Q96912: LAYOUTS.WRI from Windows Resource Kit Version 3.1 L-Q

Article: Q96912
Product(s): Microsoft Windows 95.x Retail Product
Version(s): WINDOWS:3.1
Operating System(s): 
Last Modified: 26-SEP-1999

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Windows 3.1 


The following information is from the Microsoft Windows Resource Kit version 3.1
LAYOUTS.WRI file. This article contains filenames L-Q.


Filename     1.44MB 1.2MB 720K 360K Expanded File Description

L200230&.WPD  6     7     B     8     1863     Windows PostScript de-
                                              scription file for
                                              Linotronic 200/230
L330_52&.WPD  6     7     B     8     2335     Windows PostScript de-
                                              scription file for
                                              Linotronic 330
L530_52&.WPD  6     7     B     8     2335     Windows PostScript de-
                                              scription file for
                                              Linotronic 530
L630_52&.WPD  6     7     C     8     2335     Windows PostScript de-
                                              scription file for
                                              Linotronic 630
LANGDUT.DLL   2     2     4     3     3072     Dutch language driver
LANGENG.DLL   2     2     4     3     3072     General International
                                              language driver
LANGFRN.DLL   2     3     4     3     3072     French language driver
LANGGER.DLL   2     2     4     3     3072     German language driver
LANGSCA.DLL   2     2     4     3     3072     Finnish, Icelandic,
                                              Norwegian, and Swedish
                                              language driver
LANGSPA.DLL   2     2     4     3     3072     Spanish language driver
LANMAN.DRV    2     2     4     3     63488    Microsoft LAN Manager

                                              2.0 network driver
LANMAN.HLP    2     3     4     3     31724    Microsoft LAN Manager

                                              2.0 network driver Help
LANMAN10.386  2     2     4     3     8786     Microsoft LAN Manager

