Article: Q103090
Product(s): Microsoft Fox Miscellaneous Products
Version(s): MACINTOSH:2.01
Operating System(s):
Last Modified: 23-OCT-1999
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft FoxBASE+ for Macintosh, version 2.01
The error message "File Does Not Exist" occurs on the READ command in a program
after a VALID function is executed. This error may also occur in a format file
after a VALID function is executed. In releases of FoxBASE+/Mac before June
1992, the error that results may be
Syntax Error
instead of
File Does Not Exist.
When a user-defined function (UDF) is called from the VALID clause of a GET, the
UDF must return a value; otherwise, the error
File Does Not Exist
Syntax Error
will occur.
To eliminate the error in the sample below, change the last line of MYVAL.PRG
from "RETURN" (without the quotation marks) to "RETURN .T." (without the
quotation marks).
Steps to Reproduce Problem
1. Create a program called VALTEST.PRG as follows:
USE :foxbase:tutorial:faculty.dbf
@ PIXELS 15,13 GET faculty->last VALID myval() SIZE 15,72
@ PIXELS 36,13 GET faculty->first SIZE 15,72
2. Create another program called MYVAL.PRG as follows:
WAIT "In faculty->last VALID any key to continue"
3. In the Command window, type "do valtest" (without the quotation marks).
4. When the GET fields appear, press the TAB key to move to the second field and
execute the VALID function. A WAIT message will appear; press any key to
continue, as directed.
File Does Not Exist
error will then occur and the highlighted line in the program is the READ
Additional query words: format .fmt syntax
Keywords :
Technology : kbHWMAC kbOSMAC kbAudDeveloper kbFoxproSearch kbFoxBASE201Mac kbFoxBASESearch
Version : MACINTOSH:2.01