driver back into its normal state.
The following are miscellaneous notes about the structure of the pen drivers,
issues to be considered during driver development, and so forth.
Interrupt Handling
When interrupts arrive, pen drivers should collect any information from the
tablet. If enough information is available, the pen driver should:
1. Put the information into a pen packet structure.
2. Set DS:SI to point to the structure.
3. Disable pen interrupts.
4. Call the AddPenEvent entry point in PENWIN.DLL.
5. Enable pen interrupts.
6. Call the ProcessPenEvent entry point in PENWIN.DLL.
The AddPenEvent function call quickly records the contents of the pen packet in a
queue of pen packets inside of PENWIN.DLL. The function is fast, but it must be
called with interrupts turned off because it is not re- entrant. The
ProcessPenEvent entry point handles all of the inking and other internal
"management" of the pen data. While it is relatively slow, this function is
re-entrant so interrupts need not be disabled when it is called.
The combination of AddPenEvent() and ProcessPenEvent() allows a pen driver to
leave interrupts disabled for the shortest time possible. This guarantees that
no data from the pen is lost due to interrupt flooding and results in smooth
inking and higher recognition rates.
Interrupt Code; CS=DS
All code that runs at interrupt time in the pen driver is in the data segment.
This is done for memory management reasons. The data segment of a pen driver
must always be fixed in memory; otherwise, its data won't be accessible at
interrupt time. If the interrupt code is put into a code segment, then that code
segment must also be fixed. This is a waste of a segment, and perhaps also a
waste of fixed memory. Thus the interrupt code was put into the data segment,
conserving the most amount of memory and segment allocations.
PENWIN.DLL Not Loaded and Not Present
Pen drivers should always notify the Windows system when the pen state (position,
pressure, and so forth) has changed. Normally this is accomplished by calling
the AddPenEvent/ProcessPenEvent entry points in PENWIN.DLL. Due to loading-order
issues however, pen drivers must not import these entry points directly. Rather,
pen drivers should perform the fixup to these functions on the fly.
When PENWIN.DLL is loaded and ready to accept calls to its pen event entry
points, it sends the pen driver a DRV_SetPenDriverEntryPoints message. At this
point, the pen driver should get the address of the AddPenEvent and
ProcessPenEvent APIs in PENWIN.DLL via GetProcAddress().
When PENWIN.DLL may not accept any more calls to its pen event entry points
(because it is getting unloaded, for example), it will send the pen driver a
DRV_RemovePenDriverEntryPoints message. In response to this message, a pen
driver should cease calling AddPenEvent() and ProcessPenEvent() because these
entry points are invalid upon receipt of the RV_RemovePenDriverEntryPoints
If PENWIN.DLL is not accepting calls to its pen event entry points, either
because it has yet to call DRV_SetDriverEntryPoints or it has called
DRV_RemovePenDriverEntryPoints, then pen drivers must call the MOUSE_EVENT entry
point in USER every time the pen status has changed. This ensures that mouse
behavior is available from the pen even if inking/handwriting behavior is not.
Windows for Pen Computing supports the notion of multiple display orientations,
for example, portrait and landscape modes. The current display orientation is
stored in the "DisplayOrientation" field in the [Display Driver] section of the
SYSTEM.INI file. The DisplayOrientation key is an integer from 0 to 3, which
specifies which corner of the screen is now the upper-left corner of the
DisplayOrientation Value Meaning
------------------------ -------
0 Display oriented normally.
1 Old upper-right corner now upper-left corner;
2 Display is upside down; +180.
3 Old lower-left corner now upper-left corner;
A pen driver must read the display orientation value and orient itself so the
width and height values in the PENINFO structure are correct and all X, Y
information reported in pen packets has its origin in the upper-left corner of
the logical display. That is, it must ensure that regardless of the coordinates
reported by the physical device, that the X, Y information reported reflects the
orientation of the Windows desktop on the display device.