                                              1.x virtual device
LBPII.DRV     6     7     B     A     65968    Canon LBP-8 II
LBPIII.DRV    6     7     B     A     89504    Canon LBPIII printer
LEAVES.BMP    4     6     6     6     15118    Leaves Wallpaper
LMOUSE.COM    2     2     3     3     34658    MS-DOS Level Logitech
                                              mouse driver
LMOUSE.DRV    2     2     4     3     12928    Logitech mouse driver
LSL.COM       2     2     4     3     7662     Novell NetWare work-
                                              station link support
                                              layer (ODI model)
LVMD.386      2     2     4     3     9688     Logitech virtual mouse
                                              device LVMD
LZEXPAND.DLL  2     1     1     2     9936     Windows file expansion
MAIN.CPL      4     5     A     6     148560   Main Control Panel
MARBLE.BMP    4     4     6     6     27646    Marble wallpaper
MCICDA.DRV    4     5     A     6     13824    MCI driver for CD_ROM
MCISEQ.DRV    4     5     7     6     25264    MCI driver for MIDI
MCIWAVE.DRV   4     6     7     6     28160    MCI driver for waveform
MIDIMAP.CFG   4     6     A     6     34522    MIDI Mapper Control
                                              Panel extension
                                              information file
MIDIMAP.DRV   4     4     6     6     52784    MIDI Mapper Control
                                              Panel extension
MMSOUND.DRV   1     2     2     2     3440     MultiMedia Sound driver
MMSYSTEM.DLL  4     5     A     6     61648    MultiMedia System
MMTASK.TSK    5     6     8     6     1104     MulitMedia background
                                              task application file
MODERN.FON    5     6     A     7     8704     Modern font (all
MONOUMB2.386  4     4     4     4     46161
MORICONS.DLL  3     4     5     1     118864   Icons for NonWindows
MOUSE.COM     4     4     A     4     56408    Microsoft Mouse driver
                                              for MS-DOS
MOUSE.DRV     2     2     3     2     10672    Microsoft Mouse driver
MOUSE.SYS     4     5     A     7     55160    Microsoft Mouse driver
                                              for MS-DOS
MOUSEHP.COM   4     4     A     7     34061    HP HIL mouse driver
                                              for Microsoft MS-DOS
MOUSEHP.SYS   4     5     7     7     33909    HP HIL mouse driver for
                                              Microsoft MS-DOS
MPLAYER.EXE   3     5     7     5     33312    Media Player ap-
                                              plication file
MPLAYER.HLP   3     3     5     5     12825    Media Player Help
MPU401.DRV    4     4     5     5     7056     MIDI driver for MPU401
MSADLIB.DRV   3     3     5     5     22064    MIDI driver for Adlib
MSC3BC2.DRV   2     3     4     3     4832     Mouse Systems COM2/3
                                              button mouse driver
MSCMOUSE.DRV  2     2     4     3     4960     Mouse Systems Ser-
                                              ial/Bus mouse driver
MSCVMD.386    1     2     3     3     9327     Mouse Systems virtual
                                              mouse device MSCVMD
MSD.EXE       4     5     8     4     155543   Microsoft Diagnostics
MSD.INI       5     6     5     4     620      MSD.EXE initialization
MSNET.DRV     1     2     2     2     7072     Generic network driver
MT_TI101.WPD  6     7     B     8     4383     Windows PostScript de-
                                              scription file for
                                              Microtek TrueLaser
N2090522.WPD  6     7     B     8     4444     Windows PostScript de-
                                              scription file for NEC
                                              Silentwriter2 90
N2290520.WPD  6     7     B     8     4328     Windows PostScript de-
                                              scription file for NEC
                                              Silentwriter2 290
N2990523.WPD  6     7     B     8     4544     Windows PostScript de-
                                              scription file for NEC
                                              Silentwriter2 990
N890X505.WPD  6     7     B     8     4462     Windows PostScript de-
                                              scription file for NEC
                                              Silentwriter LC890XL
N890_470.WPD  6     7     B     8     4462     Windows PostScript de-
                                              scription file for NEC
                                              Silentwriter LC890
NCM40519.WPD  6     7     B     8     2069     Windows PostScript de-
                                              scription file for NEC
                                              Colormate PS/40
NCM80519.WPD  6     7     B     8     4103     Windows PostScript de-
                                              scription file for NEC
                                              Colormate PS/80
NEC24PIN.DRV  6     6     B     9     29552    NEC 24-pin printer
NETAPI20.DLL  2     2     4     3     113520   Microsoft LAN Manager
                                              API library
NETWARE.DRV   2     2     4     3     125712   Novell NetWare network
                                              driver for Windows
NETWARE.HLP   2     3     5     3     34348    Novell NetWare network
                                              driver Help
NETWORKS.WRI  3     3     6     6     62336    Windows Readme file for
NETX.COM      2     3     4     3     52459    Novell NetWare work-
                                              station shell
NOMOUSE.DRV   2     2     3     2     416      No Mouse driver
NOTEPAD.EXE   3     3     6     5     32736    Windows Notepad
                                              application file
NOTEPAD.HLP   4     4     5     5     13894    Windows Notepad Help
NWPOPUP.EXE   2     3     5     3     2992     Novell NetWare message
                                              popup utility for
O5241503.WPD  6     7     B     8     4521     Windows PostScript de-
                                              scription file for
                                              OceColor G5241 PS
O5242503.WPD  6     7     B     8     4447     Windows PostScript de-
                                              scription file for
                                              OceColor G5242 PS
OKI24.DRV     6     7     C     9     20784    Okidata 24-pin printer
OKI9.DRV      6     7     C     9     11072    Okidata 9-pin printer
OKI9IBM.DRV   6     7     C     9     10736    Okidata 9-Pin IBM Model
                                              printer driver
OL840518.WPD  6     7     B     8     4759     Windows PostScript de-
                                              scription file for Oki
OLECLI.DLL    5     4     A     3     83456    OLE client library
OLESVR.DLL    4     5     8     4     24064    OLE server library
OLIBW.DRV     2     2     4     3     47744    Olivetti/AT&T PVC
                                              display driver
OLIGRAB.2GR   1     2     3     3     3714     Olivetti/AT&T PVC std.
                                              mode display component
OLIVETI1.WPD  6     7     C     8     1937     Windows PostScript de-
                                              scription file for
                                              Olivetti PG306 PS (13
OLIVETI2.WPD  6     7     B     8     4411     Windows PostScript de-
                                              scription file for
                                              Olivetti PG306 PS (35
P4455514.WPD  6     7     B     8     5134     Windows PostScript de-
                                              scription file for
                                              Panasonic KX-P4455
PACKAGER.EXE  3     4     7     5     76480    Windows Packager ap-
                                              plication file
PACKAGER.HLP  3     3     5     5     21156    Windows Packager Help
PAINTJET.DRV  6     7     C     9     5520     HP PaintJet printer
PANSON24.DRV  6     7     C     9     14592    Panasonic 24-pin
                                              printer driver
PANSON9.DRV   6     7     C     9     16352    Panasonic 9-pin printer
PBRUSH.DLL    3     4     6     5     6766     Windows Paintbrush
PBRUSH.EXE    3     5     7     5     183168   Windows Paintbrush ap-
                                              plication file
PBRUSH.HLP    3     4     5     5     40269    Windows Paintbrush Help
PCSA.DRV      2     2     4     3     9168     DEC Pathworks network
PG306.DRV     6     7     C     A     43392    PG 306 printer driver
PHIIPX.WPD    6     7     B     8     3984     Windows PostScript de-
                                              scription file for
                                              Phaser II PX
PIFEDIT.EXE   5     5     6     4     55168    Windows Program In-
                                              formation File Editor
                                              application file
PIFEDIT.HLP   3     5     5     5     33270    Windows Program In-
                                              formation File Editor
PLASMA.3GR    2     2     3     3     9728     Compaq Portable plasma

