Q97818: Memory Manager Hangs System with Net Card Memory Conflict

Article: Q97818
Product(s): Microsoft LAN Manager
Operating System(s): 
Last Modified: 30-JUL-2001


If the LOAD [protocol] command in AUTOEXEC.BAT causes a system with a memory
manager to hang, it can be due to the memory manager failing to exclude memory
used by the network card. This is caused by a loading sequence problem, and can
be corrected by using the proper exclude parameter to reserve network card
memory areas.


In a system using a memory manager, the LOAD [protocol] command in AUTOEXEC.BAT
hangs the system. This can indicate a conflict with the shared RAM segment of
the network adapter.


The memory manager cannot automatically exclude memory used by the network card
because the memory is not detectable in the system until the card's device
driver loads, which is AFTER the memory manager loads.


Use the appropriate exclude parameter in CONFIG.SYS to exclude the memory taken
up by the network card. Some cards use two blocks (RAM and ROM), and neither is
automatically detected.

Check the documentation included with the particular memory manager to use the
correct syntax.

For example, to exclude the 32K beginning at segment D000 with EMM386, the
exclude syntax is:


Notice that the second number is the start of the usable block, not the end of
the excluded block.

Additional query words: 386MAX NETROOM QEMM UMB EXPANDED 2.00 2.10 2.10a 2.20

Keywords          :  