Because orientation can be changed only at Windows startup, the orientation key
must be read only at DRV_LOAD time.
As stated above, AddPenEvent() is fast but not re-entrant and ProcessPenEvent()
is not fast but is re-entrant. The recommended way of using these functions is
to enable pen interrupts [that is, send an EOI (end of interrupt) to the PIC
(programmable interrupt controller)] after the call to AddPenEvent(), but before
the call to ProcessPenEvent().
If pen interrupts are enabled before the call to AddPenEvent(), a pen driver runs
the risk of re-entering AddPenEvent(). If pen interrupts are not enabled before
the call to ProcessPenEvent(), the pen driver runs the risk of data overflow.
Sometimes tablets need to filter pen packets before they are submitted to Windows
for Pen Computing. This might be necessary to remove spurious data from the
digitizing hardware, for example. The default filter distributed in FILTER.ASM
ensures that each pen packet is followed by two pen packets with similar data
before it gets submitted for processing. Some tablets need less or no filtering,
while other tablets need much more extensive filtering that takes into account
velocity and acceleration. The function provided is fairly basic and the OEM is
free to enhance it as appropriate for the digitizing hardware concerned.
Speak Up/Shut Up Modes
An interesting problem arises in some tablets that can sense when the pen goes
out of range. Tablets can respond to a pen going out of range in two ways. They
can send only one out-of-range packet ("shut up mode"), or continuously send
out-of-range packets ("speak up mode"). If the tablet is in shut up mode and the
out-of-range packet is lost for some reason, then the system is in an incorrect
state--it will have missed the state transition to out-of-range. If a tablet is
in speak up mode, then the system is continuously interrupted by the tablet when
there is no new information--at least no important information. This is a
performance problem because it floods the system with useless data.
The sample serial driver in the Windows for Pen Computing DDK resolves this
potential problem by putting the tablet in speak up mode until the pen goes out
of range. When an out-of-range packet arrives, the tablet is put into shut up
mode. When the pen goes back in range, the tablet is put back into speak up
mode. It is very important to follow this example in all pen drivers. The state
transition from in range to out of range is critical and nothing will prove more
annoying than quickly flicking a pen out of range and causing the system to
think the pen is still in contact with the screen. The computer appears hung
while the system patiently waits for the user to finish writing and lift the
Full-Screen MS-DOS Mode
If a machine has no keyboard and goes into a full-screen MS-DOS-based
application, there is no default way to get back into Windows except by
rebooting the machine. There are three options available to an OEM who releases
a keyboardless machine. An OEM can remove the .MOD files from the Windows system
directory, thereby disabling all MS-DOS sessions. An OEM can use the modified
Pen Windows .MOD files, which put up a warning dialog box before launching any
MS-DOS session. Or an OEM can write an MS-DOS mode pen driver that supports some
special gesture such as triple-tap, which switches from an MS-DOS session back
into Windows. This is a very OEM- dependent situation that must be addressed in
keyboardless machines, or machines that often will be run without a keyboard.
The following sections contain discussions of the 286/386 protect mode versus
real mode issues and how they affect the design and behavior of pen drivers.
System Layout
When Windows is running in standard mode, Windows owns the computer. Windows can
hook interrupts, execute IN and OUT instructions, and in general exert complete
control over the system. When it switches to a full screen MS-DOS session, the
MS-DOS session owns the computer.
When Windows is running in enhanced mode, what we normally think of as Windows is
really a virtual machine running in a much larger Windows enhanced operating
environment. All MS-DOS sessions are also running in their own virtual machines
in the Windows enhanced operating environment. Every time a virtual machine
(running in processor ring 3) executes a privileged instruction (such as an IN,
OUT, or INT), a privileged exception occurs. The underlying Windows operating
environment (running in ring 0) takes over, checks permissions, and (if
everything is OK) simulates the instruction for the virtual machine. This
exception-check-and-simulate operation takes on the order of 100-300 CPU cycles.