                                              386 enhanced mode
                                              display component
PLASMA.DRV    2     2     4     3     47216    Compaq Portable plasma
                                              display driver
PMSPL20.DLL   1     2     4     8     43328    Microsoft LAN Manager
                                              Printer API library
POWER.DRV     2     3     4     3     14736    Advanced Power Man-
                                              agement device driver
POWER.HLP     2     2     5     3     13100    Advanced Power Man-
                                              agement Power device
                                              driver help
PRINTERS.WRI  3     3     6     6     41984    Windows Readme file for
PRINTMAN.EXE  4     4     8     6     43248    Windows Print Manager
                                              application file
PRINTMAN.HLP  3     4     A     4     40879    Windows Print Manager
PROGMAN.EXE   4     4     8     4     115312   Windows Program Manager
                                              application file
PROGMAN.HLP   5     5     6     4     30911    Windows Program Manager
PROPRINT.DRV  6     7     C     9     8288     IBM Proprinter series
                                              printer driver
PROPRN24.DRV  6     7     C     9     8032     IBM Proprinter 24 pin
                                              series printer driver
PRTUPD.INF    6     6     B     8     15855    Information file for
                                              printer driver updates
PS1.DRV       6     7     C     9     11872    IBM PS/1 printer driver
PSCRIPT.DRV   6     7     B     8     311760   Postscript printer
PSCRIPT.HLP   6     7     B     8     43793    Postscript printer
                                              driver Help
Q2200510.WPD  6     7     B     8     5182     Windows PostScript de-
                                              scription file for QMS-
                                              PS 2200
Q820_517.WPD  6     7     B     8     4942     Windows PostScript de-
                                              scription file for QMS-
                                              PS 820
QWIII.DRV     6     7     C     8     14832    IBM QuietWriter III
                                              printer driver

Additional query words: 3.10 files list disks diskettes

Keywords          :  
Technology        : kbWin3xSearch kbZNotKeyword3 kbWin310
Version           : WINDOWS:3.1
