Q110609: How to Use STYLE Clause for @ … GETs in FoxBASE+/Mac

Article: Q110609
Product(s): Microsoft Fox Miscellaneous Products
Version(s): MACINTOSH:2.01
Operating System(s): 
Last Modified: 23-OCT-1999

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft FoxBASE+ for Macintosh, version 2.01 


The @ ... GET command has an optional STYLE clause, which provides a method for
determining certain characteristics of objects to be displayed to an output
device. Specifically, the STYLE clause is used to specify the pen pattern, pen
width, fill pattern, radius, and transfer mode of an object. When a screen is
generated, the STYLE clause is automatically calculated for all the objects
created for the screen.

When you are porting a format file created in FoxBASE+ for MS-DOS to the
Macintosh, it may be more feasible to modify the existing format file to give it
a Macintosh "look and feel", as opposed to starting from scratch with the
FoxBASE+/Mac Screen Builder. If you decide to modify the format file, you will
need to understand how the STYLE clause is calculated. The calculation of this
clause is explained below.


The value contained in the STYLE clause affects five different object settings:

  Pen pattern - The shade of a line or box outline.
  Pen width - The width of a line or box outline.
  Fill pattern - The shade used to fill box objects.
  Radius - The amount of curvature in rounded rectangles.
  Transfer mode - How the current object blends when placed on top of existing

Each setting can have 1 of 16 possible values, with a range of 0 to 15. In
general, the values are such that the lower numbers correspond to less (for
example, lighter, thinner, and less curved), and the higher numbers correspond
to more (for example, darker, thicker, and more curved). All possible values for
each of the five settings are listed in pages 3-8 through 3-10 of the
FoxBASE+/Mac "Commands & Functions" manual.

To calculate the STYLE clause, do the following:

1. Choose a value between 0 and 15 for each of the five settings.

2. Perform the following calculations:

  a. Multiply your pen width value by 16.

  b. Multiply your fill pattern value by 256.

  c. Multiply your radius value by 4096.

  d. Multiply your transfer mode value by 65536.

3. Sum together the pen pattern with the newly calculated values for pen width,
  fill pattern, radius, and transfer mode. The result is the value of the STYLE
  clause needed to create the desired effect for your object.

The following program demonstrates how the STYLE clause is calculated. The
formula used to calculate the STYLE clause is shown in the CALCSTYLE procedure
at the end of this code example.

  *Set up the environment.
     filename = SYS(16)
     SET PROCEDURE to "&filename"
     STORE 0 TO penpat, penwidth, fillpat, radius, xmode

     *Create a plain rectangle with a dark border.
     penpat = 15                 && 1 is lightest, 15 is darkest
     penwidth = 1                && 1 is thinnest, 12 is thickest
     styleval = calcstyle(penpat, penwidth, fillpat, radius, xmode)
     @ 2,2 TO 4,8 STYLE styleval
     WAIT "Press any key for a thicker outline..."

     *Make the border thicker.
     penwidth = 6                && make the outline 6 pixels wide
     styleval = calcstyle(penpat, penwidth, fillpat, radius, xmode)
     @ 2,2 TO 4,8 STYLE styleval
     WAIT "Press any key for a gray fill..."

     *Give the box a medium fill.
     fillpat = 6                 && 1 is white, 15 is black
     styleval = calcstyle(penpat, penwidth, fillpat, radius, xmode)
     @ 2,2 TO 4,8 STYLE styleval
     WAIT "Press any key for rounded corners..."

     *Round the corners.
     radius = 12                 && 0 is no rounding, 15 is an oval
     styleval = calcstyle(penpat, penwidth, fillpat, radius, xmode)
     @ 2,2 TO 4,8 STYLE styleval
     WAIT "Press any key for some color..."

     *Add a COLOR clause for a red foreground and a blue background.
     styleval = calcstyle(penpat, penwidth, fillpat, radius, xmode)
     @ 2,2 TO 4,8 STYLE styleval COLOR "r/b"
     WAIT "Press any key to end this program..."

     *Clean up before closing

     *Here is the procedure that calculates the STYLE clause
     PROCEDURE calcstyle
     PARAMETERS penpat, penwidth, fillpat, radius, xmode

     newpwid = penwidth * 16     && multiply by 16 to the power of 1
     newfpat = fillpat * 256     && multiply by 16 to the power of 2
     newrad = radius * 4096      && multiply by 16 to the power of 3
     newxmode = xmode * 65536    && multiply by 16 to the power of 4

     *Sum all the values together
     newstyle = penpat + newpwid + newfpat + newrad + newxmode

     RETURN newstyle             && return the new result


"Commands & Functions" pages 3-7 through 3-11

Additional query words: 2.10 hard code

Keywords          :  
Technology        : kbHWMAC kbOSMAC kbAudDeveloper kbFoxproSearch kbFoxBASE201Mac kbFoxBASESearch
Version           : MACINTOSH:2.01