Clearly this is a very expensive operation and to be avoided if possible.
If a hardware interrupt arrives in enhanced mode Windows and no virtual driver in
ring 0 has hooked the interrupt, the virtual PIC driver (VPICD) in the Windows
operating environment simulates a hardware interrupt occurring in the virtual
machine that has the focus. This also involves ring transitions and is a very
expensive process.
Protect Mode Interrupts
If standard mode Windows is running in protected mode (which it usually is), then
any interrupt that arrives is sent to whoever last hooked the interrupt in
standard mode. Standard mode interrupts are hooked via INT 21H, function 25H.
Real Mode Interrupts
If standard mode Windows is running in real mode (which happens when memory is
being moved around, when the disk is accessed, and other times), then any
interrupt that arrives is sent to whoever last hooked the interrupt in real
mode. If nobody has hooked the interrupt, Windows will "reflect" the interrupt
into standard mode and call any standard mode hook that exists. The resources
consumed by the reflection process are scarce and are easy to destroy with
high-speed interrupt devices such as pens. Thus it is necessary to hook
interrupts in real mode. Real mode interrupts are hooked via INT 31H, function
Once an interrupt arrives in real mode, there is very little processing that can
be done. Code and data are stored in real mode segments, not protected mode
selectors, so the DS and CS registers must hold the real mode equivalent of
their protected mode values. Any time a real mode interrupt requires a
significant amount of processing (such as making a far call to another
procedure), the interrupt handler should switch the processor into protected
mode via a real mode callback address, allocated via DPMI's function 0303h.
DPMI is documented in the MS-DOS Protected Mode Interface Specification,
available from Intel by calling (800) 548-4725.
Pen drivers need a real mode interrupt handler because they process lots of
interrupts. Pen Drivers also need to switch to protected mode occasionally in
order to make far calls to PENWIN.DLL's AddPenEvent and ProcessPenEvent
Enhanced Mode Interrupts
When Windows is running in enhanced mode, interrupts force the processor to
switch to ring 0. If there is no virtual driver to take care of an interrupt,
the VPICD (virtual PIC driver) will reflect the interrupt into whatever virtual
machine has the focus. This reflection process is slow and not very reliable
with high interrupt rate devices such as pens, so it is necessary to write a
virtual pen driver that runs in ring 0, processes pen interrupts, and performs
ring transitions only when necessary.
In a pen driver, transitions from the ring 0 interrupt handler to ring 3 are
necessary only when a complete pen packet has been built by handling interrupts
from the digitizer. Whether it is one or many interrupts per pen packet, it is
more efficient to handle them in a virtual pen driver than to rely on the
reflection process. Once the pen packet is complete, the standard mode pen
driver can be notified (see below for more information).
This section is a supplement to the "Virtual Device Adaptation Guide," found in
the Windows versions 3.0 and 3.1 DDKs, not a substitute. A virtual driver
developer should first read Chapters 16 and 17 of the "Virtual Device Adaptation
Guide" and be familiar with the other chapters.
The Virtual Driver Environment
Virtual drivers are device drivers for the Windows operating environment present
when Windows is running in enhanced mode. They operate in a 32-bit flat address
space, and can utilize all 32 bits of the 386's registers. Because they reside
in ring 0, they can execute privileged instructions such as IN, OUT, and INT
without taking the massive performance hit that a program running in ring 3
would take. Virtual drivers process interrupts "below" all of the virtual
machines (VMs) running in the Windows operating environment. This means that a
Windows virtual driver will "see" an interrupt before either a Windows driver or
MS-DOS device driver.
In the Windows operating environment, one virtual machine always has the focus.
