Q107170: Viewer’s .BMK and .ANN Files

Article: Q107170
Product(s): Miscellaneous Software Development Kits
Version(s): 2.0
Operating System(s): 
Last Modified: 12-NOV-1999

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Multimedia Viewer Publishing Toolkit, version 2.0 


The formats of the .ANN and .BMK files used by the Microsoft Multimedia Viewer
version 2.0 are not documented.

When a user adds annotations to a title using Viewer's Annotate dialog box, the
annotations are stored in the file FILENAME.ANN in the Windows directory, where
FILENAME is the filename of the .MVB file. Viewer cannot access the annotations
if the .ANN file is moved out of the Windows directory.

Bookmarks are saved to and retrieved from the VIEWER.BMK file. This file must
also reside in the Windows directory.


The only interface that Viewer provides to the annotations is the Annotate()
command. This command brings up the Annotate dialog box. Viewer does not provide
a way to programmatically determine whether a topic has annotations, nor does it
provide a way to retrieve the annotations for a topic. Viewer also does not
allow the paper clip annotation bitmap to be customized.

The bookmark facility can be accessed only via the BookmarkDefine() and
BookmarkMore() commands. The BookmarkDefine() command displays the Define dialog
box where the user can enter bookmarks. The BookmarkMore() command displays a
dialog box with a list of all the bookmarks defined in the title. Viewer does
not provide a way to programmatically retrieve a list of all the bookmarks
defined in the title, or to determine whether a given topic has a bookmark.
There is also no way to obtain a list of the topics that have bookmarks.

Additional query words: 2.00 file format

Keywords          :  
Technology        : kbHomeProdSearch kbHomeMMsearch kbMMViewer200
Version           : :2.0
