Article: Q113014
Product(s): Microsoft Home Multimedia Titles
Version(s): 1993 edition,1994 edition
Operating System(s):
Keyword(s): kbbuglist kbfixlist
Last Modified: 09-DEC-1999
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Bookshelf for Windows versions 1993 edition, 1994 edition
QuickShelf in Bookshelf 1994 or QuicKeys in Bookshelf 1993 may miss some
keystrokes. For example, when you use a QuicKey combination to look up a item,
you may need to type the key combination twice before Bookshelf gets activated.
It may also take more than one attempt to restore QuickShelf or QuicKeys with a
quick key combination if you have minimized it.
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Bookshelf 1993 and 1994
editions. This problem was corrected in the 16-bit version of Bookshelf, 1995
NOTE: Microsoft Bookshelf 95 for Windows 95 (32-bit) does not use QuicKey
combinations; this problem does not apply.
Additional query words: 1994 multi media multimedia multi-media bshelf qshelf quick shelf 1993 quickkey quickey quickkeys
Keywords : kbbuglist kbfixlist
Technology : kbHomeMMsearch kbBookshelfSearch kbBookShelf1993 kbBookShelf1994
Version : :1993 edition,1994 edition