All input and output go to this virtual machine. If an MS-DOS-based application
is active in a full screen session, then that virtual machine has the focus. If
a Windows-based application is currently active, then the Windows VM (also known
as the system VM) has the focus. If an MS-DOS full- screen application has the
focus, it is best not to capture and process interrupts from the pen in the pen
virtual device driver. Rather, interrupts should be reflected to the VM that has
the focus with the VPICD_Set_Int_Request call. In this way, any MS-DOS device
drivers running in the VM can hook and process interrupts as if it owned all of
the hardware. For example, this would allow the creation of an MS-DOS pen device
driver that emulates a mouse.
How Ring 3 Code Calls Ring 0 Code
A program in ring 3, such as a Windows-based application or Windows device
driver, communicates with a virtual driver via the virtual driver's API
procedure. Every virtual device driver exports a single API for the sole purpose
of communication with the "outside world." The entry point for a virtual device
driver can be obtained by the INT 2FH, function 1684H. (This is documented in
Appendix D of the "Virtual Device Adaptation Guide," which is part of the
Windows 3.0/3.1 DDK.)
Once the address of a virtual driver's API procedure is known, a program running
in ring 3 can fill up its registers with useful information and call the API
procedure. The virtual driver's API procedure then takes over and can read the
virtual machine's registers. If the API procedure needs to return a value, it
can modify the caller's registers as necessary.
A standard mode pen driver running in ring 3 may want to call a virtual pen
driver running in ring 0 when it wants to give the virtual driver useful
information, such as the address of the PENINFO structure. This is the case in
the sample serial pen driver shipped in the DDK, which at initialization time
must give the virtual pen driver the address of a buffer that can serve to
contain an entire pen packet. Once the virtual pen driver knows the address of
this packet, it can "fill it in" at interrupt time as input is received from the
digitizing device.
How Ring 0 Code Calls Ring 3 Code
It is not very easy for a ring 0 virtual driver to communicate with a ring 3
program. The virtual machine running in ring 3 may think it has interrupts
turned off, so calling or jumping to an entry point in the ring 3 virtual
machine is bound to corrupt it. The only proper technique is for the ring 0
program to wait until the ring 3 virtual machine is accepting interrupts, and
then simulate an interrupt in the ring 3 virtual machine.
Windows provides a mechanism, Call_Priority_VM_Event, whereby a ring 0 program
can schedule an event procedure that will get executed when a specified virtual
machine turns interrupt processing back on. Call_Priority_VM_Event is documented
in Chapter 25 of the "Virtual Device Adaptation Guide." The event procedure can
simulate an interrupt in the ring 3 virtual machine via the
Build_Int_Stack_Frame and Resume_Exec calls, documented in Chapters 21 and 22 of
the "Virtual Device Adaptation Guide." After the call to Resume_Exec, the ring 3
virtual machine takes control of the system and performs any work that needs to
be done. When it is finished, it executes an IRET instruction, which returns
control back to the ring 0 virtual driver.
A virtual pen driver may want to call a standard mode pen driver when it has
constructed a pen packet from the hardware and wants to submit the pen packet
for processing by Windows for Pen Computing. The sample serial driver in the
Windows for Pen Computing DDK utilizes this mechanism to inform the standard
mode driver that a pen packet has been completed. As discussed above, the
virtual pen driver is processing interrupts from the digitizing device at ring 0
and building a pen packet in a memory location provided by the standard mode pen
driver at initialization time. Once the pen packet is complete, the virtual pen
driver simply schedules a ring 3 interrupt to occur. In response to the ring 3
interrupt, the standard mode pen driver calls AddPenEvent and ProcessPenEvent.
Hooking Interrupts
A virtual pen driver can hook an IRQ at initialization time via the
VPICD_Virtualize_IRQ call. Among other things, this call specifies what
procedure should get executed when a hardware interrupt arrives on the specified
IRQ line. This is the method by which a virtual pen driver can associate a
tablet interrupt with a procedure in its code space. For example, the serial
driver in the Windows for Pen Computing DDK utilizes this method to hook either
IRQ 3 or 4 (depending on whether the tablet is connected to COM1 or COM2) so
that it can receive input from the pen.
