Article: Q98338
Product(s): Microsoft Mail For PC Networks
Version(s): WINDOWS:3.0b
Operating System(s):
Last Modified: 05-NOV-1999
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Mail for PC Networks, version 3.0b
The following are the directory listings of the version 3.0b Microsoft Mail for
PC Networks Mail Server Update Disk. Both the 3.5-inch and 5.25-inch disks
contain the same files.
Volume in drive B is MSMAIL30B
Volume Serial Number is 120F-07D2
Directory of B:\
EXTERN <DIR> 09-09-92 12:00a
INSTALL <DIR> 09-09-92 12:00a
SCRIPTS <DIR> 09-09-92 12:00a
DIRSYNC TXT 28153 09-09-92 12:00a
README TXT 40860 10-07-92 12:00a
UPDATE EXE 41939 09-09-92 12:00a
6 file(s) 110952 bytes
Directory of B:\EXTERN
. <DIR> 09-09-92 12:00a
.. <DIR> 09-09-92 12:00a
EXTERNAL EXE 205622 09-09-92 12:00a
3 file(s) 205622 bytes
Directory of B:\INSTALL
. <DIR> 09-09-92 12:00a
.. <DIR> 09-09-92 12:00a
GROUP EXE 11055 09-09-92 12:00a
3 file(s) 11055 bytes
Directory of B:\SCRIPTS
. <DIR> 09-09-92 12:00a
.. <DIR> 09-09-92 12:00a
BUSY MDM 1563 09-09-92 12:00a
BUSY SCR 297 09-09-92 12:00a
CREDCARD MDM 7806 09-09-92 12:00a
DEFAULT MDM 6517 09-09-92 12:00a
DEFAULT SCR 2144 09-09-92 12:00a
HAYES12 MDM 6127 09-09-92 12:00a
HAYES12 SCR 1927 09-09-92 12:00a
HAYES24 MDM 6262 09-09-92 12:00a
HAYES24 SCR 1972 09-09-92 12:00a
IBM5853 MDM 9403 09-09-92 12:00a
IBM5853 SCR 2888 09-09-92 12:00a
MICROCOM MDM 6071 09-09-92 12:00a
MICROCOM SCR 2855 09-09-92 12:00a
MULTITEC MDM 8684 09-09-92 12:00a
MULTITEC SCR 2973 09-09-92 12:00a
NULLMODM MDM 3858 09-09-92 12:00a
NULLMODM SCR 667 09-09-92 12:00a
SCRCOMP EXE 27939 09-09-92 12:00a
TELEBIT MDM 8910 09-09-92 12:00a
TELEBIT SCR 3247 09-09-92 12:00a
ULTRA96 MDM 6641 09-09-92 12:00a
ULTRA96 SCR 2810 09-09-92 12:00a
USRHST MDM 9545 09-09-92 12:00a
USRHST SCR 3787 09-09-92 12:00a
V42SERIE MDM 7501 09-09-92 12:00a
V42SERIE SCR 2803 09-09-92 12:00a
VSERIES MDM 6266 09-09-92 12:00a
VSERIES SCR 2640 09-09-92 12:00a
30 file(s) 154103 bytes
Additional query words: 3.00b dirmail
Keywords :
Technology : kbMailSearch kbZNotKeyword3 kbMailPCN300b
Version : WINDOWS:3.0b