Q98390: PC WFW: 3.0b Windows Client Disk 3 [3.5, 720K]

Article: Q98390
Product(s): Microsoft Mail For PC Networks
Version(s): 3.0b
Operating System(s): 
Last Modified: 20-NOV-1999

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Mail and Schedule+ Extensions for Windows for Workgroups, version 3.0b 


The following is the directory listing of the version 3.0b Microsoft Mail
Windows-based and OS/2 Presentation Manager-based workstation Disk 3.

Volume in drive B is HELP
Volume Serial Number is 451C-3907
Directory of B:\ 

CBTLIB3  DL_     10106 10-07-92  12:00a
CLKLIB   DE_      4549 10-07-92  12:00a
MAILSPL  IC_       467 10-07-92  12:00a
MSMAIL   HL_    184972 10-07-92  12:00a
MSMAIL   IC_       485 10-07-92  12:00a
MSMAIL   LE_    322963 10-07-92  12:00a
PLAY     EX_     64256 10-07-92  12:00a
USER     DL_    138138 10-07-92  12:00a
WINHELP  EX_    142018 10-07-92  12:00a
WINHELP  HL_     17863 10-07-92  12:00a

      10 file(s)     885817 bytes

Additional query words: 3.00b dirmail

Keywords          :  
Technology        : kbMailSearch kbScheduleSearch kbWFWSearch kbZNotKeyword3
Version           : :3.0b