Handling Interrupts
There is nothing special about handling interrupts in a ring 0 virtual driver.
The interrupt handling code can still execute the IN instruction to get data
from a port, it must be sure and send an EOI when it is done processing, and it
should return from the interrupt procedure with a RET instruction.
INI File Parameters
Pen drivers should use the [Pen Driver] section of the SYSTEM.INI file to store
any initialization information. There are only four keys all pen drivers must
support, and they are described below. Any OEM may also use and support
OEM-specific keys and values.
wOffsetX, wOffsetY
These values specify the quantity plus 1000 in tablet hardware units that must
be added to every pen packet. They are used by tablet drivers to calibrate a
digitizer for horizontal and vertical drift, or simply offset from origin
variances in manufacture of the digitizer/display combination. These values
have 1000 added to them because reading and writing negative values to the
SYSTEM.INI file is difficult.
wDistinctWidth, wDistinctHeight
These values, if they exist, override the default wDistinctWitdth and
wDistinctHeight values in the PENINFO structure, thereby setting a new upper
bound on the width and height of the tablet in tablet hardware units.
How to Quickly Get a Driver Up and Running
If you are in a hurry to get a pen driver up and running on new hardware, it is
best to copy the source of a pen driver for similar hardware and modify it for
the new hardware's parameters. The following is a list of files in the standard
mode pen driver and the areas that usually need to be changed:
File Changes
---- -------
DISABLE.ASM Make sure the correct PIC (either the master or
the slave) is disabled.
ENABLE.ASM Make sure the correct PIC (either the master or
the slave) is enabled. The setup_tablet
function is very hardware-dependent. Perform
any hardware-dependent resetting of the tablet
in that procedure.
FILTER.ASM This is another hardware-dependent file. Some
tablets don't need any filtering; some need a
lot; some only need to filter the PDK bits in
the PENPACKET structure; some only need to
filter X and Y data in the PENPACKET structure.
HARDWARE.INC All of the parameters here are extremely
hardware-dependent. Be sure the Raw
measurements measure the size of the tablet in
1000ths of an inch, and the Distinct
measurements measure the maximum values
returned by the hardware (that is, the maximum X,Y
resolution--often just digitizer extents--
returned by the digitizing hardware).
LOAD.ASM Any OEM-specific INI file switches should be
read here. This is also where hardware
communications variables and interrupt
variables are usually initialized.
MISC.ASM Most of the routines in here are hardware-
dependent handlers for the various installable
pen driver messages, and must be customized by
the OEM.
INT.ASM Obviously the interrupt handler is very
hardware-dependent. But it is surprising how
little of the code actually needs to change
from driver to driver. The code that often
needs the most work is the byte reader and
PENPACKET constructor (from the int_286 label
to the IRET instruction), the EOI code (make
sure it is sent to the correct PICs!), and the
SpeakUp and ShutUp code. The rest of the code
(such as DealWithPenPacket) is hardware-
independent and can usually be left alone.
The standard mode driver should be tested and debugged in standard mode Windows,
and be efficient and error free before a virtual pen driver is developed for
enhanced mode Windows. The following are the areas that usually need to be
changed in the source to a virtual driver:
File Changes
---- -------
VPEND.ASM The IRQ virtualized in the call to
VPICD_Virtualize_IRQ is hardware dependent.
HWINT.ASM Usually, only the byte reader and PENPACKET
constructor (from the start of the procedure to
VHI_send_pen_packet) needs to be changed.
Problems that are likely to be encountered during pen driver development, along
with solutions to those problems, are presented in the following section.
