Article: Q111686
Product(s): Microsoft Windows 3.x Retail Product
Version(s): WINDOWS:3.1,3.11,95
Operating System(s):
Keyword(s): win95
Last Modified: 16-DEC-2000
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Windows for Workgroups versions 3.1, 3.11
- Microsoft Windows 95
Windows for Workgroups 3.11 automatic detection incorrectly identifies the
Artisoft NodeRunner network adapter.
The NodeRunner network card works correctly with Microsoft Windows for
Workgroups when it is configured as an NE2000-compatible card. The Artisoft
NodeRunner network adapter card is self-configuring. Sometimes Windows for
Workgroups detection does not properly recognize the card as being NE2000
If this occurs, manually select the NE2000-compatible network card when you are
setting up the network. This should allow the card to switch to NE2000-
compatibility mode. If problems still exists, use the NodeRunner 2000
NRCONFIG.EXE or NRSETUP.EXE program to reconfigure the card.
For Windows 95, use the NRCONFIG.EXE tool to set the adapter to NE2000 or NE1000
The Artisoft NodeRunner network card is manufactured by Artisoft, a vendor
independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding
this product's performance or reliability.
Additional query words: 3.10 3.11 node runer runner hang nic ne software configurable
Keywords : win95
Technology : kbAudDeveloper kbWin95search kbWFWSearch kbZNotKeyword3 kbWFW310 kbWFW311
Version : WINDOWS:3.1,3.11,95