Windows Boots But There Is No Cursor
If Windows boots but there is no cursor on the screen, then the Windows mouse
driver (that's mouse, not pen) cannot find any mouse hardware and is returning
failure when it is loaded. A special mouse driver, YESMOUSE.DRV, is distributed
with Windows for Pen Computing, which always returns success even when there is
no mouse hardware present. If the mouse.drv= line in the [boot] section of the
WIN.INI file points to YESMOUSE.DRV, then a cursor will be drawn by Windows.
The Cursor Doesn't Move When the Pen Moves
When this happens, it is helpful to launch debug Windows with the kernel debugger
and use breakpoints to determine what parts of the pen driver are not executing.
Complete documentation on debug Windows and the kernel debugger can be found in
the Microsoft Windows version 3.1 SDK and DDK documentation. Additionally, there
are some very helpful WDEB386 articles available to Microsoft OnLine
When the pen doesn't work at all, put a breakpoint in the load, enable, and
interrupt processing procedures. If Load is not getting called, verify that the
SYSTEM.INI file is pointing to the correct driver. If Enable is not getting
called, make sure the Load routine is returning a 1. If the hardware interrupt
routine is not getting called, make sure the Enable routine hooked all the
interrupts and manipulated all of the appropriate I/O ports correctly. If the
hardware routine is only called once, make sure an EOI is sent to the correct
PIC after every interrupt. If the hardware routine is getting called all the
time but the pen still doesn't move, verify the AddPenEvent routine in
PENWIN.DLL is getting called with a properly formed PENPACKET, and that
ProcessPenEvent is getting called after AddPenEvent.
The Cursor Isn't Lined Up with the Pen
If the pen has a parallax (offset) problem, there is an application in the
control panel that can calibrate pen drivers. The application really just sends
the DRV_ messages to perform the calibration discussed above--and writes out
values to SYSTEM.INI to be used by the pen driver the next time the system is
started. If the cursor is consistently off by the same amount on each tablet,
the Distinct and Offset values in HARDWARE.INC probably need adjusting.
If the Calibration application doesn't fix these problems, if the digitizer
surface has "holes" in it, or if the tablet has areas where the pen seems to be
more out of calibration than usual, this indicates a hardware problem. Either a
custom calibration application and pen driver need to be built in order to take
the digitizer quirks into account, or the hardware needs to be replaced.
NOTE: The source code for the Calibrate application is available in the Windows
for Pen Computing OAK.
The Cursor Falls Way Behind in Following the Pen
This usually indicates a performance problem in the pen driver or in the
hardware. The debug version of Windows is slow and may cause such a performance
problem. Also, enhanced mode Windows is slower than standard mode Windows. Try
running the retail version of Windows in standard mode as a performance
benchmark. If this does not rectify the problem, using a slower pen sampling
rate probably will. Note that a minimum of 100 samples per second is required
for adequate handwriting recognition. If this rate cannot be maintained, then
the hardware may simply be too slow. The virtual pen driver has a queue of 32
pen packets, and sometimes a delay of 32 pen packets is noticeable. This queue
may have to be disabled on slower hardware.
The Cursor Flickers or Jumps
This indicates either a performance problem or a hardware problem. If the tablet
digitizer is resistive, this usually indicates a hardware problem.
If the tablet hardware can sense proximity, this usually indicates a software
performance problem. Possible solutions to the performance problem are slowing
down the sampling rate, writing better pen-packet filtering code, and if the
problem only appears in enhanced mode Windows, making sure the virtual pen
driver is installed correctly and is processing interrupts.
The Cursor Moves and Tracks the Pen, But Recognition Is Poor
Usually this means the tablet measurements in the PENINFO structure are too
small. Double check that the raw width and height measurements are in fact the
size of the tablet in thousandths of an inch. For example, if the tablet surface
is 8 inches wide, then PENINFO.cxRawWidth must be 8000. If the recognizer does
not know the accurate size of the tablet, recognition quality will suffer.
Additional query words: 1.00
Keywords :
Technology : kbWinPenSearch kbZNotKeyword3
Version : :